How do you guys go about removing karmic debt?

What the title says.

Karma is the flow of energy around you built up due to your own interactions in the world, mostly from this life but bleedthrough from past life experience can also impact you. It’s not so much a “debt” - you don’t owe anybody anything. It’s not good or bad and it’s not a judgement, it’s the result of living.

Some cultures take it in this direction as a tool by unscrupulous people to victim blame and assert they have superiority or a right to control others, notable as an excuse for Indias horrific Chad system, that’s that’s human bs and politics not actually how karma works.

So if you want to change the flow of energy around you, first recognize what it is you want to change, then work specifically on that energy. Be careful not to blame psychological traits on “karma” or you’ll be wasting your time: for these research the psychology and work on understanding yourself and what makes you tick (Audi cashed doing shadow work a la Jung).


You need to clean your akashic records by someone who is specialized on that. :ok_hand:

This! I want to remove the negative karmic energy that I have accumulated from a past life. I’ve done some deep work and realized that I might have some left over that seems to be affecting my life as of now maybe.


Is it related to a person or other people or it energy they belongs to you and only you?

For the part of karma related to actions deemed ‘bad’ I even use to sometimes repeat prayers like “Miserere mei, Deus…” or “Confiteor Deo omnipotenti…” etc.

Diligently and devotedly chanting mantras daily, various mantras, incl. these:


Karma is not a divine punishment or reward. It means cause and effect. For very desire and every decision you make you create energy and because energy cannot be destroyed it leads to rebirth. As long the ego exists the cycles of rebirth will be forever. However, I think that if the immortality of the self/ego is obtained then you through your own will decide your rebirth and you will by that be free of karma.

It’s energy that is personal. But I also had to do some uncrossing because everything seemed to not go my way. My spells weren’t coming through even though it should, I was having health problems, my finances were plummeting, and my mental health was on the rocks. I had hella nightmares, developed anxiety attacks where I couldn’t breathe, and the deities I worked with were coming to check on me but they did nothing to help.

And banishing and cleansing didn’t work? Having nightmares can be a sign of psychic attack by parasites, depending on the nightmares. You can sort of see by the nightmare subject though if your subconscious is trying to warn you that you are under attack, there’s usually an element of being chased or hunted by something.

I actually had nightmares but I wasn’t scared of anything. It wasn’t really fear, I think it wanted me to be more fearful and failed. But after the uncrossing spell I had a dream of playing in a mall and being chased. It was just a game of tag so I think all is well

Nope. Tried that and called archangels, called my protective dieties, warded the place (my warding didn’t obviously stick at the time as I was having a rough time personally) and called Dremus. I don’t think Dremus is even taking calls lol.
But does this sound like a parasite? It can leave and it leaves but comes back when I’m awake. He stands over me and looks like a black shadow, and can change the way he looks. And he might be giving me terrible advice or ruining my energy because my tarot cards are fucked up sometimes and gives me off info.

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The usual hallmark of a parasite is that it’s feeding on you, and that comes with symptoms, like anxiety, a feelings of dread, feeling low energy, drained, loss of will, loss of interest in activities, feeling easily irritated and tired, getting sick easily - if you’ve got none of that or there’s a mundane reason for these like a diagnosed sickness, then it’s probably not an entity issue.

Black shadows sound more like shadow people, or astral entities that are just curious. I find all sorts of things can interfere with tarot and then I cleanse them, reshuffle and I keep them wrapped in black silk - black being a protective color.

It sounds like the entity might be anchored to an object or something. If it is attached to a physical object within your vicinity, then banishing, cleansing and wards won’t work because the anchor gives it a line to follow back in.

Yes, this might be a parasite that is super vocal and makes hella noise around my apartment. It loves chaos.

I can’t really explain it, but it’s more super dark similar to a shadow but not so much that. It’s an entity that can get up and walk around and sit on my counters. It’s dark black like a shadow. It got me to eat something in my dream a month ago and my stomach has been feeling heavy ever since. Like I swallowed a wad of paper.

It shows me dreams of a bathroom OFTEN and every time I usually have to use the restroom and sit down, I wake up. I don’t know what it’s anchored to actually, a lot of stuff that I have owned has been lost due to homelessness. But I do have a towel that my abusive mother bought me and some crystals that I purchased on Etsy years ago. I cleansed them during the moonlight though. Could it be something in the bathroom or something else?

You may need to trace the entity’s energy signature to find its anchor. If you are having visions of a bathroom then it may very well be connected to something in there. It could even be something buried in the walls or under the floor.

How would you go about doing that?

It actually has been here for more than two years. I just moved into my apartment in spring. The only thing it shows me in my dream is filth and a toilet. My apartment is usually clean and my bathroom is quite empty. I can’t do a thing about removing the toilet. But can I transfer the little bugger to someone else so I don’t have to deal with it anymore. I’m willing to do that.

I just got the funniest flash when you said that, that there are djinn that are associated with exactly this. They live in the dark, abandoned and dirty places. I know they’re in the US too as I saw one in a dark basement when I was viewing a foreclosed house one time. It was a dark shadow like you say, staring out of the darkness (there was no power and no windows) and looking right at me - it know I could see it. This one wanted to be left alone really and I nudged the realtor out of there. She couldn’t see it but she got the “creepy” vibe… But yours seems to want to connect.
Maybe try getting into meditation and asking it if it’s a djinni. :thinking: If so ask it what it wants. Not all djinn are bad.

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This makes sense because when I worked with King Paimon, a spirit that resembled what I saw came out of my dirty hamper when he had came into my room.

It sometimes helps me and sometimes doesn’t. It’s wishy washy with its intentions. It’ll give me good advice on something and then the next it won’t and it’d be mean. It seems to love my sacral chakra though, sometimes he lays right beside me and rides my back. I don’t know what to think of it, it changes the energy of the room for me to something kindve abyss like and fuzzy. I don’t know a better word to describe it.

I see the djinn as a kind of fae, and fae are of the Earth, they’re basically people like you and me, but with energy bodies. The story goes that they were the first people, here before humans evolved. So it makes sense that as people that also have their moods, they troll or get serious, they look for attention and entertainment, and they respond to friendship.

This could be the start of something super interesting, maybe a friendship, and maybe you can work with it, set some boundaries and develop the relationship so it trolls less and helps more? Like, ask it what it’s name is or say “can I call you… Bob”, or whatever :slight_smile: Maybe offer it a vessel so that it can attach to that if it doesn’t have something already that you can take with you if you move. Lots of maybes but I don’t see why not?