How quickly can someone go through the nine gates?

Did this just now. This is definitely the better method for me. It’s working. I probably won’t give you too much information about it, but the guy is very versed in alchemy.

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Mate dont get me wrong, I respect if you want to keep your experiences to yourself, but stop stating it, I already heard it once.

Neither I care about it.

Regardless,good luck.


Thanks for the warning. I have willpower, so if I have any foresight I’ll be able to avoid anything rash. The guy seems to want to go easy on me, though. I’m going through this process with him regardless of difficulty.

He asked me what I wanted to be, in an ideal sense. I wrote it down for him. A small list. He make me sit down in this nice cafe looking room and he said a vial on the table. Said something like “What is in this vial is beyond you and I.”

long story short. I feel a little clammed up and kind of like I’m burning from the inside. The energies in the vial didn’t feel very intense and themselves, but I knew it was kind of like a reactant. The energies were inside of me, not the vial. Like the vial was an intention.

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The body is the vile, you are the house the energies run through.

Journal it. I only told my story for warning purposes.


I will journal the basics. I tend to remember these experiences

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Will update this later as to how this will be handled. For me, there will be 10 gates, as I have already worked with Beliel.

In the meantime - learn about the diamond.


Gate One: Beliel

Passage: A year ago

Emotions: Chaos, confusion, sexual energy, off my kilter (not balanced)

Remedy: I had to get right with me and be okay with myself before I could proceed. Once you are possessed by Beliel, he stays within the heart. He never leaves.

Actions still being taken:

  • Taking one day at a time
  • Meditation
  • Slowly giving up Diet Coke still :blush::sweat_smile: (it’s posin and not the the drink of the Goddess. Water is.)
  • Embracing the choas of everyday life
  • Learning not to be afraid

Motto to live by:

i am heaven
i am hell
i am the I AM
fire is the baptism of change
i am the resurrection of myself
speak no venom
bring no venom
for thy will, get thy reward

Offering: sex (at the time, I didn’t know what else to give.)

Advice: Seek help for your sexual addiction or you will not make progress. Also, calm the rage.

It has taken a full year. In general, the original nine gate keepers do not need a sexual union to help you.

My path is my own, as my mind is already dark. My ancestors need me to learn light.

Instead of nine gates, there will be ten gates I will go through. The next gate will be the Viking Gates with Odin and Frigg, with help from Hekate, Tiamet, and Tara. Goddess Ida, also known as Ila, will be invited to tag along, she’s a Hindu Goddess.

  • Goddess Ida (or Ila), source, Pinterest
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Gate 2: The Gate of Satan

The lesson number thirty-seven gave me:

"The angel number 37 is a mix of vibrations of the numbers 3 and 7.

The number 3 symbolizes joy and happiness, creativity, inspiration, self – expression, growth, increase, expansion, talent, spontaneity, sensitivity, skills, etc.

It is also the number of the Ascended Masters. This number signifies their influence over your life, in helping you, discover the right path and manifesting your desires, as well as finding peace.

The number 7 symbolizes persistence, spiritual awareness, spiritual development, mysticism, spiritual enlightenment, intuition, psychic abilities, inner wisdom and understanding others.

The number 37 symbolizes exploration, introspection, creativity, independence, self – determination and self – expression.

The number 37 is a very creative and independent number. Its essence is independence."


Am I complete idiot for going straight to Satan as my second choice?

Probably! However, you’ve got to know insanity for sanity to work. The idea is to not allow him to possess me, it’s to talk out the issues of a previous life. A state of being.

While Frigg is not happy about the decision, she gets it. I’ve given myself 37 days to work with a Dragon who has been my ultimate fear since childhood. There are some things that need to be kept secret. Some things that are private.

Remember that!

My ancestors do not harm me. However, they will not speak kindly to strangers right now.

I’ll burn every single last bridge within myself until the witch screams and she’s burning on her own stake.

Message: Turn left, Angel. Do not come back until you’ve burned the most important part of yourself. You’re humanity.

The Phoniex doesn’t rise, the Dragon does.


:heart: Satan Satanail Satanas :heart:


There’s a gray area here.

