How do you view Hell

Exactly. We don’t know who’s right



While watching the audiobook of The Book Of Azazel, Dante Abiel says that he went through 9 Days Of Hell .

And if you look those days were filled with torment alongside with Eternal Damnation.

His wife leaving him…

@Lord_Raven and he ended up more powerful for it. The message of that book was not a warning. EA is actively encouraging people to do it.

The phrase Eternal Damnation isn’t used in a negative way in this context.

Yes but with PAIN

It tells us that the demons want people to go through pain.

All those using of your blood rituals are what???


Do I actually have to explain this? Blood is used not because we are trying to torture people (it’s quite painless actually) but simply because it’s an effective tool.


@Lord_Raven Have you ever actually cut yourself? It doesn’t actually hurt you know.

Is it actually painless?

Please tell me how to do it in a painless way. I am new to bloodmagick.

Yes[quote=“Lord_Raven, post:74, topic:20147”]
Please tell me how to do it in a painless way. I am new to bloodmagick.
As long as you don’t cut deep cutting any part of your hand should be absolutely painless.




As long as you don’t cut deep cutting any part of your hand should be absolutely painless.

Only the palm?

Fingers, thumb or palm

Okay thanks :+1:

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As long as you don’t cut deep cutting any part of your hand should be absolutely painless.

I disagree. I think “paper cuts” are annoying.

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Anyone who does not like being grossly misrepresented cares, especially if that falsehood is likely to be the only thing people end up remembering, that’s how shitty little things like christianity largely start.

No, what he was actually attempting to explain to people like you is that your preconception about the concepts of selling your soul and hell are bullshit. Big different.

Again you conveniently omit the fact the Dante Abiel was going through heroin withdrawal at that time, listen to the Book of Azazel one more time or a hundred times and maybe then you will understand at it’s heart it’s about a purification ritual.


I sure heard the part where Azazel helped him stop his addiction to Opiates.

Paper cuts hurt more than actual cuts.



Can you tell me what the pact about of Dante Abiel and Azazel was about? The video is very long.

The Dante Abiel pact is not the man part of the video. That wasn’t the pact I was referring to.

That is only the intro the “meat” of the book is about the working pact EA made with Azazel. Listen to the whole book it is worth the listen as it will likely answer alot of questions you may have.

If you cant make the time to extract wisdom from knowledge given for free you may wanna avoid any idea of pact works for now.

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