How to avoid messing up my spells?

I’m going to be meeting with my ex(who I’m trhing to get back)after not seeing each other for a while and I just wanted to ask if anyone could coach me by giving me pointers on how to act. I know to try and be as chill as I could be

Are you asking for magickal advice?

We talk about other stuff on here but this is the main topic of the forum. :thinking:

Sorry yes I have spells on him and I want to make sure I don’t mess up my work if that makes sense


Okay, that makes it clearer, thanks, I have re-Listed this and edited the title to be more descriptive. :+1:


Have confidence in the work you have already performed. And go about the date as if you know youre hot shit and getting laid.

After casting, the best thing you can do is be confident in your ability.


First, concentrate your energy during magick… How much you want him to be a part of your life. feel that energy, burn with it,(just during the session) and feel the happiness resulting from that love.

Know that your magick worked ( more than think, be sure be confident about it ) like you know one spark cause gasoline vapors to ignite. be sure about it

and then let it go. Don’t think abıut results forget if you can… Let it go.

Let go, and free your hand…

“They don’t call it “falling” in love for nothing. When you let go, you may find that people fall towards you” wrote Rahnoren once. Do so, feel so, and everything will be fine.:slightly_smiling_face:


Concerning the magickal part of avoiding to mess up, I started to sometimes proclaim after a working that it is sealed and that even for me it won’t be possible to undo it…


Definitely will try that

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Thank you you are so right

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I want to be laid back and show him a good time but does that mean I should part take in sexual relations if that’s what he wants? Or should I hold back to make him want it more? since we are “just friends” and haven’t seen each other in a while

Make him work to get you :slight_smile: Don’t give in to all his wants and needs.
If he wants sex and you want it too, make sure you’ve set up potential boundaries beforehand so you don’t end up hurt.

Consider the fact that he might just want a “last ride”, imagine how it would make you feel if he wants no further contact afterwards. Protect your heart!


Sounds good. How do I set up potential boundaries without bringing up the conversation about “us” which puts him off every time

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It depends on the mood but yes in general, I agree with what @xpedions wrote :slight_smile:


How does sex happen without “us”? :wink: If he initiates sex then some kind of “us” is happening.

It’s hard to give specific advice without having the exact scenario played out before you. How about informing you don’t want that kind of intimacy in case he still talks to other girls (assuming gender here, apologize if I’m offending anyone)?
That doesn’t have to mean that you’re asking to be exclusive but rather “hey I care about my integrity. I don’t forbid you to speak to other girls, but if you want me you have to sacrifice something”.


@babyblue hey what kind of spell you used and how long did it take to manifest?

I made a sugar doll of him then days after contacted Amon. I would say it took 2-3 weeks.

That makes sense. Thank you.

You’re welcome. Good luck :slight_smile: