Lets talk about the first contact you had, I mean seeing them or talking to them through voice. Did u panic when you saw them or it was a complete bless?
Why would anyone panic when they get exactly what they expected and wanted? Entities are people, not movie tropes.
I was well satisfied and pleased that it worked, and as a bonus happy to make a personal acquaintance that I didn’t expect.
Unknown is sometimes scary for some ppl tho, a friend of mine almost had a heart attack when he accidentally summoned one of the spirits. But I think like you, when u find a powerful friend you’d love to see them in any form
First time I remember seeing/experiencing them very clearly was probably in 2010, when I was still very spiritually ignorant during my first time in rehab, first detox. In general, I was nervous and scared, being my first detox/rehab. This was before I was spiritual in any way and before I started getting into all this, back when I still adamantly clung to the idea that the physical world is all there is- what you see is what you get and after death you’re forever asleep. Maybe that’s why I saw them. I was in a rehab in Thailand because it was the closest one to me at the time (Shanghai) that wasn’t a dump/prison, and I am fortunate to have the privilege of having the option to go there.
It was rumored to be very haunted where I was located specifically in the camp, but I shrugged off what I heard, denying the rumors. When I started feeling a little better and more stable, around day 5, I went for a walk and stopped in a thicket of trees. A group of shadowy figures congregated around me. I was surprised and scared at first reaction. They didn’t seem scary or threatening, but instead a sense of compassion and safety coming from them so I didn’t run or really react, just stood there until they left. I shared the experience in private with the Thai nurse who I heard talking about the history of hauntings on the camp, but must have been overheard by one of the managers or something, because they just sent me to a psych ward for the “hallucination”. Life got really weird after and I just recently transitioned out of that weird decade.
I’m actually very cautious and analytical, personality-wise. I over-prepare, take calculated risks and tend to have clear expectations of whether I can handle something or not.
But I’m also easy going and calm, and a natural witch that has been talking to unseen presences and sensing energies all my life, so there’s that.
I’m on the fence about whether that’s all good or not - I worry that it blinkers me to new information. When surprised I flip into analytical mode, and my left brain shuts shit down very fast - that’s not usually what I want but it’s a solid safety fence.
It really is hard and frustrating when ppl say “its just hallucination”. Most ppl seem to link something they dont wanna believe to a mental disorder
That’s awesome to think like that imo, the first time I finally saw one of the spirits I was shaking so hard the spirit calmed me down himself and told me to not be so emotional:D
You don’t have this problem if you don’t try to persuade muggles - let people ask and help them if they are actually trying to learn, otherwise keep what is meant to be hidden hidden, don’t dilute and sully the practice by displaying it to the unworthy… No pearls before swine.
Yeah! I actually had earlier experiences since I was really young, sensing things that weren’t visible, though not multiple full figures like that time but didn’t bring it up out of fear of being misdiagnosed, which did end up happening at one point. That doctor ended up retracting his diagnosis, after he retired (he was already really old when I met him) when he realized Im not actually psychotic, but my family still hasn’t shaken the association, being hardcore atheists, and for a while, I stopped giving any credit to my experiences because I was convinced I was crazy too and feared being put back on medication. Seeing multiple figures that time was the first time it got that visual for me and after talking to the Thai staff at the rehab more and learning about the history of the place, I started to stop believing I was crazy, ironically while on the way to a psych ward.
But its great that u didn’t give in to their thoughts, u believed that you’re not crazy and thats a big move because in situations like that the person might say "well I’m seeing and feeling things so I might actually be crazy
I think it’s funny how a lot of people disregard these kind of experiences, considering that 65% of our entire planet is unexplored, not to forget that the oceans being 95% unexplored. And don’t get me started on the universe. Billions and trillions of stars, planets and galaxies out there with unlimited possibilities of life similar to earth. Energies are factual to exist, just as much as plants and vegetations react to positive and negative emotions.
When people chose to stay in their boxes of comfort and daily routines and abide to naivism with blinkers on their heads, others have widened their senses by walking out of the narrowed boxes and found a whole other world to explore. Newton was considered a “mad man”, too, you know.
My first physical contact was, indeed, very physical. A fast brush on my hair, and the more I acknowledged it, the more physical it became. Each day gave new experiences that put all my senses to the test. I felt. I saw. I heard. Pleasantry mixed with intimidation of the darker aspect of my spirits. It was, and still is, quite the ride.
Wow I definitely couldn’t agree more
I asked the deity to show himself physically, he told me I’m not ready for it, I was stubborn and the air aeound me began transformation into the blurry clear shape of a man, I told him to stop cause I knew I was not ready