How to quickly raise vibration?

Is there a chant that helps raise one’s vibration? I don’t want to open any of my chakras or connect with any angels for personal reasons. I’ve dabbled with Enochian but don’t want to connect with any beings now.


Can’t Om, Aum, Awen or Amen with vibration, and as you do so, see the most beautiful light coming into you with each breath in, and see unwanted energy leaving with the breath out. Picture your happy place, a loved one, a memory that made you happy and laughing, and bring up that emotion of joy as you do so.


A similar technique from Donald Tyson :

Pronunce each wowel from the english alphabet : ai - ee - igh - oow - ouuu

Do that while visualisation solar power. Use that energy for growth, healing…

You can also prononce in reverse while envisioning the moon rising. Use that energy for divination, necromancy and all magick that take to manipulate someone’s one or cursing.


Try this, from the book Hidden Secrets by Carl Nagel:

"Here now is a Ritual to summon the magic power within you.

Stand with your feet about twenty-four inches apart. Face north.

Move your hands and arms upward and outward, fingers straight and palms forward, so that you are standing in the shape of an ‘X’.

Close your eyes and take ten deep breaths. Lift your chin, inhale and arch your back as much as you can. Begin to breathe out, straighten up, and bring your hands slowly down to your sides.

Take three deep breaths after your hands reach your sides, bring your feet together and open your eyes.

End of Ritual."