How to have a bigger penis

I’ve given up on the dating game because of the shallowness and judgement, and I don’t care about what others think of me that much. Fuck 'em!

You shouldn’t care either. So, you have two bald heads now. So what!? Some women seems to like bald men, because it reflect maturity and something “mysterious” and “dangerous”.

It’s all in your head (no pun intended), and that basically means that you have to work with your self esteem and self confidence. And maybe don’t give a shit about what others “might” think of you. Set up your goals, follow those goals and filter out the other things. The rest will come automagically.


One method is to will it so. You can change your body with thought and energy. Sometimes results are fairly immediate, other times they can take a while to propogate.

My cock has always been slightly-too-big-for-my-size but after I moved to Texas, it got kind of ridiculous. I’m 5’10 with a slender build and suddenly have this pornstar thing riding down my pant leg.
In Texas, everything is bigger! I joke, yes, but my wife refers to it as my “Texas-sized cock” lol.

Option A: focus on your solar plexus. This is bright and burning yellow energy. Push it through your body, through all of your muscles. Focus on your root chakra and your sacral chakra. Overload these centers with the specific intent of sexual virility.

Option B: Move to Texas! Yeeeee!


Holy shit I laughed way too much! Well played.

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I’d love to not give a shit, but unfortunately this isn’t how i’m wired. Indeed the only thing is to work on my goals… I’ve really asked myself many times: what the fuck am I doing? Why can’t I just leave this meat suit and dissolve in the astral planes? If I stay the way I am right now it really gets kinda depressing and sad.

So basically i’m forced to do what I do because I really have nothing else to live for. I’d rather die and meet up with my spirit guides/ companions to discuss at which point in life everything got fucked up.

I still don’t have any success in magic/ spirit communication, because i’m lacking self confidence / esteem.

You’re lucky you have Lilith, and other spirit companions. 2 loving wifes. So I understand you have given up the shallow dating game :+1:t4:


I mean what are they for, can you find an alternative. A thought just occured to me that could be most of your problem right there. I would like to give you a couple of sources, some are western and eastern


In TCM the Kidneys and the liver are most responsible for your libido and reproductive. Do any key search TCM kidneys liver libido reproduction.

You might find that the liver has the most to do with length
I am not going to overload you with everything I have ever seen that would take to long and its not necessary.

I watch this guy, because I can see he has good testosterone and he gives good explainations with reason and evidence.

Some of the things I do , is liver detox and kidney tonics. Deers tail extract and deer antler among others are some of my favorites.

Last note: It could be that the meds your on are overloading the liver qi and diminishing kidney yang, anyhow that is enough to go with. I have had problems so I enjoy helping out a brother, stay hard!!


Look into a book called The Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon.

It is about a Taoist sect of sexual mysticism known as the Path of the White Tigress. It is female led; all the masters of this sect are women.

The Jade Dragon is a male who works with the Tigress towards immortality. in exchange, the Jade Dragon is the protector and keeper of the Tigress and responsible for her. The book has exercises specifically for lengthening the penis, as well as increasing stamina and sexual energy, as these are necessary for the inner work of immortality.


I absolutely 2nd the Bathmate pump recommendation!!! Dayum it’s amazing! I like it because I can throw it on for 12 minutes in the shower before I ride over to a girls place and use my temporary pumped up cock to stretch her out in all the delicious ways until her cooter adapts.

Usually about half an inch in length and an extra full inch in circumference. It’s that good. I have a fuckbuddy who is so tight I have significant trouble getting into her if I pump before hand. If you’re even remotely “douchebag” in any way you owe it to yourself to get one of these things.

That said, I’ve been using mine regularly since 2013, I’ve gained quite a bit of size (before pump as well, they’re permanent gains) and even years into it I’ve hooked, up with an old girlfriend I dated about a year ago and saw the look on her face when she said “Did you get BIGGER?!?!” Thing rocks. I’ve made my full endorsement.

Losing fat can also make you quite a bit longer too as your “man pad” shrinks and you gain a quarter to a half inch of length for every 20lbs you lose down to 7% body fat. Get in shape for your penis!

Get plenty of L-Arginine (don’t be a hipster, eat your meat). And L-Citruline for mad Nitric Oxide (and therefore blood flow), as PDE-5 Inhibitors like Viagra or Cialis work via that.

If you’re going the chemical route, take it from a biochemist (with interest in this area) that even superphysiological levels of testosterone won’t grow your short into a schlong. Otherwise anabolic steroids would produce a monster cock and you could just run a Trenbolone cycle.

