How I tore down my targets life - Worse Than Death

You inspire me. Beautiful!

Iā€™d really, really like to know how to accomplish this. I have a similar issue with an almost equally dispicable person who needs to suffer the same fate. Any guidance appreciated. PMs welcome. Thanks in advance for any help offered or given.

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How did this cunt ruin ur childhood?

Oh man, that was awesome work. Please donā€™t get pissed at me for saying so.:smiling_imp:

Wow exactly what I needed to learn and hear thank you.

Another unmentioned but excellent reason for C.Kendall to have taken the action he did is his RAGE. I firmly believe that if we donā€™t take action against the person actually responsible for harming us, for our emotional damage, then we will take this rage out on either other people who are innocent, ourselves, or both. So by taking action against the perpetrator, you are not only healing yourself but you are doing a great service to the rest of us.
There must be justice.


Sorry, but what he did to you?

Think of every form of abuse you could perform on a person ā€¦ That.

Iā€™d rather not say anything else on the matter, Iā€™m sure you understand.


I would assume you made a list of what you want to happen and then look for the demons that can do that?

If you are still offering services please pm me.

I saw how you did it a while back, but I canā€™t seem to find it. Would you please repost the spell? Thank you .

Hi, do you not worry about karma?

Iā€™ve never seen anything that supports the existence of karma and Iā€™m not talking about facts, I learn from my experiences. Iā€™ve lived in a world where evil people get away with so much injustice and they live lives of luxury. Yet honest, loving and kind down to earth individuals end up homeless, they get killed, manipulated, raped, abused and go through so much pain. Whereā€™s the karma in that ?.

Whereā€™s karma when rapists and child molesters get away with what they do and actually lead successful lives. When Iā€™ve met people that deserve everything they desire yet they live in a torturous existence.

So when I commit an act of evil, which I will do if I see it as a necessary evil, then I will perform that act proudly. Iā€™ve never had any back lash or bad luck, never have I ever suffered at the hands of so called karma. Actually when I was timid, introvert and to kind and soft, for the sake of being what I was told was ā€œGoodā€ I lived a terrible life.

It wasnā€™t until I became a devil myself and wielded the powers of darkness and the forces of evil, when I saw it was needed that the scales were tipped to my side.


I understand. Have you ever considered a feather fan?

Incredible. Iā€™m bookmarking this forā€¦ ehumā€¦ research purposes. Yes, that.

Thank you for sharing @C.Kendall! :slight_smile:


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May I PM you for guidance?

@C.Kendall hi! can you pls pm me how you did this? im in a very similar situation and im so hellbent to taking revenge after she ruined a huge part of my life

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After years of lurking in the shadows, your reply is what lured me out to make a profile and join. I have recently begun to regain my power and rise again.

You speak true. It is only when you let go of outdated false perceptions, that no longer serve you, do you recognize your enemy AS your enemy. Only then can you defend. Only then can you fight back.

The horrors suffered at the hands of a covert malignant narcissist can be crippling. Their power lies in staying hidden; remove it with exposure. Although the task may not be an easy one for the masks they wear are many. But upon your head is the Crown, and heavy is the head.

Put them in their place. If by way of a magickal curse then so be it. Curses take you power back when no other means are available.

ā€œRevenge is dish best served coldā€


Not only served cold. spit on and on the floor. :wink:

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