I don't wish harm upon people

Do I even wanna know what smexy means?

Super massive sexy :joy:

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I love how we hijacked the thread


Well right on then :smiling_imp: :+1:

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At least it isn’t about trolling anymore!




Amen!! Let’s just talk about how sexy I am

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Yeah, He’ so vast that you can’t really know if he’s messing,fucking or screwing you over

Well, I am so vast that i chose not to be screwed. :slight_smile:


:joy: :laughing: imma save this in my “in case of crazy bible thumper” folder. Pure gold!!


Oh baby!!! You so sexy!!! I don’t know if can control myself!!! :wink::kiss::kiss:


You forgot megalomaniac: the entire book of Job is a good example of that.
But my view on it is that all that stuff was written by men not some entity or the universe but by men who are speaking from their own perspective on the universe. Man makes god in his image, while in reality each one of us is a microcosm of the larger fractal. The people of the times created it in their image and likeness. And now the damned thing is run amok and it’s latest incarnation in Islam is the worst yet. The seed of hypocrisy, and the womb of desire for power and control is where this beast was born like many like it before.



Don’t control… release the kraken!!

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Haha!! :joy: but could you handle it?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Definitely saving this list :laughing: thank you for cataloging it

as for the op. this is amateur at best when it comes to troll bait.
take this weak troll material to that mormon chat site where it belongs :slight_smile: :beers:

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I ready for your trials

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Oh word? Your sure?

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:thinking: hmm what is this cacophony of demonic laughter i hear in the background? :laughing:

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Will do. Super new to this!

Apartment searching today. Bit busy. During the night is when I like to forum.

Will def upload photos too.