How to evoke a person's astral body

You know what kills me? I was EXPLICITLY TOLD by a member of my sorcery family that I have a Twin Flame, and I am tasked by the gods with “seeding” her.

Yet I still obsess over THIS girl. Hell, she might BE my Twin Flame. Even so, this is unhealthy.

You wanna know what’s funny?

I decided to just get to doing Homework, and found this quote about the monster Scylla, by Circe in Ovid’s Metamophosis:

“In vain she offers from herself to run
And drags about her what she strives to shun”

So I thought it was SOO good, that I went onto Facebook to post it. After I post it, I scroll down on my wall to look at other posts, and I see this, and it’s absolutely PERFECT:

From here on out, I’m changing my tune. I’m putting in all my energy into my personal development, so I can be worthy of whoever I’m meant to be with. And from here on out, I accept NOTHING LESS than a woman who is worthy of such a version of myself. If this woman can become that, good. If not, someone else can.

Either way, I accept nothing less than what a man who who aligns himself with his own highest version is equal to. Certainly, he deserves better than what this woman CURRENTLY has to offer. And if she refuses to ever cultivate it and offer it up to him, someone else inevitably DOES.

I’ll settle for nothing less. She can settle for that which is aligned with her current self. She can dress it up how she wants. I don’t care. How she treats me when I extend the olive branch shows how little respect or love she has for herself, regardless of what she says.

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Sounds like a positive start and the link you posted is spot on.

I wouldn’t get wrapped up into the twin flame stuff, either. It can be an easy recipe for abuse and is a romantic new age concept.

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you’re right. Even if it’s true, I refuse to be chained to it. I deserve better than what this woman has to offer. She deserves better than what she currently has to offer herself.

I KNOW I can get what I in my highest version of myself am worthy of. No twin flame needed. And certainly no toxic fairweather friends needed.

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King Belial once said this to me in a dream:

“If you want her you can have her, but then you’re stuck with her”

Later I asked his and Astarte’s opinions on the matter in a tarot. King Belial responded in typical King Belial fashion:

Why do I ignore his warnings when they’re so fucking grave and explicit?

Fuck this girl, King Belial knows what’s up! He knows I can do better.

Thank you so much King Belial!

And thanks norse900!

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Hey man, I’m looking to just fucking get this bitch out of my head and out of my life.

I admit though, I REALLY want to tell her off first.

I just want to make her aware of how badly she has treated ME over the years, how full of shit she is, how it makes me feel and overall, just what I think about all of it. I want her to know my perspective and feelings and have to deal with it however she wants to deal with it, but I want her to be aware.

And then, I want to cut the cords. Just completely cut her out of my life and mind and energy.

And then I wanna completely move the fuck on and work on myself.

Fuck her bullshit and her relationships and her manipulative, lying, deceitful, irresponsible, parasitic, selfish asshole ways.

I am done with her and I’m glad I didn’t even HAVE to dodge the bullet, because the bullet dodged me.

Once I get all this shit off of my chest and I am sure it has all reached her, so I leave NOTHING off the table, I just want to completely cut her out of my reality.

I’ll forgive, I’ll move on, I’ll get her cords detached/cut, I’ll remove anything and EVERYTHING that reminds me of her, so NO ENERGETIC LINK CAN EXIST anymore, I will do EVERYTHING to purge her from my life, since that’s how she wants it. She can have her shitty fucking life of piss poor excuses and selfish behaviour. I just want to hold her accountable by sending her a REALLY STRONG, no holds barred final fuck you of a goodbye and then cut her out of my life. Then work on myself.

What do I do and how do I do it? Who do I evoke/invoke? Any advice?

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Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide - New Magician Help & Introductions - Become A Living God

Substitute a picture or similar (even a pencil drawing the looks like crap, it’s just a link) for the sigil and you can user her name for the enn.

Tell her what you need to tell her and when you’re done, release her and close the ritual.

If you don’t want to do it this way, you could do a poppit , paper doll to represent her, etc… and treat it like a curse, you’re just leaving it at words. Burn or bury the doll in the end, to symbolize either burying the relationship or burning out your desire for her. Repeat as needed.

Be aware that this could have effects if you starting putting the intent to harm or harass her. You’re using the same ritual one would to curse, but you’re not putting the intent to curse into it. You’re releasing the emotion and frustration, though, instead of keeping it pent up inside.

I would encourage some time in nature, too, if you can, to try to help ground. Exercise also helps release energy. It’s up to you, though.

Edit - Oh and before the curse thing causes you some stress, you don’t need to call any spirits at all - except hers, if you want to go that route.

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I don’t care if it’s a curse at this point. Hell, I don’t care if it’s baneful magick. I’m not looking to tell her what to do, I just want to get across to her how I feel and what I think. I just want her to be AWARE of it so she has to deal with it. If she wants to keep finding new ways to bullshit herself and avoid responsibility, fine. At least she won’t be able to escape the fucking perspective, you know?

I dunno if that’s a curse, but I want to go all out.

I dunno if I intend to “harass”

I would rather get it all out and ensure I got it to her in one night if I can.

But I’ll do it as many times as I think I need to to ensure that I have really gotten in ALL out and I have ensured it has successfully been delivered to her, so she can’t escape it. she can DEAL with it however she wants, but she can’t block it out of her life like a selfish cunt. She is going to have to FACE it. I wont dictate how she is to handle it. I just want her to be held accountable. I just want her to KNOW where I stand and why, and how it feels on my end.

I just want her to have to face it, realize it and deal with it. She can handle it how she wants, but I want it on her mind and I want her to have to FACE IT.

And then I just want to be COMPLETELY and utterly donion rings with her ass.

How do I know if it reached her though?

I’m still a neophyte. I just want to get this out of me, and into her. I want her to deal with it. And then I want my closure and I want my life back.

So how do I get confirmation? Can I ask the spirits, like King Belial for instance, to help me on THAT front? They wouldn’t be messing with her, they’d just be reporting to me that she got the message and that she is in fact having to FACE IT, and then tell me what the results are and update me if there’s anything they think I should know.

What do you think of that idea? Would that work?


Perhaps, but I’m not concerned with her. She has to live with her issues. My concern is to help you. I’ve given those tools.

So, the ironic thing, is that if you look in my posting history, the Shadownomicon in particular, you’ll find that I’m all about cursing certain people. It’s full of dark things against dark people. What most don’t realize is that I was a combat infantryman in Iraq. Death is something that I honestly don’t take lightly. I’ve seen a lot of it. Despite me posting things about cursing left and right, I’m very selective about my targets. It’s easy to take life. As a parent, I can say it’s a lot harder to build one properly. Thus, my concern is for you, not her.

Don’t confuse this with moralizing. You do you. But the focus, in my opinion, should be you.

Once you get some of this our of your system, even if it’s repeated, you’ll feel better. You’ll gain some of your power back. You’ll gain a release mechanism you can take as far as you want to. Those things are important. REALLY important. It gives you a way to not have to “turn the other cheek”, yet, you don’t have to go straight to a Death Curse. Options are important.

Evocation is a skill. Like any skill, it needs to be practiced. This doesn’t mean you have to stick solely with her. That would literally be a waste of time. If you’re inclined towards Angels, this can be applied to them. If you’re inclined towards (supposed) “Demons”, it applies to them.

Evocation is one part. Interaction is another.

To tell someone off. To fling a curse their way, that takes the very thing I’ve already given. Interaction is another matter. Truth is, if this behavior on her part is a series of things she’s supposed to go through, appealing to her Higher Self isn’t going to get you much. So, the intent I gave you was to release YOUR emotion, while letting her to whatever the hell she thinks she should be doing.

