How to manifest reality

This is for beginners


Excellent tutorial!! :thumbsup:


Azazel told me he did something to my coffee one morning. He told me not to put creamer in it. When I looked in my cup i saw i saw the black sun reflected in it. I felt energized all day but in a really dark primordial way. Its hard to explain like the coffee was fulling the black flame within me like a furnace.

So ive been experimenting since then different energies to charge my coffee with.


cinnamon is great to put into your coffee. Its a carbohydrate blocker, and has a great energy that comes with it. :wink:


If there’s a way to sticky this thread, @Lady_Eva should definitely do it imo

Great stuff, @Rcs4215


I can do better, I linked it in the member resources thread, ALL newbies get a PM from me with that in, it’s also linked in some of the automated stuff - people actually tune out stickied threads a LOT, it happened on the old software and happens here, fact of forum life! :wink:


Ah, I see.


Bookmarked and thanks for the valuable info!

Can you shed more light on “Chakra clearing” ?


Thought i said to read :wink:


Yesssssss preach ! Manifesting results is a continuing combination of many different things ! Including the right mindset ! I loved reading this ! Thanks for taking the time to type this out !


This is one of those threads I wish I could like twice.

Yep. Everybody wants to call on the forces of darkness, nobody wants to lay the foundation for their efforts. Trying to evoke Lucifer or bend the will of another without first clearing and enhancing the power center of your own mind is like showing up to an Olympic power lifting competition on an empty stomach and unable to do 5 push-ups. Waste of time for nearly anyone.

I love it. You are one of the only people I have noticed here on BALG talking about this. Many people ask how to incorporate magick into their daily life; well here you go. We all have to eat, so if you are not charging your food you are missing out on a chance to do magick multiple times a day.

Yet another way to incorporate magick into your daily routine, since most of us bathe regularly. If you are not and you have access to shower facilities then you need to start. Not only that, but regular bathing makes your love and money spells work better for mundane reasons. Getting money and having a healthy love life is easier when you don’t smell dank.

Nearly every person who has achieved a modicum of success will tell you this. For some it is 10 or 20 pages a day, for others it is a chapter a day, but the principle is the same. When you learn you add value to yourself.

This is the number one reason magicians and non-magicians alike are broke. Money spells are all well and good, but what is the point of manifesting money if you are going to blow it like a jerk-off and stay poor? Most people are poor because they want to be, whether they think so or not.


I need some of what you’re having @Sophia444 lol (black sun coffee)


Sorry but most if not all of this sounds a lot like what e.a talks about


Probably. He learns from books as well. Most of that I actually learned from Franz Bardon.


Right, and he is successful in his field. Napolean Hill, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiosaki, Warren Buffet, and just about every successful person on Earth hold true to most of these principles and share the knowledge with others. Regardless of who says people still do not listen. I predict all of 48 hours go by before this dialogue pops up on the forum:

“I want to work with (insert spirit name) and I’m just starting out. What should I do?”
“Meditate and practice your chakra work, study up…”
“Bu-bu-bu (insert excuse as to why this is not an option)…”

It does not matter if EA says it or not, apparently some folks need reminding, even on EA’s own website, lol.


Yes i agree if you dont harness your faculties inbetween workings your wasting time with no real progress


When you can manifest a discarnate, but not a sandwich :^)

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This book is the first book I ever had. Its on kindle for .99 cents :rofl:

The Compleat Magical Path Magic Lessons


@serpens_album found the post!
I’ve been doing all these things as instructed by my demon teacher :slight_smile: love it.


Good. And my point is to practice shutting off all chatter in your mind completely for 5 minutes minimum per day. By doing this you slow down all of the daily chatter we get and you will receive messages all day long rather then just when in meditation.