How Would You Like To Die?

Well, since no one said it yet and I’m too immature NOT to say it:

“How would you like to die?”

Bangin’ your mom. That way, even if I die you still know who’s your daddy.



No offense to anybody. Just joking lol

And Luna girl being my wife she would know that what I just said is no bullshit I’m a drug powerhouse. Nothing to be proud about though[/quote]

Everyone is speciay unique in their own way. Maybe you should be the Living Drug God. Here’$ am Incentive:

How do I want to die? Drunk, high, and during sex…not before I shoot my last load in this life.

You may evoke me if you dare lol…I accept offerings of Pizza, bud light, mtn dew, camel menthols, and cocai…i mean red bull…lol


Something big and fiery like say a supernova maybe protecting my loved ones and friend, but definitely a fiery supernova!

I’m going out in a blaze of glory!! Just like Bon Jovi !! Lol …I don’t know …I used to be extremely suicidal and planned everyday how I would try to die…now I just want to live …really live!! But if that time comes I hope it’s quick. And I can find My way back to my twin flame.

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In my last past life, i was injured at the Roman front lines in Bovianum in 305bc. A Samnite spear pierced my liver. Died in agony the same night, alone, in a tent, staring at a torch burning right above my head. I gave away my soul to the flames thinking of my wife and my two little kids.
Certainly NOT the way i wanted my life to end.

This time im opting for something lesspainful. Old, just before i reach the point of losing mobility and not being able to take care of myself, i will go to my favorite place on this planet and in front of nature and the elements ill down a lethal dose of Diprivan.
This time i don`t plan to return.

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                                    B U R N E D     A L I V E

                        O   N         T  H  E           P   Y   R   E  !!!!

  I n     H i s      F i r e s                              I n    H e r    N a m e
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This pretty much sums it up for me, as peaceful as possible but conscious. Plus it would be nice if some of my ancestors would be welcoming me.

[quote=“2Wolves, post:31, topic:6554”]Well, since no one said it yet and I’m too immature NOT to say it:

“How would you like to die?”

Bangin’ your mom. That way, even if I die you still know who’s your daddy.


I think this one takes the cake^^

But seriously death is not the end, just a transition from one state of energy to another. How it happens really doesn’t matter much to me. What matters is that death and the inevitability of it reaffirms that we should yeild the maximum out of the life we have each day.

I just know this,

I don’t want to die in an automobile
I want to lie in an open field
Want the snakes to suck my skin
Want the, worms to be my friends
Want the, birds to eat my eyes as here I lie the clouds fly byyyyyyy.

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Sometimes I get the negative affirmation of wanting to shoot myself in the mouth. Though this is not near how I would want to go, at least with my present understanding of death. Blowing out the spinal column under the brain stem seems like it would be effective though I have a lot of respect for the experiences the spinal column can bring us through. Aiming for the brain would be detrimental to the experience too.

Most people only get to once, don’t you want to experience your death? My oldest desire for death would be a mix of something with blood loss. Blood makes me queasy, I think I understood why finally when I was doing a test for my new job at a ballpark. I view blood as a pure representation of my life/soul essence, whilst other people who don’t view their body as a temple gross me out. I can revel in my own blood though the blood of others weirds me out.

Another one, actually brought to light (expressed first) by my old astronomy professor was if he wanted to go, he would want to fly into the sun or something like that. While degrading towards another planets evolution, I would want to die visiting Saturn or Neptune, maybe Uranus. This is really selfish though because the bio-dome that is a human body could change the future possibilitys of life on another planet.

Most of all I would want to make a difference with my death, mankind is a spec on the spectrum of life here. If I could change the outcome… for enlightenment or survival of a species(human or animals) I could die in an altruistic fashion.

To the dismay of ears out of reach from this post, I would also think about poisoning myself with a shamanistic plant. Everyone that says be careful with such plants are looking out for my best interests to experience visionary states in a safe matter or something like that would never like to hear this. Though like the DMT that emits from the brain stem upon death, psychedelics/deliriants and death go hand in hand. There is a mystery of death, yes, though I believe we can experience death without fully abandoning this side. Or having to be resuscitated. Eric gives me hope(? what is hope) that I could penetrate these mysteries and bring the wisdom of death and darkness as an acasual manifestation on this plane. “Poisionous haze. The The philter’s steam. Deadly Nightshade and Mandragora, step into the door. Float into the dream. Take the last step into the mist.” -Johannes Andersson

On that note heres some music
[url=[url] Tombs

Personally I’d like to die suddenly, preferably before in really decrepit. I’m quite looking forward to death, morbid as it sounds, the human body really presents a lot of obstacles for magic

I spoke with a spirit once who told me about my death. It said that there wasn’t anyway to avoid dying there at that point. Including dying before. Not sure if the spirit was truthful but it still gives me a lot of peace of mind

Real Gods never die.

Death is a transitionary state. Real Gods do not fear this and insteae choose how and when they Transition and into what and whatever destination.

I think Tyrion Lannister has some good ideas about how he wants to die.

i wanna die old and happy, budweiser in one hand and either a cigarette or joint in the other, sitting out on my front porch. maybe itll take a few weeks for anyone to find my body maybe not…oh well

i wanna master kriya yoga and take a mahasamadhi when there is no purpose left in life…escaping via the sahasra…in my godform…to experience other realities of existence specially the bardos and continue my ascent!

how would i die? oooh thats hard. id say id like to die by assassination. by knife to the throat specifically

I would like to die by experiencing so much has energy and power my body gets destroyed. that’s if I had to die