Yes, you can. Have a means of communication set up. Doesn’t matter if its Angels, Demons, Landspirits, Gods, etc… Look up communication methods (and work on your clairs to not need them). It’s a fundamental skill that will help any path.

Concerning confirmation, just because he soul/spirit got the message, it doesn’t mean she’s going to tell you. Truth is, she doesn’t have to. Why? This isn’t about her.

Where the hell did I say anything about KILLING anyone?! I’m no murderer!

I never said DEATH curse!

I just want to get the message to her. I feel I was pretty explicit and even rather repetitive about what I want:

I want to get the emotions and thoughts not just OUT OF ME, but into her awareness so she can face them and deal with them and CONSIDER THEM. I am not looking to control her actions and decisions about it, or what experiences she feels she has to go through or what the fuck ever. I just want to get this shit into her awareness somehow for her to have to stop and for once consider in her miserable selfish fucking parasitic life.

I just want her to for one goddamn second ACTUALLY CONSIDER somebody outside of herself.

Because she is so full of shit it makes my head spin.

then I want to move the fuck on and get my shit together and live a good life without caring about her dumb ass.

And I’d like confirmation that she got the message and maybe occaisional updates if whoever gives me the updates thinks it’s some shit I’d like to hear.

Hell, after I do all that, I’ll probably not just wanna cut the cord, but maybe even FORGIVE HER and myself to boot!

And then just move on with my life.

If it’s acurse to do it, fine. If not, whatever.

I never said SHIT about killing anybody. Please don’t get it confused what I meant. I’m just saying, I’m not trying to stick within the confines of what is considered white magick to get the job done. That’s all I’m trying to say. And if I have to have a spirit like King Belial send it to her personally and bitch slap her across the face with it so she can fucking consider it and deal with it, rather than block it out, that’s fine by me, if necessary. And if that is a black or baneful magick curse to do, so be it.

I have ZERO intention to MURDER anybody dude. Let me just clarify that again, because I feel it bears repeating. I AM NOT LOOKING TO KILL OVER THIS.

By the way, thank you for your service. I come from an Army family myself, so I appreciate what you have done for this country :slight_smile:

Relax, man. I would caution you against it. Simply saying I don’t take it lightly.

Oh, and by the way, this partially IS about me: I WANT DECENT CLOSURE before I cut the cord, you know? Something that ends on a strong note where I get some fucking decent justice or whatever for me. Telling her off psychically doesn’t sound like a bad way to end it before cutting her out of my life for good.

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Okay man, but that’s non-sequitor. I wasn’t even remotely considering it. Quite frankly, killing people with magick just doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. Who knows though, maybe it might be good to have in case of a SERIOUS situation in life, but yeah, I wouldn’t take such a thing lightly if I were to learn it.

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Dude, intent. Intent is critical. You can drive a friend to the store or run over an enemy - both can use a car.


Okay, but my intent isn’t to kill. MY intent is to just make her aware of this shit and fucking have to face it. I dunno how you conflate telling her off and saying “Here’s what I think about you, here’s why and here’s what you do and how it all makes me feel” with “DIE BITCH DIE”

More like my intent is: “Feel bad about this, or at least realize that you do this and it makes you a toxic person, regardless of whatever bullshit you put out to make yourself look positive”

Like really, just more along the lines of this being my intention: “TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS”

that’s it.


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Yes and what I put will work for that.

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Awesome. Thanks norse900!

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Sure thing. Expend the needed energy. Leave out the intent. No harm done :slight_smile:

You mean intent to kill, right? Cause I totally have the intent that she be challenged to take responsibility. Even if she just doubles down on her bullshit, I at least want her to consider that stuff.

But yeah, no intent to physically harm. Just send her the “Fuck you and the high horse you rode OUT on” message.

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I don’t condone killing just because someone hurts another’s feelings. Please, my friend, look past that.

I don’t condone that either. Why do you keep acting like I’m tryna kill her here? My INTENT is not “KILL!” my INTENT is “TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS BITCH!”

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