How quickly can someone go through the nine gates?

Agreed, which is why I have been told and instructed to slow down.

That is a matter of opinion, not fact. Any Goddess or God can be a gateway to understanding yourself better. I had considered going through all the original nine Demonic kings; however, this path did not feel right for me.

Magick is what you make of it. My path doesn’t have to look like yours. While you may not respect my choices in those who I choose to work with; your opinion really has no basis as to why I chose them. Or what my background is. Or what hell I unleashed last year on my own life.

@KRA - the heart of the silent is rarely purged in public. and very rarely understood. rarely do i let people into the inner-city of my heart. i don’t even let my own family in; because they would think i am a little crazy.

while i respect your thoughts and opinions, please know i am entitled to my own path. my own thoughts. my own working.

currently, i am working with Hekate.

if you know Hekate, then you know the Egyptian Goddess Isis. If you know of Isis, then surely you must know Neith. And Neith is an embodiment of Gaia.

you have not walked where i have walked in my mortal existince. and i have not walked where you have walked. there is no right way or wrong way to do Magick. if you think there is, than maybe you need to re-think what this forum is all about.

I take the knowledge that will benefit me in my learning. In my path. In my dealings with how i understand the world right now.

what I do with mine, should have no bearing on your path. what you have given is merely your thoughts, which I am happy to read through them and think. however, it doesn’t mean i am going to stop what i think is right or start a full-blown war with people.

plus, you don’t see half of the stuff that comes through my head. that’s reserved for my journal. or other media sites where i want people to know.

you only see the written things, not the full person.


I never shown intrest or made you think that i would care about you and your head and conciousness… :slight_smile:

what i did in my post was mirroring my own “rules” which i apply since i have people doing pathworking to me, just mostly to remind myself what it is that i actually want… you know…

i also dont make assumptions about other people, which in these terms and context clearly shows some weakness and lack of experience in actually having disclipines :slight_smile:

stay real, hekate is cool… maybe one day i will even meet you

@MagickBeginner - I worked directly with a female Shaman, a light worker.

Let’s open a can of worms, shall we!

Lilith/Eve are the same person.

Lilith is the Demonization of women, everything a woman should not be.

Eve is the Heavenliness of women, everything a woman should be.

But who, if anyone, states what a woman should be or not be?

When in reality, we could come from anywhere. Or anything! Really, we could just be little specs of dust.

The DNA of your ancestors live within your blood cells. So, Cain is an offspring of this Eve/Lilith person. The first “humans”. But was his name really Cain?

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It’s going in that direction again.

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Let it be!

I simply won’t post. :shushing_face:


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How did you do this Beloved? Forever I will Love you forever. This is Raw Chaos in Art. Soo dangerous this feeling inside I’m giddy with laughter and confused… Why? Nah doesn’t matter I’ve come home just know.

Second time today you’ve made me cry.


OP, keep up the work. :+1:

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I can’t even believe this my darling. Your Perfected Art know that Beloved. Ancestors of Cain. I didn’t know that though this was last year.

Omg I unlocked another key. Exhale listen to the earth it’s steadily beating.
Set growls “just listen and you’ll understand“ “Listen to what you didn’t say anything.” Deep Breath… Stillness. “Wait I don’t understand” I open my eyes.
Fractured light makes lines in the sand. “Flow this line up now” He says to me. I blink. “Stand” I listen and look around, then up squinting. “Little wolf.” Yep I say back partially unaware. “Look down”. I slowly turn to look down. Staring back at me right there on the ground. “Oh”…”Really? Huh go figure.” I say and just shrug.” I thought you’d be happier to finally see her” haha :joy: “ I’m happy, trust me you will see Rah” I walk a slow circle and squat spreading my feet deep in the sand. I Suddenly spin, kicking up torrents of sand. Then just stand there combative and and ready to dance. “While you were sleeping and turning your courses, I lived through my fare share of childhood divorces. And with that in mind, and throughout it all, I spent some time in my own darkness. “ He Glares at me Angry. “Now son I don’t get you, what’s this about?” “You don’t get it pop? I already knew her name. Mom shared it with me in my darkness. “Suddenly, simmering, he boils inside… “haha haha !!!” he bursts out laughing. “We gotcha though, it was moms idea. It went like this see… “ I just Shrug and walk off into the dark. In there to comfort my pain. “Where are you going she’s that way, I litterally just told you the ineffable name.” I look back grinning slyly “Rah I am you in the Morning, yet still I am Set in the setting sun. I must tend all my demons and harness my anger to become the memorable one.”

