How do I get laid [side conversation]

@Rav…But what do you do if you’re like me and just can’t get anyone to fuck you?


Please Help Me!

If you’re the least bit gay you could install Grindr :joy: I guess women are attracted to confidence, which you are not showing at this moment.
Develop your intuition so you sense when a chick digs you aaand hit the gym so while you’re working on your self you could possibly meet girls. Or their guy friends that might possibly introduce you to them.



I’m not confident how can you tell?

Indeed it is easier to open portals through sex but also helps no sex at all, that would be working with the upper crown thaumiel gogiel

A post was merged into an existing topic: Opening up a hell mouth

@Rav…So you need to fuck for some portals…and don’t fuck for any?

@Azazel66613 this seems off topic for the original post, thus I have move it out here to it’s own topic. :+1:

Probably this, along with your communication style in general on here: this is bit “needy”. I don’t know how you act around women but they tend to run away from any kind of neediness.

You can look up tips on youtube on communicating to appear more confident.

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I’m shy around womem and don’t approach them

Thank you, but I’m not gay
I’m not sure how you knew I was a non-girl entity
Damn it! I wish I had the Psychic/Astral Senses so I could get a Sucubus already!:skull::skull::skull::skull:

It shows in many people’s energy to be honest.

So why are you so shy around the female folks?

Because they’re too precious
And I don’t want to make them uncomfortable
…besides they don’t like me so it makes it more embarrassing if I were to try to approach one

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So your original question is already answered:

It’s not that you “can’t get” anyone to fuck you - I bet you could if you wanted to ask.

What makes you say that? Looks can be fixed, communication skills can be learned through practice.

We’re not made of glass. And if they haven’t got the spine to say “no thank you” nicely without it turning into a drama-fest you don’t want that one anyway.

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Women are attracted to men who can get other women. It has nothing to do with being a player however because a man who can get all women can choose only be with one. So my advice to you is to hit the gym and improve your social skills so you can eventually make people take picture of you with girls which you then can put on instagram or tinder. Demons like Belial and Asmoday are known help with things like that.

Ah yes! King Asmodeaus and King Belial!
I’ve never met them or felt them…but I feel like I like them, I feel like they would be fucking awesome and cool to talk to, and I don’t mean because of their powers or rank, I simply mean their personalities, I know it doesn’t make since because I don’t know their personalities but that’s how I feel about them…


…I almost would have used magick to enhance myself…If I were powerful enough

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