Well, you see, when a mommy and a daddy love each each other…
That only explains why I’m born coming from their perspective. But why would I have any incentive to be born into this situation? No one asked my opinion on the matter. This life was just handed to me somehow for some reason I don’t know, so we’ve got to be much older than what this construct of “ages” would have us be. From their perspective it’s understandable, but how does my soul factor into being around these specific people…? I didn’t ask anyone to be in this situation so why me?
I get it, I need to make the best of the situation as I can, I’ve heard all that before. But why was I born just to suffer? This makes no sense to me.
This is a religious belief so not really.
Aside from that, “never coming back” is something you choose once you’re gone, of course unless you piss off a pantheon and they decide to force reincarnate you but even then most people think leaving this place will make their afterlife better but no, entities go through the same troubles as we do if not more, they go through death, poverty, internal quarrels, external quarrels, and so forth. Most think they end up wisked off to the astral, forgetting the astral is a mental plane, not a spiritual plane and even then all the fears, desires, emotional turmoil of the collective unconscious exists there, thoughtforms who are the upmost parasitic little shits and much more that have been there festering, people think going there will help them live out their pure peaceful fantasy, but even in a mental plane there’s some shit you’ll deal with just as you’d deal with in this plane and the spiritual plane.
I’d still rather not risk it. I’d rather go in peace where my vibrations will be much higher than these entities could ever handle than pass unprepared and end up coming back here anyway. I don’t know what I’m dealing with and I’d be all alone. Who knows what could happen to me then?
I’m also not letting these people hurt me anymore. I’m going to be a champ, find a way to stand on my own two feet, find out why I’m here, fix my energy body and live my best life without this suffering. I want the life I’ve always wanted and I’ll only get that by keep pressing on.
That’s not how vibrations work, a person with any energy manipulation skills can change their vibrations at will.
High does not equate to good and low does not equate to bad, so even if you die “peace” your vibrations can still be slow/low. However, I’m not saying end it yourself, I simply stated his point was a religious one where suicide is considered a spiritual crime in their religion and only applies to those who follow said religion(s).
I know that peace =/= high vibration. Your best day could be someone else’s worst day. I do plan to raise them higher but I know that if I go with the way I feel I’d definitely be a prime target for negative energies. Once I feel better physically I can work on my energy body, get high vibrations and finally feel good about life. The people around me are pure toxic yet they have better lives than I do. It’s this “life’s not fair” sentiment but starting off waaaaaaaaaaaay too early in life for me. I’m still on the young side but still, the time for me to get a good head start in life is very overdue.
I also don’t buy into the “suicide is demonic/evil” thing. From what I hear the demons would want to help your soul after death if you’ve built good relationships with them. Just like how people take an interest in us, I guess the spirits would too so they wouldn’t let a friend suffer. But I don’t have the best success in forming relationships which is another huge hurdle for me.
It’s like military training. they drop you in the middle of the jungle with no clothes and you have to figure out how to survive. lol. Just like being born to crazy people being random like a drawing.
U have to figure out how to make it in the world with shitty parents that abuse you etc… haha. Each person have their random environment/friends/enemies. etc… That’s your test.
I never asked to be tested like I have cooties. We could have bypassed this existence and we wouldn’t miss a thing. It doesn’t benefit us to exist on this planet where rapists, murderers, child molesters/pornographers and cannibals exist so why bother?
It’s a test. weather we ask or not. it’s still a test. forced test. lol maybe we asked for this test. and ask to wipe out the memory that we ask for the test so that it’s a test. If we know it’s a test with past memory then it’s not a fair test. lol SOoo it’s your own test. U just didn’t remember that u designed it yourself. =o)
Who’s test is it?
Negative energies can be high in vibration too, so no having high vibrations doesn’t make you a prime target for negative energy. That’s an idea people bandwagoned off new age nonsense. I manipulate my vibrations and nothing really attacks me. People are attacked because of many reasons that are part of their own doing, not due to how high/fast or low/slow their energy vibrates on.
Any being you have personally built a solid relationship with may or may not help you, demons are similar to humans, some are chill to their friends and some are still assholes to their friends, it depends on who you befriend and their own individual personalities.
Where do you think humans come from?
Depends on what humans you mean, humans here? a mix of evolution and divine intervention.
Humans in the etheric? different pantheons creation.
In the etheric. Don’t really care if our bodies are from creation or evolution. Personally I think both of those are wrong.
What’s this about pantheons? Do you mean the Lords of Karma?
Suffering makes you powerful.
You’re young. Really young.
OP: Eva already told you everything you need to know, but to add to the reasons: humans have cooperation ingrained in our minds. Period. If you think a little about it, is only logical. Cities can’t build themselves, after all, and mostly everything needs from others.
When we’re not doing something that benefits others (at some degree), we stale. If your job contributes to your countries GPD (assuming you’re from a rich country), then you’ve some fulfillment, for example. The point is to get into that mindset, that what you’re doing with your life has value and meaning.
I don’t feel powerful. I feel helpless and I’d like it to end. Or at least not be this bad. If it helps you then fine. Be a champ and have your heroic “rise from the ashes” story. That’s not for me.
I’m quite disillusioned with how I’ve been treated and how my life turned out and having positive relationships where I can smile and be free would be much more my style.
In the etheric, creation by whatever pantheon created them. As I’ve already experienced this myself.
I don’t believe in karma, pantheons are families of Gods, Norse Gods, Egyptian Gods, Celtic Gods, yada yada.
I don’t mean that I believe in karma, I meant this:
Also, where can I find more info on these God family pantheons?