I am Fucking Evil and A Demon Incarnate

@Purple, never give people the power to have such control over you.
It is burning you from within and it is not healthy for you to be affected in such depth by others.


Sounds very fun

I acknowledge your anger.
Don’t let the energy emitted from your rage go to waste.

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How about the very fucker that sent me back in the past to clean up his fucking first human life is not only ignoring me, but just insulted me.

Who the de fuck wouldn’t be hurt and pissed off by that?

I was just writing poems as a small contribute to you. You are to fucking stupid to get that. Fuck you.

I fucking HATE THIS timeline. And version of earth. You bring me back here. Fuck you Midnight.

I rock alone 4ever.

I was seeking a small amount of solace.

Whatever. I will get over.


I wish I could go home. I miss my people. I miss a fully working and functional society that’s not destorying their home planet. I don’t deserve to be here.


That Mr Midnight guy?

Eh, I liked Purple the original, this is wonderful:

Even though i’m personally rather more upbeat about the world, mankind, creation in general, that’s some beautiful writing right there. :heart_decoration:


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Living without giving a fuck is the best way to live
Good legit church boi platform wont work for me too


I am glad you are on the forum. You have helped many people with your tutorials. You are an amazing part of the strange place. Try not to let others bother you so bad or don’t as long as you stay your amazing self.


Yeah, when you realize somethings are more important than endless bliss.

Pretty useless when the old ways are crumbling before us.

I often say “if I break the laws of physics, who is going to arrest me?” I know some people think someone is going to, but mostly they just don’t bother.

Good advice, I should take it.

I’m sure I could write a list of at least fifty things I think are wrong with it, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. (well, okay, I got to 24 but at least half of them are political so I won’t post it here.)

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Glad to know others have to deal with that strangeness also. I had a friend of mind tell me that “Because you broke your mind you have 7 years to live before whoever comes and reaps you because you broke the treaty blah blah blah”. Well if someones gonna come reap me good thing they’re goving me 7 years to prepare. The weird thing is this came from a guy who believes he is Satan. I wouldve expected that from someone more RHP.

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I say this whole thing is kinda no point to it if you feel that way u feel that way but yeah… You may want to sit down and calm your self too much anger


Preach it!

How do you know if you are evil?


You just know

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Purple you sound like an angry chihuahua


Never mock a lady’s anger. Such a sacrilege.


It’s called a temper tantrum.