I am planning on moving to a new apartment but my Altar is in my old room. I have a moderately big Altar and items on top of an Altar cloth that I’m guessing need to be removed when moving the Altar. How do I move an Altar in new living quarters without it coming off as disrespectful?
I think your overthinking this.
There shouldn’t be any problem in just moving it the way you would anything else.
You can just do what I did. “Alright , we are moving” and proceed to pack it up and move it. lol
Would any entities “residing” in the Altar be okay with me simply moving the Altar making it a big deal or is just moving it like you would anything else normal for everyone?
I think people overthink these things. It’s not like by touching and moving the items of your altar/the altar that your going to “wake” or disturb any spirits lol. It’s an altar. Not a “hands off” holy item lol.
Your not going to offend any spirit by moving the altar to a different location. The only way you would is if you intentionally broke something, but clearly that isn’t your goal.
That depends on whether or not you were housing spirits or you were simply using the altar as a place to give offerings and devotion to.
If you are using it as a magical tool/for yourself to aid in connection- I can’t see any reason that it would be harmful in anyway to move it. however if you were using it to house spirits that you trapped- I guess I can see where that may become an issue.
However haunted items do not seem to be affected by moving them, so I don’t see it As a big issue once again…
Even if you use it as a vessel for servitors or ubis or any of that- I can’t see any problem because you could simply just reassign the vessel if needed or just let them know.
As far as an author knowing about what they are writing about goes… eh.
We had a new author on here not too long ago that I pretty well showed I knew more about his writing subject, Than he did by asking right the right questions so… I personally don’t assume that just because it made a book that it is true, or that said author knows the topic at all- Generically speaking. I have downloaded this book you mentioned but I haven’t read it.
That book.is. AWESOME I have it.
Pack it ceremonially, telling the entities what’s happening, and then re-enchant it in the new location. Feed it extra incense daily to reestablish a strong conduit faster. You might feel the presence fade and come back.
Quick question, does having something as a vessel to willingly house and ubi strengthen their connection to you/the physical plane in any manner? Just wondering why people do this, and how ones does (I would imagine just cleansing/consecrating it then stating it’s for the ubi would be enough? Since I suppose they would know how to use inhabit it.)
People generally think it does. I agree because it gives you a focal point, you’ll expend energy over it and over time the spirits energy will be stronger in that item, so it does seem as it would make for stronger physical/visual manifestations.
That’s just my opinion, I don’t have any vessels in my possession, personally, though I’ve had people ask about my physical sketches and if it would help them connect with the servitors and the answer imop, is possibly but no one has needed that to summon/work with my servitors, so it’s not a requirement in life.
Wash your hands before touching anything as a symbol you’re entering the space of sacred objects, and place your hands over the altar, explaining that you are moving them, and breifly explaining why, give them a time and if possible, something like “at nightfall tonight” or “after dawn tomorrow” - spirits seem to find the movement of astral bodies more relatable than clock time.
Make sure to cleanse the new area, especially any corners and the angle where the wall meets the floor, if you can wash it with water with a little cologne, or some herbs, or smudge it with sage or incense, that might help, or ring bells/clap into the air around the space, to liven up the energy before you set the new altar up.
It’s going to be your portal, preparing it a bit won’t hurt.
I actually have a small trunk I was gifted and consecrated back in my college days that I would pack the things I did not destroy after ritual. In my early years, I used to make simple things like clay bowls and use sticks to make circles. I would break those items to leave out in nature and pack away the others so I would not be reminded of the ritual. I still tend to build and deconstruct altars with rituals when I decide to use physical objects, which is why I don’t really have many pictures of them here.
Consecrating something as simple as the cardboard box you are using to pack it can help make the moving feel more respectful.
Accurate i went through the same thought process during my first move after constructing my altar but there were no issues. I will say if you have any idols that are used for regular conduits or active spirit or gateway sigils you may want to close those down first as they can make moves weird with random manifestions with the constant flow of energy at times
which book did he refer to? the post is deleted.
Book called “communing with the spirits” I think by Coleman…
Absolutely fabulous book. I use many of techniques I learned there in working with servitors and Goetic spirits. Very multi discipline applicable material.
Thanks I guess I will have to give it a read then