How do i FORCE someone to bend to my will in love matters?

Okay so i am dealing with this horribly stubborn target. I cut him off because he was being horribly selfish and egotistical, even when he caught feelings for me and admitted it. He even said i caught feelings for you i did not plan on having so now i am dating someone else how do you feel about it? LOL.

No matter how attached or obsessed he becomes with me, he is desperately trying to cling onto his weird ego. And i get the impression he has always been like this. Once he admitted to me it’s true, i am selfish in love. I can’t give control to anyone especially if they haven’t given me control. He is just pathetic and has some massive abandonment issues that control him.

From what i’ve heard re: him talking about his old relationships it definitely seems like it stems from some childhood issues and he is always talking about relationship dynamics like it’s a one-way street and girls have to “prove” they “deserve” him. While in the process he is completely blinded about the fact that it goes both ways and he has to deserve it as well.

So i drove him crazy because i was seeing other men and didn’t give into him because he was being non-commital. He was even making threats like “i am OUT OF HERE if you sleep with another man” so i just called his bluff and laughed. Instead of letting go of his ego and saying he likes me more than he expected so he might want to take things between us further, he just started dating other girls on purpose to make me jealous and get a reaction from me. He even admitted it saying “MAYBE I WANTED TO MAKE YOU JEALOUS TOO!”.

It’s just completely unhinged, i feel like he hasn’t felt this way before and has been trying to desperately get over me instead of doing something that would bring a more suitable outcome all because he wants to feel like he is in control. It’s been 2 months since we talked and he still stalks me online and flirts with me like crazy when he sees me in real life (he works nearby my place), even screams at me from across the street to get my attention and tries to play with my kid pretending he is interested in my kid to try to get me to talk with him.

So i think he might reconcile soon and based on divinity and his behaviours lately, however i don’t even care if he comes back because i am sick of his nonsense ego power trip games. He is obviously still attached and still wants my attention and validation although he is literally dating someone else. My question is, WHAT DO I DO to force him to behave better? Believe me nothing works on that manchild. He wants to be chased and made feel special and if you don’t suck up to his ego 24/7 he becomes super moody and tries to hurt you/get back at you.

He is literally using some girls to deem his feelings for me and i was warned by readers that was gonna happen as well but obviously it isn’t working. These girls even all know about me and are stalking me online. Yet even then, i really doubt he will take accountability unless i do something to shift the dynamic.

So youre mad that he sees other girls, meanwhile you see other guys to drive him mad. Did I get that right?

No I’m not mad, until we have a commitment he can do whatever he wants. The point is that he was the one getting mad, jealous, crazy and possessive yet also refusing to solidify our connection to prevent these issues. And he only started dating them to get back at me more than anything.

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Why do you want someone to be in love with you who tried to get back at you by sleeping with other girls?
Why would he solidify a relationship that makes him mad and jealous?

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Why would anyone here want anything? Why does anyone here curse, hex anyone instead of just get over it? I feel like I can shift my reality the way I want. It’s a questionable connection but a connection I am (and he himself is) attached to anyways. It’s his own fault I ended up seeing other guys, he was too egotistical and pretending he didn’t care until he was basically almost crying in front of me about it. No one forced him to lie or be dishonest about his feelings towards me.


Fair enough. And I just realized its easy for me to look at this from the outside in and say whats best, but thats only easy because Im not in it and not feeling all the emotions and attachements you do.

Ive been in a similar situation and I reckon only pain lies ahead, which is why I dont want to embolden you on the path youre treading on.


This guy sounds like curse fodder and that it sucks to be him


Yeah this is a mess, and may be too damaged now to put al this baggage behind you. Trust has been lost and it’s almost impossible to get back.

You can try some techniques to force him, but if you don’t address the fear and insecurities, this will only get worse, and the magick is likely to drive him deeper into madness, until he becomes something you don’t even recognise and may not be safe any more. Attempting to override free will can have the effect of causing insanity though intense internal conflict.

So I would say, look up “how to implant thoughts in others”, but at the same time use road openers and healing to clear the problems.

