How to Bind customers to always tip 20%?

I work in the restaurant business. Although I’m not a server several of my good friends are. Our restaurant is a tourist attraction with people from different countries that tip differently. Very often people tip shitty. Money Magick can achieve getting people to tip better, but the money can sometimes come from other sources or instead a demon like bone with increase your status/promotion/ helping you create a better income of the side to help with money.

Instead, I want to force EVERY CUSTOMER to tip the usual 15-20%. I wouldn’t need the alternative avenues to make money if customers tipped like they should (of course unless the service is shitty). I also want to challenge my magical ability and do so in control every customer with black Magick.

King Paimon and Dantalion come to mind with this, however I don’t want their influence to stop. I want a continuous binding on every customer that sits down and experiences moderate to great service to tip like they SHOULD. Im thinking a pact with either of the two. Any Ideas or alternative ideas?

Why not go for a higher %?

20% or 15% is the standard. its not hard to pay that percentage. People eat out at restaurants understanding that’s what they need to pay. At least in America. Brazilians don’t tip because Brazil has included the tip, (just as an example).

Ask king paimon to help manipulate their minds

That is highly improbable. There will always be some people who cannot be influenced by the external forces of magick.

In my opinion, you would be far more successful if you aimed to make a certain percentage of customers, say 50%, pay at least the standard minimum, instead of trying for everyone.

By trying to force everyone to pay the minimum, you run the risk of driving people away from the business. People can instinctively sense a compulsion attempt, and though most people bypass the instinct with logic, you still run the risk of word getting around, and word of mouth has shut the door of many a restaurant.


I dont think it’s possible to force them

I disagree and don’t believe this to be true. I think everyone is subject to the black magician, while some may resist the force more than others, if the magician wants someone bound they will be bound.

Well I don’t want to make it obvious. Like I don’t want to advise the servers to tell guests they need to pay the minimum. It will be a magickal compulsion they’d feel. I don’t think the restaurant will lose customers because of the popularity of the chain franchise. Hypothetically though I could do another ritual for its success while still maintaining the veil of obligation to tip.

I only disagree with the first statement. I only say my second paragraph for the integrity of intellectual ascension. Do you see flaw or holes into my reasoning or even my hypothetical scenario?

Magic to force people to tip? Entitled much?
Try good service.

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The American restaurants hate Asians for this reason lol. We do not tip :stuck_out_tongue: (Indian here)

But I do believe that you should not violate other people’s free will.

Many do not believe in karma or divine punishment but here is the thing…You CAN’T be sure.

So just take the high route and don’t make someone do something.

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Sorry, but it is a statistical impossibility, and belief doesn’t even come into it. Depending on the size of your city, it is a given that there will be people who will be immune to your compulsion, just like the most successful drugs ever created only work for about 60-70% of the people who take them. There will always be someone who is immune and unaffected, and that needs to be taken into consideration. In statistics, they are known as outliers.

And William S. Burroughs made a restaurant close down simply by playing low volume recordings of gunshots, sirens and other noise, right outside of their door for a week. Do you seriously think making people feel uncomfortable by binding their actions when they walk in the door so they do what you want, won’t negatively affect the business?

All it will take is for one person to be made uncomfortable enough to never go back, and then tell their friends.

That is why I suggest trying to increase the number of people tipping the minimum by a simple percentage (an increase of just 25% would be considered a phenomenal success), not seeking to bludgeon everyone, because the heavier the binding, and it will have to be heavy in order to affect a large amount of people, the more likely people will feel it, and seek to avoid it.

The key to coercion is always subtlety, never overwhelming force. A gentle nudge in the direction you want them to go stands a much higher chance of success. My personal choice would be to fill the restaurant with the energy of generosity. People tip more when they are feeling good.


I guess you can call it that. Anyone walking the LHP knows you must act as GOD in your life. Entitlement is one way to put, but has a negative feeling.

Thats a good point. Allow me to challenge the belief of karma for a moment to get your perspective onto my counterpoint. ‘If karma exists wouldn’t an apex predator like a snake, leopard, lion, suffer karmic punishment for killing his food’? Does karma not punish animals?

I love this part the best and probably the best golden nugget I’m going to take from this. Subtlety is great. I agree with you very much on the ‘gentle nudge being the best chance of success’ and ‘generosity’.

In general tipping below 15% is very disrespectful and people that do that are considered rude here in America. Especially if the service provided is moderate to great. Would you agree @DarkestKnight that among the energy of generosity I could fill the restaurant with ‘respect to the server/service’ type of energy?

This disrespect to the server is what I’m trying to cure. Could I use that ‘respect to the server/service’ as an overwhelming energy?

