Again, this isn’t my idea but are you using the English language (or your own language) in your Sentences of Desire (S.O.D.) for your sigils?
Well in Czechoslovakian it’s Já se setkáme s Mormonem dnes v ulici…apparently
How about writing out your S.O.D. then googling-translating it into another language you are not familiar with? Your censor will be flummoxed eh?
How about also using a code , sort of code the Nazis used in World War 2 (before various British mathematicians figured it out).
You could take the English Alphabet and attribute different letters to each letter and have some sort of complex system whereby once a month you change it around to other attributions so now e.g. A=Z, B=F, C=H, D= whatever so on and then jumble them around further as ye will
Complicate that shit as much as ye want. The Master magician rabbis who made the cabbalah attributed numbers to each of the letters in their alphabet (Gematria) and in effect you could create your own Gematria for your own alphabet?
Replace the words in your S.O.D. with words with the same Gematrical numerical quantity.
The whole idea of a S.O.D. -sigil is that you wanna trick the shit outta your own doubting-Thomas rationalist psychic censor and this surely is a good way of doing it. You could even develop a basic computer program that absorbs the data and speeds it up for you. This would enable you to have some sort of daily modification to your alphabet and furthermore even hourly. In effect you are creating a Trojan or virus to work and act against the mundane anti-magical part of you.
If it does enhance potency, I wanna know about it.
I’m definitely going to be trying this soon. I’m exceptionally keen on trying a different language, like Finnish or something, because it’s not even in the same language family as English.
This will be fun to get creative with. I’ll keep you posted if I notice better success with workings.
Keeping things simple here, give the letters in the English alphabet a number so A is 1, B is 2…Z is 26. So on.
You take your Sentence of Desire and you interpret it into another language. You could attribute a different language for each of the twelve months according to what month you’re in.
Ok so you take your foreign Sentence of Desire but find a way to jumble those letters up. Lets say you attribute the number 2 to January and 4 to February and 6 to March, 8 to April and back to 2 for May, 4 for June so on.
Lets say its January, the number 2 means you move all the letters up to the 2 letters in front of it so eg D will now become an F in your sentence. So on.
I’m with you. I already do this with sigils using Kameas (Number Squares) and the Numerology Systems of the Pythagorean and Chaldean systems. Shifting to another language? I do that too!
In terms of getting past the critical Left-brain process and getting more directly into the subconscious mental gateway, yes. I think so. I doesn’t hurt. As long as the energy is still there and the intent is strong, it should still work.
Wow those links you provided are incredible especially the online Enigma program.
Dee, yes I think it’s becoming apparent now that Dee wrote Enochian as a medieval Enigma code. I guess he was already a Demonologist before he wrote it, the PJ Carroll of his day but a master of other disciplines also of course.
Have you ever considered creating your own calendar as a tool of magic? The Gregorian calendar is a construct hence the 4 year leap. The Mayans based theirs on the movement of Venus and they had 18 months of 20 days each and one month which is only 5 days long. There is scope in there to mess with the censor incorporating sigils for particular warped time periods.
All this complication begs the question, does it enhance potency in terms of result or is it mere geek indulgence? I will let you know but I’ve got other things going on e.g. my book on the Cabbalah.
Today a car in front the last three letters were AOS on the licence plate.
Yesterday, car in front the last three letters were AOS on the licence plate.
A few years ago, I was putting finishing touches to my alphabet of desire, I went outside, drove out and the first car in front had AOS as last three letters of it’s licence plate.