How to be consistent in witchcraft

Hi! I’m new to the forum, and I just want to say it’s an honor to be in the same space as you all, I’m so excited to be a member here!

I need some help. I’ve been trying and trying to get back into witchcraft, but I just…I seem to just quit meditating after a nice 5 day streak or forget to do my daily reading. I need some tips or some help on how to stay consistent on this, because I feel so guilty that I’m not doing these things!


Try switching it up to keep your mind interested. Add new practices, maybe read a few pages of a grimoire, come to BALG and try out a tutorial (shameless plug)… research an entity etc etc.


Thank you so much!

If you take it like an obligation you must do every day (meditations, daily readings, etc)… you won’t enjoy it, and you might even drop it all eventually.

I take it as a way of life I enjoy and practice whenever I want or need it.

You make your own rules. There’s no “law” anywhere that requires you to do something specific every day.


There are many things you can do.

Each day is linked to a particular planetary power, try to attune yourself to it.

Same for the elements : try to connect to water on monday, fire on tuesday…

While you meditate, try to project to some mythical place.

Instead of card reading, try tea leaf reading.

Visit a place around your home and introduce yourself to local spirits.



@BigDreams I would suggest picking your fave 5 topics in witchcraft and practice or research them throughout the week.

Monday is meditation day, Tuesday is Astrology Day, Weds take a break day, Thursday is Tarot Day, Friday is Crystal Day, Saturday is Ancient Civilization Day, Sunday is another Rest Day.

Then you have enough to keep you interested in doing your witchcraft but also can take a break and chill on your off day’s.


I do love @Mulberry’s posts, they have so much information.
I admit it, I’m a Mulberry Stan.
Hmm. Mulberrystan. A good name for a thread, by the way.

But yes, she and @DarkestKnight have lots of information you can use.

Also look for posts by users like @anon97554939 and Lady Eva

Also, check on my own ongoing thread: When I start to doubt my magick is strong… use that for inspiration.


Don’t feel guilty if you lose interest or motivation. That’s normal for many people like me.