This is a manifestation of fear. It’s possible he’s having childhood or past life trauma brought up and he feels unsafe. he will continue to resist as long as you appear to be detrimental and harmful to him, which you are right now. You can be sure he knows that.

From an external perspective, I hear a lot about what you want but it doesn’t really sounds like you care about him, you have said nothing about seeing it from his perspective… try seeing yourself through his eyes. If you were him why would you chase you? It sounds more like as soon as you get him you will lose interest, because what you actually want is validation, not him as a person for a life together. What do you want to do to be present for him?

That’s not very long, and it displays he in conflict. It’s no good forcing circumstances while inner conflict exists. You just end up with a timebomb waiting to go off.

There’s a name for this, it’s called “being on the rebound”… do the others kinda look like you too? It’s not a healthy thing and those relationships will not last.

Start being what he actually wants, be kind not antagonistic, calm his fears, be there to help him as he works through the traumas that lead to this. You want him to invest his time and energy into you, you want his attention and you don’t want to compete with other women: so you have to show him him know you’re worth that investment. …and I hate to say it, but by sleeping around you made it worse by showing him he was correct and you’re not worth it, as you wasted it.

Men see other men as a subtraction of their attraction to you, reducing you from “keeper” material to “sleeper”, meaning you become temporary only. He’s basically waiting you you until he gets over it, which he knows he will. No man wants to think about another man’s baby inside you, the inner animal doesn’t know about modern mores and contraception, it’s running on instinct, so that instantly devalues you.

I would say if you really want him, stop playing games that only exacerbate the reasons why he wouldn’t want you, and start acting like keeper material.

Check this out: it’s shows how amazingly differently men think from women, and might help fill some gaps on why he behaves as he does.


I understand where you are coming from but I actually do and did care about him. That’s the only reason why I put up with his crap all this time.

Plus when I was nice and loyal to him for so long and he started falling for me he just mistreated me and started being harsh to try to re-gain control of the situation by pretending to not care that much (then only admit to it weeks later). That’s not something normal and healthy people do. He started acting crazy and selfishly when he realised his feelings were coming up.

And that’s the only reason why I started being open to other men (him pretending to not care), plus I had other guys who wanted to seriously approach me. He was trying to play it cool and nonchalant even saying I should go marry them then. I wasn’t bringing it up but he kept obsessively asking me about the others then he lost his sh*t when I figured out I got more deeply involved like he told me I “should” do as a mind game weirdness. He even threw a condom at me once “in case I need it”.

But I wasn’t sleeping around, in fact he is the second guy I ever slept with. I was just open to seeing others since he was pretending he didn’t care and this was all casual to him. I was sleeping with him and we had great chemistry but he wanted to let his ego ruin it all. Also I still am deeply attached to him so I wouldn’t say I’m just malicious towards him.

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The only way to fix this is that trust be restored. Now in order for that to happen, one of you will have to choose to trust anyway despite the risk. It’s the only way to break the cycle. It isn’t easy, but healthy relationships don’t happen by accident, they are conscious choices to make sacrificial decisions in the face of easier decisions. If I was you, or him, I would address the other face to face, and simply say- I messed up, I want us to work, I will choose to trust you, and I will build myself into a person you can trust. Will you come with me?

It’s really the only thing to do. Let me tell you from dealing with others, magick, and especially demonic magick, will NOT repair a relationship. Even demonic magick cannot forcibly bend another’s will, it can only direct it down likely avenues that already exist in the persons mind, but it will NOT cut new channels of thought. It’s about manipulation, not about creative relationship building. That’s on US to accomplish. We need to cut channels through the terrain into the hearts of others and fill them with love. Then the demons may affect the ebb and flow of the waters of emotions in these channels, but it’s our job to “till the earth” of the heart, so to speak.

Magick is beautiful, amazing, mysterious and a romantic affair with nature- but it’s not a replacement for problem solving inter-personal dynamics.


Would just any one suffice or were you thinking about this one? It was the first one that came up when i looked up how to implant thoughts in others

Yes that’s the one! :slight_smile:

Behave how you want to be treated for a long while and if that doesn’t work sadly, find someone else

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