How to harvest the energy of death and life from those dying and coming back

I am in a privileged position to have regular access to people who are dying and being brought back. I quite literally watch their hearts stop beating and then start beating again. I know the exact second it happens.

I’ve heard that these people often are different when they come back. They express a feeling of having changed.

I would like to harness the immense power that moves during these occurrences. I am watched closely and can’t bring much with me while I’m present for this, but I do have free and unrestricted access to their blood before, during, and after they die and then come back. Any recommendations?

Since they’re using it to transition, I don’t see that there is any energy there that you can take, or that it’sa good idea to take.

You’re always better off cultivating directly from the cosmos, or from a more pure and clean yin or yang source for balancing, than humans.


I have been meaning to ask when u take prana/chi/qi/aether/energy from the cosmos do you also experience heigthened strength senses and a high + other things vampires experience when taking humam energy?

Yes… this is well known and used in martial arts for millennia. One the most basic exercises to show
a newbie that qi is real is a strength exercise they experience directly for themselves. I’ve posted it here before, you hold your arm out, try to keep it out and notice the level of effort for someone to push it down, then run energy from the Earth out through the arm, and it’s immediately and very obviously much harder to push down, and feels easier to hold out. I learned this as a white belt in Karate class. In later belts you learn how to be so connected to earth you can’t be pushed over, you use ki for strength and speed. And then you learn how to disrupt someone’s meridians so you don’t even need strength to win, or even having to see or touch someone to heal or harm.

This isn’t vampirism, it’s energy working. In this case martial qigong.

Vampirisms is a tiny subset of energy working, that’s it. It’s not special, it ignored everything better artists already know, it’s not intelligent, and it’s so badly done it’s unhealthy. It doesn’t understand any of it very well at all, that’s why it’s so naïve: it doesn’t even know how much it doesn’t know. Know energy working though, and you already know everything you ever need about vampirism including why it’s so weak and how to easily deal with what are basically people making mosquitoes of themselves.

You know what vampirism really is? It’s romantic fiction, blood and death are sexy, and people love to self indulge, that’s it. Bits of it work energetically and people added 2 and 2 to make 5 and turned into a LARP, instead of understanding the deeper meaning and proven wider applications.


What I mean by this, speaking as a morrighan, as someone who gives healing energy to dying people and animals and has watched them use that to leverage themselves out of body to die faster… the morrighan does not kill, the choice remains with the transitioning spirit. This is also what Valkyries were called to do as well for those dying painful slow deaths on the battlefield in Norse lore.

Based on this experience, if you take that energy of transition instead of giving it, the same should happen in reverse: they won’t be able to complete the transition properly in the same amount of time.

For a dying person they will take longer to die and they will suffer the dying process for longer, as they have to keep generating more energy to complete it. For a person being born, assuming you capture the transition moment which is happens in the earlier weeks of gestation not birth imo so that’s tricky, they will take longer to incarnate. Maybe, it could damage their ability to fully integrate with the vessel, I don’t know.

You see this isn’t just random free energy that no one needs. For that you can skim off the energy of a crowd anywhere, even in malls or grocery stores, without causing any harm or anyone even noticing. Humans are messy and give off energy all the time, it’s why they attract parasites, that is pretty much free, same as sunlight same as cosmic qi.

It’s also just purposed for leaving the vessel, so I would consider it imbalanced for a human who wants to stay alive. Similar to taking the “energy of death” from raves, which is actually the energy of decay, and wondering why you get sick if you don’t filter it: I don’t really get why people don’t gut drink from a clean source that’s known to be healthy.

The cosmos has abundant energy, more than the entire planet of humans can make a dent in if we all drew as much as we could al together, and we are designed to process it easily. It’s not sexy but it’s healthy and more than you could ever want. Anything else is just playing a game of energy working not actually doing it.

That is interesting. I didn’t know Karate used qi or really any kind of spirit energy.

I thought only qi gong, chi kung, and maybe Tai Chi did anything like that.

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The Japanese call it ki. Historically, there has been a crossover in martial arts between Japan and China, with masters learning from the other and bringing that knowledge back to teach their respective students. It was not uncommon for Japanese and Chinese fighters to travel around challenging each other, for example.


Cool. Yeah qi, ki, and chi are all the same thing as far as I know.

And although it’s supposed to specifically mean life force or vital energy, I think it’s actually just any and every kind of non-physical/ non-scientific/ spiritual/ magical/ psychic energy.

things like this make the murim manwhas seem real to a degree

Is it a bad idea solely for their sake?

When I’m watching this happen, I can sense something immensely different feeling and big/concentrated when they are being brought back. What is that?

Or what about trapping souls while they are moving? I have wondered about collecting them as currency for future bargains.

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You could keep a crystal on you and program it accordingly to harvest the energy.

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No it’s a bad idea for you more than them, they will continue what they’re doing whether you make them take longer or not. Otherwise you’d be able to make a fortune stopping people from dying, which you can’t.

But I touched on that re the nature and purpose of the energy. These matter. Why would you absorb energy of transition (death) if you’re not trying to die? It’s most likely to make you very sick, completely imbalance all your meridians and then you will have to sped energy fixing it. Intent matters too and can offset this, but then, what’s the point? This becomes an expensive way to cultivate energy that you can get anytime more easily in more quantity.

I put it like this: imagine you’re standing right next to a clean waterfall of delicious healthy water, but you decide to drink out of the dirty bacteria ridden spray puddle next to it. Because…“it’s a big puddle”? I mean, this makes no sense to me… unless you just like standing water with mosquito larvae in it? At that point I would look for imbalances if you are very attracted to certain energies, maybe you are trying to counter something you have in excess. Kind of like when you have too much salt and crave sweet to balance it.

I don’t know what you mean by “brought back”. THere’s a difference between qi, the energy for trabsition and a spirit.

You have to trick them into agreeing, because free will is the golden rule on this planet. You can’t sell something you don’t own, not even your own spirit, as your conscious ego mind doesn’t own that either… it owns you. The idea of selling your soul is, imo, simply misleading. You can use this as metaphor to direct energy, or for feeling trapped in mundane circumstances where you trade your principles for something.

By brought back I mean when they are being resuscitated.

Would i need to trick them into giving me their soul, and then I would be able to do with it what I wanted?

Also, can you recommend any reading on this topic? I’ve been largely reliant on my own energy for the last couple decades with the exception of elemental sources. This is new territory for me.

Then my feeling is you are sensing the energetics of the spirit itself interacting with it’s systems.

No, like I said, they can’t “give” you what they don’t own. You trick their minds into making bad decisions. This is how the reincarnation traps work. Archons tell someone they have to reincarnate to finish some lesson or something, or because “karma”, which is nonsense, but the human not knowing better and having been trained all it’s life to obey religious authority does as it’s told without questioning it much. You trick them into trapping themselves.

No, they still have free will and can fight back at any time. This is why humans are memory wiped to stay here. They don’t know who they are or remember why they’re here, where they are, what they can do. It’s the perfect prison for immortal omniscient beings. But eventually most will remember and escape. Some will deteriorate into lesser entities and lose their humanity and become bestial, but even those will revolve in the end, as that’s the only drive of the universe, to grow. So everything grows.

Urgh, my library is over 1000 books, plus the people I’ve met, my teachers, internet sources, from remote viewers to qigong masers to lightworkers, shamans and mystics. The only thing I would say is there’s fuck all new in western occultism other than the entities themselves. Talk to them. That resource is gold. I couldn’t point to any small set that has contributed to my journey from aetheist at 23 to here a 1/4 century later… I would say read everything you can get your hands on, listen to everyone, try it all on “for size”, take it all with a grain of salt, and make your mind up after digesting it a while. You do start to see the underlying similarities and patterns, and make the connections where it’s all he same in the end, no one is really “wrong”, and how much more there is to know is mind bogglingly frustrating. :smiley:

Just go where the wind takes you… “ask and you shall receive” is real. Ask the question of the universe and you will synchronistically find the information you want happens to come to you. So keep asking questions all the time :slight_smile:

Our dilemma is nicely discussed in this article:

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