How do I know if I successfully left my body vs simply imagining things?

I personally don’t hear that high pitch sound before leaving. (if I’m doing it correctly idk if everyone who does soul travel is supposed to hear this or not, I hear it’s different for everyone.) I’ll go through this majestic journey or something then when I open my eyes I’m not satisfied and I end up leaving the couch or bed thinking I just had nothing but an imagination fest. Is there any ways I can test to see if I been successfully leaving my body this whole time without even realizing it? The one trait I always experience is it feels like I’m in a trance with my eyes closed but I’m almost picturing where I’m going essentially…not really forcing it I’m just letting whatever I see appear.

I’d appreciate the help, I will face palm so hard if I have been doing it correctly this whole time lol.

But to re cap what I’m wondering is there ways to tell if I successfully left my body? Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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What I’ve heard most people do to check is go outside their house to a shop or the neighborhood, observe the surroundings, come back, write it down and then go out to verify.


In my experience, you will know, 100%. It doesn’t feel like imagining or looking at images on the black screen of your eyelids.

You will be fully conscious, walking (or flying) around in a world that feels identical to the real world, except a lot of the time there will be weird anachronisms, like environment amalgamations. For example, you might leave your body and find yourself in your house, except the furniture is arranged differently, or the house is a mish-mash of your current house and houses you’ve lived in previously, stuff like that, which usually you won’t question or even realise until the experience ends.

Most of the time when I’m having an out of body experience, I actually question whether I am actually awake or not about 80% of the time. So if you’re ever having a dreamlike experience that’s so lifelike you wonder if you might actually be awake, that’s a good indicator. If this happens, I find trying to push my right thumb through my left palm is a good “reality check”.

Others will likely have different experiences than mine. And there are other methods of projecting your consciousness, and remote viewing.


When you are fully projecting, it’s like you’re actually there. You are not aware of your physical surroundings.