How quickly can someone go through the nine gates?

No but I think among the gatekeepers we share common goals of ascension of the human race, and that a comingling of energies could be mutually beneficial towards that end.

Pm me if you want to talk more I dont wish to drag this off topic



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Haha sorry didnt realize you made the topic :sweat_smile:

What exactly do you mean my path? I kinda just let intuition take me. Idc about going off topic if im talking to the op…

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I will clarify this - when we meet others who change the perception of ourselves.


This is gonna be a rambly response to this thread as a whole. Im operating under the assumption we share a lot of similarities even if not immediately obvious.

37, in my numerological system breaks down into 3322. This is actually a very stable number (the two threes at the front form a 6 which represents a meeting or balancing of two forces, and the twos form 4 which is about foundations and strength). This, to me, suggests a long term repeating pattern, or a stable constant force. Add them together and you get 1, representing beginnings, pioneering, and all things novel. In 37, the three represents “transformation”, or a change in status quo. 7 is tricky but it seems to speak of karma and action. It is the effects of our actions, and how our actions affect us.

3322 is how the energy unfolds, 37 is its appearance, and 1 is the actual essence of the number.

Intuition will take you everywhere you need to go so long as you can trust it. I dont think assembling a “pantheon” of gatekeepers is necessarily a daunting or difficult act for beginners. We all have different skills and different callings.

As for my path… Ive always known I was different and I just attempt to understand why, this leads me to strange places. I also refuse to accept or work with something if it doesnt fully click with me. In my past this caused me a lot of angst and difficulty, but chaos magick has helped me take what I need and ignore the rest. 11 is my number.


So here’s my question, how do you get initiated into these Gates? I can ask only so many times before I literally am not allowed to post anymore because I am a new member. Everyone here seems to know about The gatekeepers. Why? Is there some sort of definitive guide I can look at?

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I think Belial can you get initiated, I am not so sure but if we consider Koetting and Balg crew released first Belials book iirc about these gatekeeper stuff.

In my opinion , just ask one of them?


Go watch his videos. He explains it @Freddot

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I followed a guide/ritual on here to get the basic feel. This isnt really my forte but a lot seem to disagree on who the demonic keepers are. Add on to it with the fact that there are other systems with different gates and entities all together and it can be difficult to sort through.

I really only knew about the idea of demonic gates from posting here. Lurk the forum enough you will find plenty of info.

No one way to do it. Id suggest having a basic foundation (meditation, at least basic development of the psychic senses), and then calling to each entity as though you were calling a friend from just beyond sight. With respect but also fondness. If youre like me you should see the gate, and either walk right through or ask the keeper to permit you to pass. What happens after this depends on the specific individual and entities involved.


@Freddot - just remember there are teachers all around.

Once you start working with Belial, the energies get intense. If you are not grounded, I’m afraid you may do what I did. I lost control. Became angry, burned a bridge and used sex as a revenge to get back at someone. I lost my life, my future with my Twin Flame. I left him destroyed. And I’ll never get him back, the Spirit and my ancestors will see to their promise.

I’ve spent a year alone. Only two close friends.

I burned a bridge. I’ve spent a year building my life back up. Brick by brick.

This is why I told you to start with the yoga and journaling. Once you do this, the dragon blood will rise.


Rarely a truer statement spoken.


Did this just now. This is definitely the better method for me. It’s working. I probably won’t give you too much information about it, but the guy is very versed in alchemy.

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Mate dont get me wrong, I respect if you want to keep your experiences to yourself, but stop stating it, I already heard it once.

Neither I care about it.

Regardless,good luck.


Thanks for the warning. I have willpower, so if I have any foresight I’ll be able to avoid anything rash. The guy seems to want to go easy on me, though. I’m going through this process with him regardless of difficulty.

He asked me what I wanted to be, in an ideal sense. I wrote it down for him. A small list. He make me sit down in this nice cafe looking room and he said a vial on the table. Said something like “What is in this vial is beyond you and I.”

long story short. I feel a little clammed up and kind of like I’m burning from the inside. The energies in the vial didn’t feel very intense and themselves, but I knew it was kind of like a reactant. The energies were inside of me, not the vial. Like the vial was an intention.

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The body is the vile, you are the house the energies run through.

Journal it. I only told my story for warning purposes.


I will journal the basics. I tend to remember these experiences

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Will update this later as to how this will be handled. For me, there will be 10 gates, as I have already worked with Beliel.

In the meantime - learn about the diamond.


Gate One: Beliel

Passage: A year ago

Emotions: Chaos, confusion, sexual energy, off my kilter (not balanced)

Remedy: I had to get right with me and be okay with myself before I could proceed. Once you are possessed by Beliel, he stays within the heart. He never leaves.

Actions still being taken:

  • Taking one day at a time
  • Meditation
  • Slowly giving up Diet Coke still :blush::sweat_smile: (it’s posin and not the the drink of the Goddess. Water is.)
  • Embracing the choas of everyday life
  • Learning not to be afraid

Motto to live by:

i am heaven
i am hell
i am the I AM
fire is the baptism of change
i am the resurrection of myself
speak no venom
bring no venom
for thy will, get thy reward

Offering: sex (at the time, I didn’t know what else to give.)

Advice: Seek help for your sexual addiction or you will not make progress. Also, calm the rage.

It has taken a full year. In general, the original nine gate keepers do not need a sexual union to help you.

My path is my own, as my mind is already dark. My ancestors need me to learn light.

Instead of nine gates, there will be ten gates I will go through. The next gate will be the Viking Gates with Odin and Frigg, with help from Hekate, Tiamet, and Tara. Goddess Ida, also known as Ila, will be invited to tag along, she’s a Hindu Goddess.

  • Goddess Ida (or Ila), source, Pinterest
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