I fed him my period blood but no results

Hello, I gave the guy I am in love with my period blood in two different days (4/2 & 6/2).I am sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He has been heartbroken by his baby mama and he has a hard time being in a relationship.He told me that every relationship he had after her ended quickly. We used to work together but I got fired. Things between us are kinda strange right now. I asked him to meet and he said he cant because of his schedule. I message him on facebook and he doesnt reply. I comment on his posts and I am the only person who he doesnt like what I say or dont respond. Does the blood need more time? He smokes weed when he is at home.Is it possible that weed is blocking the magic?

Yeah it needs space and time, and I’d be concerned that all this chasing him is both lusting for results, and pushing him away by appearing pushy or needy.

You want to have him come to you, chase you, not the other way around. In my experience, for all that they say they want women to come on to them, in practice unless you’re Jessica Rabbit or they’re genuinely submissive, they hate it. :joy:
Maybe try leaving his social media untouched for a while, and give him room to step forward as you step back.


I havent seen him in person in a week and I feel like half my heart is gone. I have been crying because he doesnt seem to care at all. I will try to pull back and be patient…Pfff

Yes. From my experience it takes a little for these things to work.

I would give it more time and in the mean time try to find other things occupy your mind. (Easier said than done, I know)


You need a new hobby to fill your time with. Try pinterest, create a vision board, or just to look for new outfits.

You can learn a lot from there too


I will try :slight_smile: Thank you for the suggestions.I have been feeling depressed because of him and the work thing and I haven’t left the house in days

Thank you Hecate. I never dated a Leo before and I have been single for years before I met him. I was beaming with love since we got together and now I feel hollow

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Work on mending his broken heart. Without that someone new (you) won’t be able to make much of an impact.

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Any ideas on how to do that?

I have my own love magick going on. I make this fun picture to meditate on.

This is just an example of one:

It’s not great but it’s from different pictures I liked on Facebook.

It’s to draw new love into my life…

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Looks great! :smiley:

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It’s something I discovered on my phone and playing around with it

It’s just an idea.

Sorta of a low key vision board, if you will

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Sooo…you just fed him your period blood and expected something to happen?


@Snow88 what gave you the idea of doing that (feeding him your menstrual blood)?

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It’s a traditional love spell in witchcraft. It is believed that by feeding your lover your menstrual blood, it would allow you to dominate him so he will never stray.

One of the concubines of King Henry fed him her mentrual blood to keep him from trading her in for a younger model as she grew older. When he found out, he exiled her, though according to the law at the time, she should have been executed for using witchcraft.

  1. People have an almost automatic (monkey-mind) inclination towards long-term relationships. I’m not saying you do but if you haven’t then think very, very hard and clinically about such an idea before going all out for it. Emotions although useful are only indicators of how we perceive and our beliefs. We must know ourselves first.
  2. Magic works in accordance with our state of consciousness, i.e. the more genuinely we believe (not fearing or desiring) in an outcome the more likely its stable manifestation. Without that, you can feed him your blood, cum etc. and none of it will work. All this stuff in rituals is meant to shift the consciousness into alignment with an outcome. If that doesn’t happen then the outcome is very unlikely to manifest.
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I hope you also used some kind of ritual and didn’t just pour it into his food or drink. You’ve gotta have serious intentions focused to make something like this work. It’s not just about putting it into his body.


Well, what can I say. This man gives very clear signs that he isn’t into you romantically, but you still pursue him very actively, this obviously makes people run away and hinders the magick. It is also a little bit embarrassing, as a woman, you should work on your magnetism and do not chase unless you’re into submissive men. Pomba Gira helps really well for this to activate in yourself.
Magick works better if the other party is at least open to connecting with you, looking at how he is emotionally tied to his ex, that does not seem the case, who knows she might have done work on his ass, too. Your spirits could also be protecting you from not having this magick work for whatever reason, your own benefit or his, or both.


I’ve been considering using my blood for a love spell on someone, but on a candle with their name carved on it, instead of feeding it to him.

However, AFAIK, feeding someone your blood seems to be quite efficient as a binding (lots of women do it, and men do it too in their own way), though there are targets that are immediately pushed back and leave. I guess it’s the target rejecting your energy, but the target is bound nonetheless.

Anyway, since it’s kinda on topic, anybody got experiences doing spells with period blood on candles (not feeding)? It’s just an idea I’ve been considering, but I’ve never done it before and I’m still not too sure about it. It feels like it might be overkill.

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If you feel like it is overkill, then maybe it is. Trust yourself :slight_smile: