How quickly can someone go through the nine gates?

This is gonna be a rambly response to this thread as a whole. Im operating under the assumption we share a lot of similarities even if not immediately obvious.

37, in my numerological system breaks down into 3322. This is actually a very stable number (the two threes at the front form a 6 which represents a meeting or balancing of two forces, and the twos form 4 which is about foundations and strength). This, to me, suggests a long term repeating pattern, or a stable constant force. Add them together and you get 1, representing beginnings, pioneering, and all things novel. In 37, the three represents “transformation”, or a change in status quo. 7 is tricky but it seems to speak of karma and action. It is the effects of our actions, and how our actions affect us.

3322 is how the energy unfolds, 37 is its appearance, and 1 is the actual essence of the number.

Intuition will take you everywhere you need to go so long as you can trust it. I dont think assembling a “pantheon” of gatekeepers is necessarily a daunting or difficult act for beginners. We all have different skills and different callings.

As for my path… Ive always known I was different and I just attempt to understand why, this leads me to strange places. I also refuse to accept or work with something if it doesnt fully click with me. In my past this caused me a lot of angst and difficulty, but chaos magick has helped me take what I need and ignore the rest. 11 is my number.