No no, what you want is GROWTH HORMONE! Sadly you stop producing this stuff in high volume around age 26 or so. A vial of Jintropin can cost $1600 a month from your local steroid dealer so unless you’re loaded and don’t mind using one of the two drugs that ruined bodybuilding I wouldn’t go there. Lucky for you there’s secretagoges: GHRP2(/6), Hexarelin, and my favorite Ipamorelin. They’re around $30 for a vial, legal, and have a very safe side effect profile. Not to mention it’ll make you look 5-10 years younger and regrow your hair if you’re thinning. Just run it for 4 months at least if you want to see these kind of results. The stuff makes you produce HGH again like you’re 16 and you’ll sleep better than ever. I love Ipam.

Sorry for the data dump but I like an imtegrated approach to everything and there’s nothing like chemical wizardry for changing the body. People call me “The Alchemist” at my company for a reason.

I’d suggest trying a few methods (get a Bathmate! Jelling works too but …Bathmate) and work with a spirit to make the transition towards habit seem effortless. It takes a while, but it absolutely works! Just stay consistent. Let me know if you have any questions, feel free to PM me anytime.



That’s some really interesting stuff you’re putting out here. Nice work. But if you use exogenous HGH products it won’t do much for your dick growth right? This could help with muscle growth etc but i’ve read that it won’t work like you described… Correct me if i’m wrong. Also what do you mean with a safe side effect profile? Because you’re basically just shutting down your entire natural HGH production. You mean it’s easy to recover from?

I don’t think any of those performance enhancing drugs come with a “safe side effect” profile. Every body is different and there are different outcomes for everyone…

Best is to stay natural and do it with the help of your own body and mother nature products.

  • natural testosterone optimization
  • intermittent fasting (increases HGH levels 2000% above baseline)
  • internal sexual alchemy ( learn to control your raw male sexual energy for multiple male orgasms WITHOUT ejaculation)
  • fresh organic whole foods
  • micromanagement of minerals, vitamins
  • herbs & spices for libido, hardness
  • penis exercises indeed, kegels work effectively for hardness, erection quality, in combination with jelqing and bathmate pumping

I did a cycle of testosterone, and it fucked me up badly. I checked everything, I followed the protocol and everything but still, it crushed my libido, testicle atrophy, huge reduction in sperm volume, it basically turned me into an enuch. And I don’t know wtf happened or what’s wrong. I have an appointment in a special AAS Clinic this summer so… This was 4 years ago. That’s why i’m not recommending any exogenous products to mess with hormones. It can still fuck you up because you never know how your body will react.
My lifting friends recovered completely and did not had the side effects I had and they used alot heavier gear (trenbolone, dianabol etc in combi with test, T3, clen)

The endocrine system is a very very delicate system and should be treated like that. You can easily reach abnormal high testosterone/HGH levels the natural way. 1000ng/dl testosterone is easily achievable and people are injecting 500-1000 grams of test per week to have those levels artificially. So yeah that’s really stupid.


Furosimide ( Lasix) is a diuretic to prevent water retention
Cavedilol a Beta blocker that keeps your heart rate down , initially so your heart can heal
Losiniapril Blood pressure med
Spironolactone is a potassium sparring diuretic…

And I was on Lipitor until I pointed out that I have NEVER had a cholesterol issue, nor do I have one now and it was making all the hair on my body disappear…
HE took me off it…

I have found through research that this med line up is a cocktail they put every one on at first…
BUt it has been a year, my BP is totally under control, my heart ejection fraction is totally normal , and my heart beat is normal…

I was cleared to lift heavy and could still drink coffee 2 weeks out of being in the hospital…


YEah I am due for a med review as this is insane…

From what I have read more often than not many people just stop taking this shit as the sides are just insane and unlivable…

I actually had a pharmacists tell me yesterday… " A good drug that is effective ALWAYS comes with side effects" …
W … T rust fuckaroo kind of logic is THAT ?

