How To Get Rid of Entities?

How do I get rid of Yahweh? I found out that he is not the true god and not even the father of Jesus, but more like a tyrant god of vengeance and bloodshed created by the Jewish elites to enslave mankind under the fear of eternal retribution in order to control the world. This entity won’t leave me alone. My stepdad has an alcohol addiction that I have been trying to secretly use magic to break, but it’s not working. He keeps bringing up how I am damned to hell and claims to follow Jesus but doesn’t show it. I feel like he truly follows the destructive god or should I say demon Yahweh who is also known as Yaldaboath and has 49 legions of demons. I am sick of being constantly condemned by this entity and unable to fight it off. It’s nothing but religious trauma. Every time I try to stop this entity, I hear it in the back of my mind threaten to destroy my family and everything I love and then blame me for it. This entity literally just wants to kill and destroy everything a person loves until that person bows to him. That’s how power hungry and lustful for attention this entity is and it’s draining me making me feel damned to hell with every motion I make as I try to get rid of it. I don’t know what else to do. Religious trauma counseling maybe? I feel like if I give up magic, maybe the entity will go away. But then there’s all the “blasphemies” I’ve uttered by calling out the condemnation, killing, violence, anger, jealousy, wrath, and self centeredness that the entity has and thus that can be used against me with no forgiveness ever. I know I am damned with no hope by this entity and it keeps feeding on me by keeping me in fear. It’s like it’s a parasite and I can’t stand up for myself against it.


Yahweh, just like any other god, doesn’t give a fuck whether you follow him or not. It seems like you’re chased by the egregore that was created by religious feelings of guilt.
I hear that often. “I want to leave but I can’t because Yahweh is not letting me go.”
What is happening is that your religious trauma isn’t letting you go. It is not a god or a demon, it is a trauma.


Thank you for the info. Any suggestions on what I can do?

First of all, make yourself realise that you left this religion. Religion takes away your own power from yourself and places you under someone else’s power.
I often see people running from christianity to lhp, thinking they are somehow more free now, but the first thing they do is lick Lucifer’s feet.
You don’t need another god.
You are in charge. You control your own life. Nobody else. You need to fully realise that.

And then, depending on how traumatic your experiences are, consider speaking to a therapist about it.
If you don’t want to do that, you could start by contacting an entity that is known for their healing abilities such as Raphael or Marbas for example.

You don’t need to give up magick. On the contrary. You can only beat this religious trauma by taking back your power, and that’s what magick is about.

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True because magick, unlike religion, makes you face the problems head on and forces you to take back your power. I haven’t really worked with Goetia before. I can try though. I like working with dragons and I am currently creating a pop culture system of magick around one of my favorite video games. I like some stuff by DJ Conway, but some of her stuff can fall into the New Age category and I don’t like New Age at all. I have Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia. Healing is what I need.


You are free now. You don’t need any entity to save you from this, but they can help.

You said you hear this voice in the back of your mind everytime you try to get rid off it.
I know how hard this is. You want to chase this voice out of your head, but you will not accomplish that by becoming angry or by rage. Keep your calm.

You could try creating an orb around your body that chases all your trauma and negative feelings out, and does not let them reenter.
It is simple, but not easy. It needs some practice to fully work. Sadly this advice gets ignored often, because it is not as fancy as saying “ask demon xy to solve all your problems”. But that is exactly what you should not do. You don’t need a problem solver, you solve your own problems now.


Sounds a bit helpful.

There are a few ideas on this forum from people with this same issue that you might find interesting. I did a quick search on “banish jehova”, but “bansih yahweh”, reverse baptism and similar should also come up with something you can use.

Personally, and not being religious but having had an issue with Archons, I like the self guided medittaions at ascensionhelp .com.