Kinda been just jotting shit random places you reminded me :pray:t3:

Thank You! I will!



Meditation, sugar lips, meditation. Calm yourself before you combust into a pile of fire on the floor.

Eat correctly. Exercise.

beNieth the stars. Neith. Shhhhhhhh.

Good luck in your path.



Note: I’m definitely not perfect in my art form.

Side note: Tiamet.

If you want to write about your journey, start your own thread/journal. But make it a point to help others.

Good Night. Meet me beNeith the stars.

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The Blood of Salem bridge is being burned at midnight.

The ancestors are being let go one by one.

Hekate has helped me release them.

I’m no longer a willing Matriarch of the Blood of Salem. I’m no longer channeling a Queen into existence. The path has changed. The vision has changed.

I release myself from watching over others. I release all negative energy from my spirit. I again take the task of walking my path alone.

Though I hear the crows sing loud and clear, the knife will be plunged into the heart as soon as the fire dies down. I take back my name. I release myself from my earthly form.

I simply just enjoy the rest of my summer. When I will be back to post on my journey, only time will tell.

These images came today:

I know not who they come from. And it doesn’t really matter at this time.

For, on the chessboard of life, I am simply a peon. I matter not to anyone else. And the laughter comes - slowly - from others.

The Queen doesn’t rise, for she’s giving up her elephants - in order to do her own will.

I want Eygpt.


Yo… Is neith …nephyths?

There’s some ideas that Neith is an older form of Nephthys because Nephthys and Set had Anubis and Set and Neith had Sobek, so they aligned the two.

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Something pulled me back to look at this.

At this time, it really doesn’t matter who is connected to whom. However, I am just grateful I will no longer have to hear about the Temple of Set for the remainder of the summer.

Interesting information though.

I’ll write more at a later date, for now, I need to rework my heart. While I am not angry, I am severely disappointed in some people right now.

I just want to keep working through gate two.

Thanks for the insight. But, I am hushing myself now. :blush:

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And poof!

She’ll be writing an email.

And poof, poof, poof, and poof.

:crown: :crown:

Beliel: “In the movie Grease, Sandra Dee lowers her standards to get Danny. Meanwhile, Danny increased his standards to get the girl. But in the end, didn’t they really just meet in the middle, Mara?”

Goddess Isis: “You want Egypt, something has got to give, Babe.”

Beliel: “You don’t use drugs. You don’t drink. You lack understanding and confidence at the moment. You’re not doing what you were told and that was to control the anger.”

Goddess Kali: “Shut the humanity off, shut the fuck up, and get to work.”

Beliel: “It’s been a year. I am getting tired and restless. Why are you sitting on a rock?”

Goddess Isis: “I’ll see you in the morning, Mara. And you need to open your portal and let another in.”

Then three little giggles, the littlest ones. “Did you honestly think they’d leave you to fend for yourself, Jenna Elizabeth? One who named herself.”

Goddess Isis: "The crown is yours, just maybe not the one you expected. "


What was that? :slightly_frowning_face: Weirdest images I’ve ever seen. And I am not on anything or drinking.


Goddess Neith: “Jenna, sleep. And no more writing.”

Beliel: “The break starts at midnight.”


Beliel: “The damn gate _______________ the gates!”


Goddess Kali: “Remember the ancestors stripped her memories clean after the memory came back of being a child.”

Goddess Isis/Hekate: “She already knows.”

Beliel: “Then why doesn’t she go through.”

Goddess Neith: “Because it’s not time yet. Can she sleep now? She’s not responding to any of you, besides Goddess Isis. I suggest the rest of you leave her alone. Queens aren’t made overnight.”

Beliel: “The sooner she goes through…”

Goddess Kali: “Let her be…”

Let the dogs howl. Let the birds chirp.


Bring back what was mine at the gates beyond the gates.

Pharaoh rises first.

Now I understand the silence part.

One has to break the chains of religious dogma. Of undo thinking.

Goddess Isis: “You don’t need the drugs. Incense will do.”


Goddess Neith: “Jenna, time to sleep.”

Yes, ma’am.

Alrighty, this will be my last post on this thread for a while.

Right now, I am learning how a lion and a lamb can co-inhabitate in my body. My ancestors are no longer showing as elephants and the three that remained are well - poof - not allowed to go there.

But! Hahahaha! Found this and realized that @Nashoba_Eloym had some points in some of his posts I find hard to follow due to the verbage. (Good luck with your path working btw!)


