How Sargatanas made women be obsessed with me

I never made a demon summon, I’m from Brazil and I’m a beginner, can I just listen to the audio enn on youtube?

the importance of the ring finger is because of the “wedding ring/romance” angle? Or is there another resonance there?

Wait a minute, so these Exus and Pombagiras are actually these demons but giving other names? They claim to be spirits of dead people over here in Brazil, thank you now I know the truth.

Nope. No need for protection if there’s no fear, when doing this. At least for me. I believe malevolent spirits feed of fear. No fear=no food=no fucking with ya. Besides, I don’t necessary consider Demons “malevolent”.

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exus and pombagiras are very powerful, I’ve been to a terreiro and already feel their energy

I just did everything that sounded like it might work. Only listening to the enn, cripples you imho. Def not impossible, but I suggest the meditation, saying his name everyday as much as you can, and also chanting the enn yourself 108 times.

Can Sargatanas help with inner obstacles? Fears, blockades etc?

congratulations! I’m going to do exactly that!

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Wow, that is so interesting! I wonder if he works for women? I’m not very good with meditation,though… I’ve only just started.

Not sure, I did only what I was told but maybe

I have not either and I am 18

After doing 3 days straight of structuring and merging with Sargatanas, I saw total darkness with wisps of white light, his energy literally trying to break out of my body, and a sort of mental clarity with no distracting thoughts at all but I couldn’t hear anything. Sounds like I have more work to be done.

Edit: I asked him to open up my senses to him so I can talk to him. After the ritual, I went to sleep and I feel my entire body vibrating and pressure in my third eye. Something along to the 3D IMAX theatres but what I’m seeing seems nonsensical.

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What exactly has sargatanas done for you in terms of opening your astral senses? It seems like your senses were already developed before encountering him, as you were able to hold a two way convo I’m assuming

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Not yet I don’t think, I haven’t heard anything just felt really strong energy and having my chakras fondled.

Sorry, that was meant for the OP

Answer anybody?

In my experience so far, I would say yes. Duke Sargatanas seems to be wise, and is into teaching others. He will likely suggest you help yourself as well by taking actions that will better your situation. So far, I have noticed a gentleness but direct answers to questions. I would suggest contacting him for yourself. I have enjoyed working with him so far.


I agree, I invoked him and he walked me through a petition with him as in helping me not fumble with my request and such

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lol that enn sounds like the guy says “satanas” instead of “sargatanas” at the end of it :smiley:

Well, when you are a woman you get a lot of uninteresting men obsessed with you in your life so just to help attract the correct kind of men, which is a demon that is the best for it?

Out of testing I have tried Gremory and Asmodeus and I’d say none of them makes men obsessed with you - Gremory works softly, like in love and Asmodeus to me at least was all about sex and hate and arguments afterwards :smiley: lol (just being honest here!) I actually would like to learn more about lord Asmodeus, I didn’t understand yet how do people work with him because I don’t really have much experience with him. There are people saying that he can help even with love, I have read that before somewhere.
What I can say is that he is very fiery and we now know he’s also a gatekeeper to be respected.

I also have evoked Beleth out of testing and I didn’t get anything from it other than a very bad sore throat infection afterwards lol (maybe gemini spirits aren’t for me, don’t know).

So still curious about what are the demons interested in “making men obsessed with women” to match the title of this thread :smiley:


I would say yes because he can make you feel that you can achieve your desires.
Therefore, there is less of a place for fear and obstacles become less significant.