How to identify a ghost?

how to identify a ghost you suspect you know who it is ?
it is also normal that some spirits appear accompanied by insects, in this case there are always some insects like bees or fireflies around and there are maybe 500 of them like a large swarm ?
there is an authentication technique to force the spirit to say who it really is ?
also, for example, last time I did a spell and then I heard from this spirit
“I’ll help you with that”

You can work and communicate with them the same as any entity, via telepathy or clairsentience.
reach out with your mind, directing the thought at the ghost, and ask it. Listen and watch for signs - if they can’t get you to hear them, they can use the environment though synchronicity to tell you. This is how spirit boxes work, imo, in conjunction with intuition.

However they can be weak compared to higher entities, and need energy from you either in trade or to be able to do things for you or even communicate strongly. It’s tiring for them.

The work of Sorceress Cagliastro has a strong element of working with the dead, and in her Blood Magick Bible she has a very cool method for setting up a permanent portal that ghosts can use to freely pass into your space and constantly be around, no matter where they exist in the world.

No they are human and humans have free will and can lie - you’re basically going to use the same techniques you would use for regular living humans, asking questions, building rapport, building the relationship and learning to trust each other through shared experiences. I don’t advise torture interrogation, it’s easier for them to just leave as walls don’t hold them - there’s ways to hold them and hurt them, but I only attack parasites that started shit myself that info is the same as what’s in the Parasites Collection megathread. :smiley:

But in this case the ghost has reached out, and if he/she can feel like they ca trust you there’s no reason they wouldn’t tell you their real name. They may even come from a time before internet-style security was ingrained and it not occur to them to lie about it.

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I probably don’t have a problem with communication, it’s enough when I think for a moment and he appears and I hear him asking what I want
and I feel a strong warm energy, I feel very warm, like at 38 degrees in the summer and also the presence in the room is quite strong, I hear normal footsteps,
the sounds of a chair as if leaning on it ,also, for example, physical touch, like when someone touches you on the shoulder, but a little weaker

So if you answer back can you get a telepathic conversation going?

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Specific ghosts tho, like , If I wanted to talk to Francis bacon , and he was down for it ? Or my grandmother?

Yes. The Sorceress Cagliastro mentions she loves to work with Marie Curie and has other techniques for making vessels for them as well as temporary portals. I was contacted by a ghost describing herself as a Witch and have a vessel I created for her.

The portal does attract unknowns though as well, and you have to get to know them as they show up.

Although I only have 2 examples myself, it’s starting to feel like a thing, that mages don’t die and then look for other mages to teach or otherwise work with them. I know we have many posts on how not to die the 2nd death, but this gives me reason to support that being a thing that works… the trouble is once you’re a conscious ghost what do you do next?

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Yeah, she was cool af.

But also the danger is in them draining the living practitioner too much , no? Or would the vessel also take care of that. If we feed them chi from the sun or so?

If you have a vague idea of who the ghost might be but are still unsure, ask them questions that only whom you suspect would know the answer to. Kinda like reset questions when you forget your password.


That’s a thing, for the Sorceress she feeds them intentionally with blood as part of the relationship, if I recall correctly. The vessel by it’s self is basically a communication and transport device and doesn’t impact fuel levels.

You could set up a thoughtform to feed them as you do servitors, let your system compensate automatically if they don’t take too much, do qi cultivation work to replace any qi you lose if you feel tired, talk to them and ask them to take from other sources and not you, or feed them with qi directly as the Sorceress does, either with her methods or qi healing techniques, or offerings that contain Ren (human) qi, and even earth qi.

Qi-filled offerings other than blood: semen, spit, waste, live fruit/veg/meat, sexual energy, love energy. Of all I would say beaming love to them is the best. It’s a very clean and balanced form of qi and flows the easiest and fastest, so it’s super effective and helps build the relationship the most as well. When qi healing, love is the emotion qigong therapists use to transmit when giving qi always.

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I could do that

I also don’t know if it has anything to do with it, but it appeared around the time I bought the larger onyx stone

It’s possible they’re attached to the stone and that’s how they came into your presence, kind of like how we use vessels on altars.

(Edited: trying to get away from calling ghosts “it” as they are people, really.)

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and is there a way to clean the object?

You can perform a banishing on it as you would a space.

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I agree with the cool kitty cat, here’s a simple cleansing ritual for banishing ghosts:

Gather a few basics items like salt, sage, and incense.

Start by doing some basic cleansing and protection techniques, such as grounding and centering or placing protective symbols around your space.

Cleanse the space with the incense and the sage, pushing the smoke around every corner and crevice.

Sprinkle some salt in all areas of the space, especially in the corners and where there may be a lot of negative activity.

Once the space is cleansed, you can close the ritual and resume normal activity.