A human being is not like an animal in the sense that an animal is a being that evolves through a gradual process.

the reality is that there are two parallel tracks happening on earth. You see that in nature there is an evolutionary process, a gradual process that is guided by beings with consciousness but the process itself is somewhat unconscious. This is what Charles Darwin correctly observed, namely that there is a certain unconscious evolutionary process in nature. What he did not acknowledge, and what has not been acknowledged, is that this does not apply to humans.

A human being originated in a higher realm and has descended from there.

You can, as a human being, devolve so to speak to the point where your consciousness is so low that you cannot take physical embodiment on earth. Then, you will go into the astral plane and you can then go to lower and lower levels of the astral plane until you can no longer stay with the earth but must go to a place that is even lower in consciousness than the earth, even though there are fewer and fewer such places in the universe.

Can an animal evolve to the human level? Well, this is a complicated question because of the way that people look at animals. There is a tendency among human beings to look at an animal as an individual and this is not correct. I know that many people will have had pets, especially cats and dogs and sometimes horses, that they have a very close relationship to, and they feel that this animal has awareness, it has personality. You may even feel that you have had several animals where it was the same being, the same consciousness, that you recognise.

Your feelings are not wrong in the sense that there is something that you can connect to, but you must understand that this is not the animal in its outer form, this is the elemental that has created that form. Elemental beings are able to progress in consciousness to where they can receive a three-fold flame and therefore take embodiment as humans. There is a certain portion of the human beings who are in embodiment right now who started out as elementals.

It would be simplistic to say that here is a person who for the first time has embodied as a human and before it embodied as a human it was a cat or a dog. It was an elemental that out-pictured, for example, a cat or a dog, but it is not the being of the cat or the dog that moves on to the human form. It is the elemental who has reached a level of awareness where it is no longer fully identified with being a cat or a dog because it has taken on certain human-like qualities through its interaction with humans. Therefore, the elemental, in order to incarnate as a human, must transcend the animal form and leave it behind.

You cannot simply compare humans with animals. We are totally different than animals. Our evolution, development, and our dharma.


I don’t know if you would really need to mix in “respect” with the energy of generosity, because, when people are feeling good, and are genuinely happy, the respect for others tends to come naturally.

If you have ever seen a truly happy person, one who is feeling great (not the artificial happiness brought on by drugs or alcohol) they are almost always courteous and respectful to others. They are not rude, or stingy, and events that might piss off another just slide right off of them.

I think, if you fill the restaurant with the energy of happiness, and generosity, and make the people who come into the place feel really good while they are there, then you will reap big rewards, not only in tips, but in returning business.


Hey there,

I work part time in the service industry as I go to school xD so this topic is quite relevant.

Now, know, I can’t get tips 100% of the time, but usually I will get quite generous tips to make up for the tips I lost by those who just don’t tip at all. Sometimes upwards to 50% of the bill or more. This happens quite frequently, and at the end of the day I am never worrying about ‘did I make enough money?’ If I want money, it just sort of comes to me.

Here are just a few things I have done to tip the scales to my advantage:

  • Everyday before I go to work, I charge my aura with a likable sort of soothing energy, and I see it wash over me and the area directly around me -my sphere of influence-. When people brush up against energy they respond to it, so if you are immediately likable, then the probability of getting a tip goes up.

  • I Will the money to me. I don’t focus so much on binding the will of the customer, as much as I just see the dollars coming to me, like a big money magnet. You can build on the visualization as you please. I know that, at the end of the day, somehow I will get the money that I require. It is effortless. Painless, for both myself and the customer.

  • I mentally project the idea that they want to tip, at the beginning and the end, push it into their minds. A seedling that will grow as they experience the restaurant. Then their water glasses -or whatever you bring them- if you serve them, you can charge it with generosity and the want to tip. See them enjoying their food/drink. So they more directly consume your will. People are more likely to do what they think they want to do.

If you can grow your own power and master subtle energy manipulation, there is hardly anything that is out of reach goal wise.

I would recommend spirits, but I hardly work them, so I am not the best for advice when it comes to calling upon other beings to do work for you xD It is something I am working on/learning.

EDIT- Playing with formatting.


thank you this is actually quite helpful

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@rpont340 how does it know justice if justice is subjective? How can a karmic punishment be delivered if the method of karmic punishment will be subjective?

Basically if I kill someone then will someone kill me in a future life? whatever you answer to this question will be your opinion and thus making karma false not an objective force.

@Ryce spirits work best bro. They’re the pinnacle of manifestation. They manifest better and faster than if you stick to doing it yourself. The Goetia has all the beginner ones but they aren’t to be underestimated.

Ugh! I hate having to tip. I rather not go out to a restaurant for that simple reason. Im already paying 15 to 25 dollars for an entree and I still have to tip. Tipping is an American custom that I hate. I don’t think binding customers to tip will work.