How to train your legion

After a few days I did notice a small increase in my ability to hear spirits and see spirits. I did command a small legion(I broke them up into smaller legions) 18,000 spirits to begin working on improving my senses, hearing and sight first.
I have had my first success. I’m going to command them to continue pulling energy from the earth and ley lines. Thank you @Qayos.


Glad to hear it! The legions are the weakest things I offer, as a sort of “appetizer” for my work! :slight_smile:


what is the most strongest servitor thing you can offer? i go see yourt fiverr :grinning:


I don’t think I’m allowed to publicly discuss that, but if you’re interested, you can message me here or there to discuss! :slight_smile:


Hi Qayos, I got one of your legions.

Where can I find the guide for your Legion training?


omg, that was fast.,


@Qayos you are amazing!


Hey, thanks! :slight_smile:

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I haven’t called out to my legion or used the sigil/name. But I was wondering, if they are bound to my soul already? To be honest, I don’t even want to use the servitors in my current life but only in my afterlife. So would I have to make contact with them in this life in order to be with them in my afterlife or will we meet regardless?

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They should meet you in afterlife if you command them to.

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How would I keep the legion in the hive mind while giving them new bodies?

For example if I get a member of my legion a soul, and do energy work to create a dragon body for it to inhabit, would I still be able to keep it a part of the hivemind?


Can you please explain the entire way of how you are doing it?

Explain what? How did I entered some ID info in a system in my country?

No how you give a task to your legion

Can someone give me a few Legions? Thanks

He’s not been on and while anyone who can make servitors (or thoughtforms) can do it, you should look into making your own.

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I heard it is wise to only make servitors when you have psychic senses. Because then you can see where the energy is going and not become something different which is dangerous