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Sometimes the answers come. Sometimes the blessings of the past hit us directly between the eyes.

I have learned of one named Gaia.

Embodying her is going to be the toughest thing I will do within my lifetime.

Ancestors: The elephants name is Mara. Her name is Mara.

Mara is an ancient Egyptian name meaning “truth of the sun”. She’s connected to Ra.

Ancestors: Realize this is for her. Not you.

Satan is confused as to why she is walking towards the gate. He will see her, but the depression and the negative emotions have come up.

Meditation is happening twice a day. Once in the morning and again at night.

How she is seeing Goddess Gaia:

Ancestors: From earth and sky, to dust from dust. From the ancient history, she’ll learn. She’s connected to Ra. Let her be.

Foods to be eaten:

Whole Grains
Natural sugars only


  • Focus on the good, process through the bad for the ultimate healing
  • Picture what you want
  • Focus on the intent
  • Elephant first, Viking second, Dragon third
  • Give praise to Ra

Ancestors: Realize Satan will rise the minute you (Mara) walk through the gate, for he knows you. He knows the angel from the demon. You’re not a demon, something more.

Hekate is with this one.


Heartbeat of the Earth

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I think when you start working with these sects, you are doing eternal offering of friendship/obedience/constinent workings… so to them, it could seem arrogant and greedy that you wanna swoop trough them, when you are supposed to personally build with/trough them… its like not treating them as personas at all, just abusing them systemlike…

i dont respect any of the beings you mention as gatekeepers, but, they do see your intention from very early on, and playing them, you alone, will leave you in disadvantage in eternal scale, you get it ?

@jennaelizabeth how do you know you’re a direct descendant of Cain? Also, what benefits, if any, has it provided you?

Agreed, which is why I have been told and instructed to slow down.

That is a matter of opinion, not fact. Any Goddess or God can be a gateway to understanding yourself better. I had considered going through all the original nine Demonic kings; however, this path did not feel right for me.

Magick is what you make of it. My path doesn’t have to look like yours. While you may not respect my choices in those who I choose to work with; your opinion really has no basis as to why I chose them. Or what my background is. Or what hell I unleashed last year on my own life.

@KRA - the heart of the silent is rarely purged in public. and very rarely understood. rarely do i let people into the inner-city of my heart. i don’t even let my own family in; because they would think i am a little crazy.

while i respect your thoughts and opinions, please know i am entitled to my own path. my own thoughts. my own working.

currently, i am working with Hekate.

if you know Hekate, then you know the Egyptian Goddess Isis. If you know of Isis, then surely you must know Neith. And Neith is an embodiment of Gaia.

you have not walked where i have walked in my mortal existince. and i have not walked where you have walked. there is no right way or wrong way to do Magick. if you think there is, than maybe you need to re-think what this forum is all about.

I take the knowledge that will benefit me in my learning. In my path. In my dealings with how i understand the world right now.

what I do with mine, should have no bearing on your path. what you have given is merely your thoughts, which I am happy to read through them and think. however, it doesn’t mean i am going to stop what i think is right or start a full-blown war with people.

plus, you don’t see half of the stuff that comes through my head. that’s reserved for my journal. or other media sites where i want people to know.

you only see the written things, not the full person.


I never shown intrest or made you think that i would care about you and your head and conciousness… :slight_smile:

what i did in my post was mirroring my own “rules” which i apply since i have people doing pathworking to me, just mostly to remind myself what it is that i actually want… you know…

i also dont make assumptions about other people, which in these terms and context clearly shows some weakness and lack of experience in actually having disclipines :slight_smile:

stay real, hekate is cool… maybe one day i will even meet you

@MagickBeginner - I worked directly with a female Shaman, a light worker.

Let’s open a can of worms, shall we!

Lilith/Eve are the same person.

Lilith is the Demonization of women, everything a woman should not be.

Eve is the Heavenliness of women, everything a woman should be.

But who, if anyone, states what a woman should be or not be?

When in reality, we could come from anywhere. Or anything! Really, we could just be little specs of dust.

The DNA of your ancestors live within your blood cells. So, Cain is an offspring of this Eve/Lilith person. The first “humans”. But was his name really Cain?

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It’s going in that direction again.

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