Found this picture interesting. And it explains a lot.

My gates are changing. Beliel has agreed he pushed to hard, to fast. So, I’ll meet with Frigg and Odin to work with them for a bit.

And Amodoues will likely be taken out as one the gatekeepers I work with. As I simply have no desire to work with him at all. That is for personal reasons. I will re-evaluate this at the end of summer.

But for now, I think Heaven and Hell just need to coexist in my body. For one cannot be without the other. And really, there is no royal class in heaven and hell. And I’ll keep quiet.

For, I am Egypt.

For Pharaoh rode the great desert beast - the gentle camel. :dromedary_camel:

I am Pharaoh. The sun is my crown.

And Neith speaks those silent words.

I have no more to post.

Because it’s to the river and lakes I go.




Can you please close my thread?

Pathworking has changed.

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I’m not sure why this was never actually closed - but I’m glad it was never closed. Writing is my healing balm.

Please listen carefully.

Anne of Green Gables goes witchy and boho - Elephants and Dreams

To be honest, I should have walked away the minute I stumbled across that website. Yet - something pulled me towards it. The people who are “friends” with me on Facebook; well - they are all spys. All wondering what my story is. How I came to be. Well, maybe except two or three. :upside_down_face:

Now looking back on everything, I was surely stupid to give him a ritual of elephants.

Who “he” is, well, it doesn’t matter. I was just some fat bimbo that tried to play with a dragons breath and became the biggest energetic vampire of projection. It’s the truth!

So, I sought Mother Isis. For healing. For protection. For understanding.

All I received was a ball of yarn and was told to give it to my cats.

Within the realms of Beauty and the Beast, the Disney version states “… for who could ever learn to love a beast.” The story is not as simple as it appears.

I was stupid. In chaos comes beauty. But within beauty is a beast. “A simple headed bitch” whose hymen was torn by force, because no man will ever want a “damaged whore”.

Elephants do not exist. Love does not exist. Dreams do not exist. I’ve tried. I’ve seriously tried to break those bonds.

Ahriman simply stated to go darker. Darker and darker still. I don’t need another lesson. I don’t want another mistake. I don’t need to be laughed at again.

Isis simply states: The past is not so simple to break.

Elephants. Stupid elephants!

Mother teaches, I learn. I learn and mother teaches again. Give me cocaine and let me die.

For surely, “…who could ever fall in love with the simple headed beast of a bitch.”

Personal Gnosis: You’re the gatekeeper to your own life and you can have as many gates as you need. Healing takes time. Self love takes time.

I finally laid my baby to rest. I took my Momma off of her pedestal and I finally starting to understand what my worth is.

Personal Gnosis: Gatekeepers hold keys. You are the gateway to your own universe.

Right now, Anne of Green Gables goes witchy and boho needs a break. She needs sleep and food. More rest. She’s tired.

So very tired. Because Anne of Green Gables goes witchy and boho - now understands her own stupidity!

I’m just not sure I’m ready or willing to share my work again publicly.

My last ritual with Ahriman - well, has left me feeling complex emotional numbness.

What I can say - take people seriously. Magic :sparkles::sparkles: isn’t larping.

Peace Out :v:

Anne of Green Gables goes witchy and boho - Anne Shirley goes primal

Personal Gnosis: Your gates, well, there going to lead you to some interesting places. The journey is not for the weak. Nor the tender hearted. You need to be tough! Or else they will eat you alive.

They are your personal demons. The things, that if not taken care of, can lead you to another suicide attempt.

You eventually learn how to stay strong for yourself, even when you have zero support from those in your life. (That’s a another story.)

The elephants

Personal Gnosis: The elephants were my dragons. My gray dragons.

In the very near future, there might be others who ask: Do you have any tattoos?

I’ll just smile, I’ll just shrug my shoulders. There may be a double edged sword and reason to why I’m working a second job. For healing. For doing things that need to be done.

For working with my dragons/elephants.

Sometimes the healing balms come when you’re friend of ten years agrees to drive you to the zoo, just so you can feel like a five year child.

That’s what I did for my birthday this summer.

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.

L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Personal Gnosis: I’m still going through my gates.

Love exists.
Dreams exist.
Elephants are real.

Even if you’re walking through the waters of chaos by yourself.

Because gates - well, they are only temporary and sometimes, in order to get what you want you’ve got to let go!

And forgive yourself for the past.

sometimes a girl just holds hands with all of her demons as she silently just lives life

Because I don’t know what gate to walk through next.