How did you guys become a Pagan?

I just want to listen about you guys’ story!
Just how did you become a Pagan? How was your calling, and how did you find out that it was a calling? How are your relationship with entity/entities?


Born Hindu and I love my Gods but the belief system is changing and its not so appealing anymore. Especially since my family are devotees of Afro Man aka Satya Sai.

I was Pagan then Satanist then Hindu and now I just consider myself Indo European. Its cooler


The word “pagan” simply refers to holding religious beliefs other than those of the Big Three religions (aka Christianity, Islam, or Judaism).

I’ve never been the religious type so therefore I have never been pagan.


Technically was born Jewish but did not really have the religious upbringing. I was introduced to Catholicism from my grandmother (as my mother who was Jewish left) as well as folk magic. My father introduced me to Baptism after an unfortunate childhood event, where I attended a junior pastor training program. Left the church when I was 15 after another unfortunate event where I was sickened by my peers and explored Wiccan. Quickly found it was not for me, so I began branching out while I was in college into Mahayana Buddhism as well as Eastern Orthodox, Islam and Reformed Judaism due to the vast number of institutions around my college. Discovered the pagan community there are ran with Reconstructive Paganism (mainly focusing on the celtic) with the druid community for awhile. I was introduced to Kemetic Paganism by my future wife. Eventually ran with an Astrau group and studied under an Icelandic individual who introduced me seidir, galdar and icelandic folk magic (as well as some norweigan). now find myself practicing ceremonial magic, working with angels and demons.

To summarize, it has been a very long series of life changing events (some pleasant, some not).

As far as my relationship with the spirits i worked with, it has been a series of friendships and teachers as they have stepped forward with each system i have emerged with. But i have never kneeled to any of them in worship. That part of me died long ago. Pagan does not really describe me well as I am not really religious. I am just open to the idea that there are much bigger things than myself out there that I can learn from.


Pagan was originally used as a derogatory term for those of non-christian faith used to point out inferiority. I use to dip into various belief systems to learn about them, but I’m not part of any religious faith.

  • Christian upbringing, not strict but I even got confirmation or how do you say this
  • Satanism in high school
  • New Age, Eastern later (age 18-20)
  • 2 damn years in Catholic fellowship, Catholic rituals (age 20-22)
  • then again Satanism, New Age, Eastern, UFO up till today.

I know all this stuff. I have my own path and I take what I like from everything. But to be honest I never want to become Christian any more. However, some metaphysical questions still remain unanswered. These are the ones that defy logic. I may expand on this occassion given

By “New Age” I mean occultism in general.

But the question was what turned me into paganism. Sooo. The answer is - black and death metal music. Satan’s got the best tunes


I was raised catholic and then Protestant. But I saw the movie the craft and something made me feel there was some truth to it. I began my journey at 11 now I’m 32. I realized that originally even the abrahmic traditions where magickal and pagan. Later they purged all magic and left the carcas. So I’m more of a Monist and a polytheist. I seek unity and samadhi while doing magick with various Gods. I have made peace with Yeshua and even have him in my altar. Because I realized is not divinity that is wrong but people’s definition of divinity and their bigotry is what I hated not Divinity itself. I’m at peace and live a life I love. What more can I hope.

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too many unanswered Prayers.


Studying witchcraft and hunger for truth, higher wisdom, improving myself and things like that.

Even though brainwashed by christianity in my early years, no religions or dogmatic traditions did really appeal to me. I walk the LHP and find it so liberating; a long way ahead though!


My mother and I always had premonition dreams. I experienced telepathic events since I was very young and also noticed that when I said ‘I will have x… y…z’ outloud it always happened for me. I then became interested in Tarot and spells, followed by more and more interest into the occult and real witchcraft.

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Most of the people on here aren’t pagan.
They are witches, mages and sorcerers.

But we actually dislike any religious dogma here.




Um, I don’t consider myself pagan, but when I met an Odinist girl who calls herself pagan my interest in the occult increased 100% just for pure curiosity, yeah, cool times.


Who is ‘we’?


Technically i was 18 years old when i decided to become a pagan ive prayed a lot and like nothing happens, it even screwed up my life ive search for any sites for demonology thats when i started my journey

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  • and, just to make that clear,
    i also sometimes run into conflict with the forum rules.

As @Lady_Eva knows well.

We all look to prevent the forum from being hostile towards specific practitioners,
but the main background here is Black Magick / Left Hand Path.

That’s what " We" meant.




I have stepped away from the term “pagan”, but used it for many years. And it’s pretty straight forward. Born in a Christian household, and started analyzing the bible at a very young age, around 10 or so. Quickly realized that the literal approach to it that my parents and the church had didn’t match up with scientific reality. Yet I had had enough spiritual experiences in the forms of ghosts and hauntings to not dismiss religion altogether.


When I was very young, there was another girl a couple of years older than me in my village who was also being bullied all the time, but in her case it was other kids, and not her family.
I’ll never forget her beautiful eyes. I always had pains in my stomach when I’d see her walking home, as if they wouldn’t go away unless I came to know her.
So one day, I ran over to her, and we awkwardly started playing as kids often do when they first meet.
The part of the road we were on was somewhat gravelly, so I told her we should dig our way out through the rocks, down to hell because surely it’s not worse than here, haha.

Long story short, she brought me to her house and her entire family were practitioners.
I’ll never forget that feeling of discovery.
She showed me their family altar, and I knew what I was after that.
I wasn’t just another ‘worthless’ child dumped into an unfair game.
Sadly we parted ways a few years after when she discovered what I chose to do with what was revealed to me.

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Dm Me, mirinae.

I really don’t wish to post the full story here, But I do wish to share with you you seem genuinly interested so ill DM you my reply & leave it at that so you can just listen as requested.

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You have to make an introduction pl0x

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im horrable at intro’s just a head’s up but why not, Martious, been practicing for 20 year’s in many art’s of the hidden world to the point were they are all normal to me know although given the nature of it all I still get stuck on the basic’s sometime’s like we all do. Nothing shock’s me or scare’s me anymore but humanity’s capability for violence to its own kind. So I am much more comftable in the spirit world and generaly avoid people other than like minded individual’s, I hope to find some truley open mind’s here.

I may open up to people in time, I will see how the community is as a whole here in the next month or two :). Nice to meet everyone.

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