I cursed someone and they died

You mis understood my reference of godly

The 2nd. I like to see from all angles as much as possible.

  1. I personally wouldn’t harm a child
    Which I ss besides the point

The argu was o no moralizing which is where my angle was at.

Please try and understand what I was saying


Well put. This is the heart of what I’m getting at when I say no one lives like that.

About shame though; I bet the feeling comes from an inner hardwiring rather than how the collective tries to socilaze them. The same way our circadian rhythm, though seemingly intangible, holds very objective and quantifiable implications.


Agreed, this makes a lot of sense as well.

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T oo a point but nothing is truly black or white on mortality

Its a useful tool to manipulate the world around you

Morals is whose morals by which laws or lore.

No morals a moral
Like sex slut or no by whose definition
Asexual Bisexual by whose law is the life

Ultimately if it’s offends you deep in your inner most core and makes you sick to consider it… Then don’t

I have No morals but there things I won’t ever do.
Why. Because!!!

Personal codes is one of the things that hold our consciousness in this plane

How Dark A person us is nothing to do with whatever line they cross from whatever line they choose to make if they make it.


your hatred gives it to those who hurt your daughter, not me! don’t start trying to make more enemies.
I have my reasons for sending a slut’s son into a coma, as I said eye for eye tooth for tooth I just gave the same thing back to that person x1000. If, it touched you because you experienced something similar it is none of my business.

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Happened to my sister- and i was a christian at the time. now I am on the LHP; i would love to reverse the sands of time.

Idk, it seems to me that the difference is I don’t boast about it.

But hey this forum is here for us to have the ability to say what we think is right unhindered. You said what you said, and I said you were a “fuckin pussy” for the way you said it. Nothing more nothing less.
Either deal with it or come at me bro… either way it matters not to me anymore.

Because due to your post I see this forum has gotten way off topic so thus I have no more to say to you, only the spirits guide us now.

Like any true predator of the night I don’t make enemies, I just like to play with my food before the end. And might I say your ignorance looks awfully delicious.

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Certainly, I don’t write in an appropriate way, although it may hurt some people.
the difference is that I didn’t insult anyone either, even if you thought you could have kept it to yourself you’re free to think what you want.
Now, I always accept challenges I’m not ignorant I’m not really looking at the strength of an opponent, you can surpass me to light years in magic, what does that change? Nothing interests me except the finality.

Kids get leeway because they are weak and ignorant. They also grow and change into completely different people. Cursing a child is usually a waste of time, even if the magician is super dark and willing to go there.

Don’t consider karma or three-fold laws or any of that. Just consider the energies used to attack a person. Just like the physical tools and weapons one might employ, these energies are not toys. They are not safe.

Hot pans in the oven aren’t safe, so use an oven mitt. Keep the barrel of the gun pointed downward until you see a target. Don’t eat cheesecake every single day. Don’t pollute yourself with too much baneful energy.

But, this is a curse thread. We cursin’ in here y’all.

I know someone who is technically a minor, and uses that status in a harmful way. They sent an adult into my place of business to make threats. My wife left some heated voicemails, and almost got in deep shit for making threats toward a “juvenile”.

This person is fully banished from my sphere and their influence is gone, but I think they deserve an extra kick in the astral dick.

Any advice for my “tried as an adult” hex?

Can you explain your reason for putting the child in a coma, if not here then in pm. I want to know the full story before I make any more comments.

simple, she hurt the children of a mother I know, by pure jealousy for their mother just to make her suffer.
I gave him back the change of his coin x1000, child or not as I said once a person is my enemy I have no morals.

They are personal devils, I don’t work with the demons of goetie, personally there are many more than 72 and in addition there are women, so I prefer to work with these demons not known to the general public. But, Lucifer seems to be appreciated and rather well recognized, unlike other demons of the goetie that I would not mention who are buffoons, according to the words of these demons.
in my tradition the more personal “shayatin” demons you have the more you are a powerful wizard, the same when you are a bokor you have a powerful pack of spirits often canids and wolves or between animal and man. You start with 3 demons and it can go to 28 demons, but most bokors have between 9 and 15 demons with them it’s very, very rare to have 28.

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Remind me to not get on your bad side, lol

OK I have to chime in again cause you start talking about Bokor work and I AM A FUCKING BOKOR!!!

If you think our limit is 28 “Spirits” (We don’t call them demons dumbass, they are the spirits of ascended masters) then your sadly mistaken and again talking plain shit.

And so a true Bokor has spoken.


Just jumping in purely out of curiosity, is Bokor a voodoo priest?

Not exactly… A priest of Vodoun can be a “Bokor”, but the Bokor title does not mean you are a priest of a specific temple.

Definition: A bokor (male) or caplata (female) is a Vodou witch for hire who is said to serve the loa “with both hands”, practicing for both good and evil.[1][2] Their black magic includes the creation of zombies and the creation of ‘ouangas’, talismans that house spirits.


So interesting, thanks for explaining, is this something you get initiated into or is it a hereditary thing?


And initiation can be via either another Bokor taking you under their wing, or through the spirits directly.

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How did you come to it if you dont mind me asking? This is whats so great about this forum, you meet so many fascinating people that otherwise you’d never get the chance to spk with.