You pose a lot of very very good points. What I recommend is similar to a “test booster” of sorts only for HGH. They’re not a hormone replacement, they enhance your own production entirely so no rebound or pituitary shutdown is experienced at all. The side effect profile is referenced in relation to the exogenous doses of HGH itself which can result in distended intestines, abnormal bone growth, and as you’re keenly aware complete shutdown of your own production. What I recommend is closer to running a cycle of Arimistane (look into it if you haven’t, it’s right up your ally if traditional post cycle therapy I.e. Nolvadex and Clomid didn’t work for you to restart your natural test production. Strongly recommended on its own or after an AAS cycle of any kind)

Raisesing your HGH will in fact make your wiener bigger as it induces new cell growth completely whereas AAS work via different pathways to make myofibrals bigger. The dick is a different kind of tissue so it needs a different kind of stimulus to induce hyperplasia. HGH works. I can tell you’re quite jaded against AAS use and it makes sense if a basic test cycle messed you up so badly. I’m curious if your PCT was bunk meds? It’s no joke coming off this stuff so you’ve got my sympathy. For,perspective the people who are pinning a gram of test per week are getting levels far far higher than 1,000 - 1,200 ng/dl, even at 500mg a week will result in levels much higher and more than natural results are possible at this level. It isn’t sustainable indefinitely though so multiple cycles are required to keep going. You’ve got that right. Raw powerlifting has been my best friend for gym confidence. I’m doing Sheyko style programming and it’s adding confidence where juice wouldn’t. I know my body would leap to attention with some Dbol thrown in though…

I would love to learn more about internal sexual alchemy. I read a lot of Mantak Chia’s works but couldn’t figure out how to feel any of it using his cues. I’ve heard Eric Yudelove is fantastic. Where have you found great teaching? Hope your nuts recover soon



Thanks for the info! I will definitely look into that. I was wrong about the peptides, the side effects are indeed very mild and only substantial at higher dosages. The problem is to find QUALITY STUFF. :smiley: Where can I find a good trustworthy company/dealer who sells all those peptides? That’s the problem and I might had stuff idk. I did nolvadex but had HCG running along with the test but quit at the right moment and waited few weeks for the testosterone to wear off and then I started with nolvadex. I can’t remember correctly how I did it but it was like that.

I’m very open minded And open to possibilities so I will look into that stuff. I’ve read about pro hormones but it will shut down your HPTA axis so that’s a shame.

I’m very cautious now with trying stuff and maybe I should wait until summer, I’m gonna talk with a bodybuilding endocrinologist so I hope he can help me. I will look into your recommendation of arimistante.


Be happy with what you were born with. Any woman that cares about the size of your penis is really not worth having. Most women want a man that makes her feel good all over her body, mind, body and soul. If you can stimulate her mind, her body will follow.


If you know how to play a guitar, you also know how to turn up a girl. Just playing one string won’t give the same ecstatic effect as when you place your fingers on different keynotes and produce an A-Major or A-Minor.

So just because you penetrate a girl won’t do much if you not also can induce some strong fellings. Rhythm, sensational touch, biting on the lips etc.



I simply can’t be happy.
I’d loved to but there are too many blockages or (emotional) pain.

However there is one route to take: kundalini awakening, not the kundalini raising but really ascending and becoming a master. It will destroy your ego and desires completely, it will turn your life upside down and you may find that your old hobbies and interests are completely gone. You will be reborn from the ashes just like a phoenix :sunglasses:

Until then… yeah good luck on finding someone ATTRACTIVE with 75 pounds overweight and male patern baldness.

The only way to get attractive desirable girls is to get in shape and improve everything you can. My hair is lost, but I can improve on dick size, muscle size, sexual skills, personality, etc

I’m not saying a huge dick is the end of all. Far from it. It’s just a little piece of the bigger picture. The complete package. If you want to date gorgeous 8/10 women, you really have to bring something to the table. The stakes are high, competition is merciless, we all know that.

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Like those moments when you wake up in the morning and look down and you’il see the kundalini awakening. Sorry, had to.

Now on too more serious matters. The penis for a man is quite symbolic, so ofcourse it weights heavy in our mind. Therefore if we have an opportunity to improve it, we should not let that pass.



Yeah you’re on point. You need those other skills aswell definitely.

Until you are in bed with some hot chick, you need the goodlooks, charming personality etc etc so yeah I will keep improving.

That is the vicious circle I have to break.

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THose are high dosages though, my doc said since I can not do TRT any more but HGH would be awesome for me, just can not afford it … boo, and I have a scrip for HCG but I cannot find any outside a “longevity” clinic that will charge me 400 times more for the tests and scrips etc… boo

Be clean, wear something unique that will fit your character. Get some pheromones, find something to be passionate about. Be present, be observanal. And be a Man of mystery and intrigue. Share some stories about adventures you had, make people fell like they where a part of it.

Ever had that moment when a person told you a story and you where so immersed in it, you felt like you where there yourself?



Yeah those are really nice personality skills to have! Awesome! Unfortunately, you need the right voice, enthousiastic vibes etc, some ppl are naturally gifted with these things and can charm a whole room and let them rollingg over the floor laughing.

It’s a skill like any other. It can be learned by those determined.