I argued with my wife

Well. Daddy isn’t pleased. Yes, she will feel it.

Thankfully I’m not in that situation but it definitely narrows down options even more. I would never ever choose a person over my beliefs. That’s got NOPE written allllllll over it :ok_hand:


Well @Vovin you clearly know what happened and if you contributed to this in any way whatsoever, if it was a single thing or a slow build up or even if it wasn’t directly related to your beliefs at all and this was a convenient target.

Short of having watched the whole sorry episode unfold only you and your wife will know what happened.

Will she be punished? That is really debatable, one would need to question if you had any part in this to cause her to snap, in which case you may well receive some kind of punishment too.

Perhaps neither will have anything happen.

Perhaps the punishment is people telling you to make a decision re wife or beliefs - if that is the case please remember that divorce is truly a punishment for both parties and especially for any children involved.

Those are my thoughts - forgive me if they go against popular thought.


I don’t think that’s an unreasonable hypothetical to point out at all.

Often when we hope someone will get “justice” for something they did we forget our own involvement in the situation. Then when the justice comes…

Everything is subjective. Lucifer will do as he sees fit for this situation.


Here are some things to think about.

  1. Did you begin working with Lucifer before or after your marriage? If it was before did she fully know all about it?

  2. Perhaps she is frightened by your involvement with Lucifer. Consider it from a mundane person’s point of view. For the past 1500 - 2000 years Lucifer has gotten a LOT of bad press and Christianity has made him out to be the father of all evil. Even if she is not a christian the fact is that all of western civilization is saturated with christian references. Some of the bad press is decidedly secular. Perhaps at some point in her life she watched the movie the Exorcist or at some point listened to the words of the Rolling Stones Sympathy for the Devil. So I think it would be hard for any mundane person from western civilization even an Atheist to not get freaked out and afraid. And if we all are truly honest with ourselves that sense of danger and taboo is one of the things that attracts all of us to the LHP.

So talk to her, listen to her, really listen to her. And if you can’t resolve this somehow. Go to counseling from an open minded marriage counselor.

It does concern me that you want Lucifer to punish her because your wife is someone you made a vow in which to love, and to care for life. The old Gods respect and honor the keeping of vows Also marriage isn’t just a secular thing it’s also a spiritual thing even if your wedding was before a secular judge. The keeping of an oath is an opportunity to ascend spiritually also.

The first thing I would do after listening to your wife is to apologize to Lucifer for your wife’s behavior a and ask him not to punish her. Also ask Lucifer to help resolve this in the Wisest way possible. If you could gently convert her to your side that would be helpful it always helps a marriage if the couple has the same Gods. The emphasis is on gently bringing her to your side.

The next thing I’m going to say is very controversial and will probably piss off a lot of people. Marriage is a partnership between 2 equals and it is hard work. Think of your wife as the heart and soul of your family. You are the head and protector of your family. Being the head of the family does not mean you can lord it over her or make unilateral decisions. Being the head of your family means that you provide Wise spiritual leadership. The best leaders lead though influence. You are also your family’s protector. Of the 2 of you, your wife is the more vulnerable. She is more vulnerable because she can get pregnant and have to go through 40 weeks of pregnancy, hormones fluctuating wildly, then nursing and being a mom. You wife needs to feel safe in her home. As a mundane person she probably feels terrified of you having a altar to Lucifer in the home because on a emotional gut level it goes against 1500 - 2000 years of anti Lucifer propaganda. That emotional gut level understanding happens long after intellectual understanding. It will take a long time.

That is all my thoughts for now. This is a difficult problem and I certainly don’t have the answers. I’ll continue pondering your problem and if I think of anything else I’ll write it. -Blessings


The reason she became upset is because, in her opinion, I spent money for items. She said ‘you are crazy. You are devoted to the Devil’.

Oh shit…

Hmmm. Ask her if she would have been just as upset if you had spent the same amount of money on having some drinks at a bar without her? And see what she says.

I think what she said above is important. That’s where her fear is, That’s the issue that has to be resolved.
I don’t mean to restate the obvious I’m just thinking through this. You see Lucifer as the bringer of enlightenment and she feels you are worshiping evil. Two diametrically opposed views. This is a tough problem.

Marriage counseling may be the way to go but finding an open minded counselor is the key.

Would your wife be interested in reading a book about Lucifer?

Return her.


While Lucifer is all about evolution and personal transformation…he don’t take kindly to people fucking with his shit.

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:point_up:THIS about 1000 times over


If it was just a tantrum then it will probably blow over. If she actively begins interfering in your work then things could deteriorate and you can expect that she may be driven out of your life one way or another.

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I agree with u. He made me realize a few flaws in my life too. U can evoke him and request he forgive/excuse ur wife for the disrespect in regards to destroying the alter. Just aknowledge some shit happen and u’ll try to fix it.

Consider the likely responses if this was a wife who had found her husband converted to Islam or Mormonism and had got angry with his sacred books and objects.

Same thing.

Magick is not a religion and yet it’s being treated exactly like one in this thread, and like she has blasphemed in the same way people would get triggered as fuck about if this was any major religion calling for blasphemy laws for disrespecting a holy book or item used to devote one’s life to the mercy and judgement of a God (capital G very much intended).

It seems there is a lot of communication MISSING here either between you and her, or the situation and us - you are NOT a victim, NOT on a jihad to punish the unbeliever, you need to sit down and talk to your wife about what Lucifer means to you, not to CONVERT her but to help her see this is positive for you (assuming it is of course).

Being Lucifer’s missionary or asking people on here to condone you larping as the teenage rebel, using magick powahs to lash out against the meanie mommy you happen to have married, is ludicrous to an extreme.

If you no longer love AND respect AND intend to protect your wife, you need to have that talk with her and then you can enjoy being alone with all the fancy goblets and Etsy altar cloths and other merchandise you like.

But trying to call a curse onto the woman you took that vow to? Beyond belief, and certainly nothing enlightened or powerful about it.


I mean yea, and use magick to persuade her to be more open. I did that in my own situation, after gradually explaining to her why I wasn’t a Christian anymore.
I’ve never seen Lucifer as a petty or spiteful god at all either.


Yeah, I think there is a lot here we are not seeing. It’s like when I started working with Azazel. My wife seriously does not like him and worries about me working with demonic energy. But she also trusts my practice. So what we did was sit down like civilized adults and talked about the how’s and why’s and came to certain compromises so that we are both comfortable. Also neither of us go out and buy expensive shit without consulting the other.

So a few key words here. Trust. Communication. Compromise.

I am seeing none of those three things here.


I think that’s the best option. Spirits may otherwise take matters into their own hands. What form that takes can be unpredictable. Depends on the predilections of whatever spirits you surround yourself with. Consider also that she could be reacting badly to whatever energies are hanging around, any open sigil you have, or whatever. Can’t say for sure but it’s something to consider.


Yeah, there might be things attached to her messing with her. Cleansing and banishing is important.


I will say that is subjective. I’ve seen more than one absolute shit marriage kept together “for the kids” where the kids are ignored so the parents can fight with each other or even use the kids as leverage or worse brainwash the kids to like one over the other.
It’s Not always best to keep to hateful or unhappy people living in the same place.
The parents could do this separated but it is much more extreme if the kids are locked in a house with the screaming or even worse behavior.

As for OP i agree, there’s clearly not enough info. I think him wishing punishment is extremely telling about the relationship. This could really be Lucifer getting involved already. Perhaps this needs to be looked at deeper and some cracks or broken promises mended.

Think it over after you’ve cooled off OP and I’d call Lucifer to medicate on this issue.

Lady Eva, You are wiser than me.

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