How many are CURRENTLY working with Lilith?

I do wonder a couple things - one is whether, once you stop working with her, if that ever really stops, and then for many people in challenging life situations who aren’t occultists or even particularly religious might be working with her and not even realizing it or coming to her later in life just to realize that she was there behind the scenes all along.

I feel like the direct stuff is somewhat on hiatus right now, I shared a story a few weeks ago about changing where I do martial arts, assuming I dropped my Lilith necklace no one would have been present to grab it up, and yet it’s straight away missing. The odds of having had it dangle and fall out in a public place are low enough that I almost wonder if my loss was someone else’s apport.

That said I’ll feel at times like I’m moving back toward what might be thought of in some senses as RHP-ish goals and objectives and she’ll show up in flickers as if she’s either managing another side or angle of that activity and that it’s not in the slightest looked at in a possessive manner. It’s kind of like many of the better known deities see what we have in us and are interested in us cultivating exactly that, and this is also sort of why - related to an answer I gave in another thread - I don’t think they demand strict observance in their suggestions, or at least when they’re able to get strict observance out of you it’s because it’s your life that has you in that spot not so much them.

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She has been making herself known to everyone. She is definately working with me lately

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Presently working with Lilith as a pathworking to buddhahood through embracing of the divine feminine, walking the path of the dakini.

Currently working with Lilith to rid myself of addiction. Her methods of helping can be extreme at times, but that’s only because she genuinely cares, and sometimes such extreme measures are needed to help one improve.

As controversial as she may seem, she does help. That’s a fact. After working with her and getting a much-needed ass-kicking, this is the longest i’ve gone without relapsing, and my desire for the addictive behavior has decreased tremendously. :slightly_smiling_face:


Lilith has been in my life for…jeez…forever? I do currently work with her, yes. In fact, some of my biggest and hardest life struggles have been worked through with her at my side. I cannot call myself anything other than hers, because I feel our relationship is very fluid and constantly shifting from friendly to familial to something far more sensual — albeit the last one is more uncommon for us. We are what we are, and from my experience, she isn’t a malicious woman…well, not unless you really piss her off somehow. May the stars pity you on that day.

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She I think, know has always been there! X

As long as you show Her the respect She deserves, She will help You with anything.


Question :thinking: I know Lilith isn’t for beginners but what happens if she is already present in my life?


take it. dont believe every thing people tell you. if you feel her, work with her. its better when she comes to you then people call out for her. Be grateful sis. she found you.


Congratulations, welcome to the club! I never asked her to be part of my life, but yet I was bound at an early age. To be honest and fair, the crank has looked after me, since I can remember! Even tho for most of my life I have denied her existence! She is loyal.x


Her coming to me has been the greatest blessing of my life. She changed my life around and saved me from myself. Once that connection has been made, once you accept Her, She will always be right by your side.


In my experience, there are many entities named share Her name, which those I call “Construct Lilith”; These man made beings are the ones that are used by organized religion to detour people from, as I prefer, “True Lilith.” I have encountered both and there is a noticeable difference. The construct(s) cause intentional harm and have a more noxious energy to them. Lilith at Her truest, has a potent energy to Her, but it is an energy that emits a,” Woah, I do NOT want to upset Her!”
She is extremely confident and exhibits immense respect for herself, and She does what She pleases; I have noticed She response to suggestions most of the time, but directly asking of Her in a command/demand/expectation will result in either Her snapping back with along the lines of: “Little boy/girl, if an old geezer failed to command me, you think you’d be able to” or it goes unnoticed. If you invest in Her, Her temptress and alluring side most comes out when you are not sticking up for yourself and/or you’re not being your true self. I have hear Her say,”What happened to that ‘Big Tough Boy’ you said you were? Jus sayin, I was thinking you’d be strong enough to tell this human mocking you ‘Go vomit your bs on someone whose into that’, but oh well, enjoy your bile bath.” She has a clever way of motivating you, and invokes you to push yourself to impress Her while also showing that you are who you say you are.

Some other things She has shared to me are:

  1. “God” was the first sinner for demanding Her to be raped and disregarding Her say.
  2. She never ate from the Tree of Knowledge, which in turn, made Her not infected with the “Sin Virus”, unlike Adam and Eve being afflicted with it. Making Her, immortal and an untainted being.
  3. Lilith assassinated Adam when he was vulnerable and couldn’t defend himself; She stalked him limping in the wilderness of the world, and when he stopped and rested, She pounced suddenly upon him. He looked up at Her, as if She never aged since he last saw Her and She was the last sight he saw. Most, nearly all, Abrahamic writing intentionally censor this. Why would religious and controlling men allow to have the first man get taken out by the first woman?

If I had to best depict Her, it would be this. If you are familiar with the artwork, yes, this is “Olivia” from Magic the Gathering.

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She is a bitch! X

I am.

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