Amon would be fine, or you could do a cord cutting on the dude, or target the attachment he has as an entity in itself that needs to be dissolved.
This is the technique use for that - represent the relationship as a poppet and “kill it”. He’ll just wake up with a week or few and go “wft am I even doing here?” and move on. It’s subtle so it doesn’t cause stress in the house or to the people around him, he won’t go mad or act out.
The fundamental technique here is “sympathetic magick” also called low magick, this is feminine, emotional magick, you could consider it to be of the old ways. It’s freeform and not ceremonial, so there’s room to edit and make it yours.
First of all, lets put this in context:
This poppet spell was designed to kill the pain of a lustful attraction that was unable to be fulfilled, which could be seen astrally as cords between the lower energy centers of myself and the target, who was a former lover.
I fancied myself in love but knew I mostly just wanted to fuck his brains out when I’m honest.
I wanted to stop wanting him.
At the same time this also kills off his thinking about me, as, as we know having someone think about yo makes you thin of them, and that’s not what I want here. It’s a death spell for the entire relationship for both sides.
This relies mostly on nothing but yourself, your emotions, with a few simple tools and kitchen ingredients. The principle magickal ingredient is Amaranth flowers, of the variety “Love Lies Bleeding” which carries the energy of forgetfulness, ad that is what is being heavily leveraged in this spell. I bought some dried from etsy at the time, and since then I have grown it.
I got this info from Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs : a staple on the shelf any witch, imo.
Amaranth var Love Lies Bleeding:
What is “Sympathetic Magick”? … bit about that here:
So you are creating a link that doesn’t just rep…