I did azazel's ritual for higher self that given to you

Good day @Lady_Eva my name is josef, well eva i made the ritual that azazel’s given to you for connecting your higher self, but may i know after this what should i do? well i am a beginner here, but the way i feel spirits is if my left elbow is chilling or feeling menthol about it i know its a spirit. well after i did that ritual last night i feel the very chill feeling in my left elbow. and when i was sleeping i felt someone watching me. may i know eva after that ritual what should i do? thankyou so much :pray:

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Now you continue. You follow your intuition, and take the path that you find before you.


did you also did this kind of ritual @Mulberry ?

You mean this technique? DARK SELF ~ Exercise From Azazel

I think this is worth doing in trance state, but I was already using other techniques. Get in touch with your higher self in any way you can, use all the techniques you can find until it works out for you.

yea it is… and yea need to search regarding on how to connect with my higher self