How did the dwarfs exactly make Mjolnir?

Here’s what I understand the dwarfs mixed there build and/or forging skills with powerful magical techniques
I would like to know how exactly the did it like when the built Thors hammer or even some weird things like Sif’s magic golden wig(whether it’s attached to here head now or not it’s still count as a wing at the start) because when I’m well experienced I would like to use similar techniques to make things like enchanted clothing or jeweler or maybe just tools for ritual and spellwork.

The Norse myths don’t say exactly how.

Unfortunately Norse paganism is what you call a “recontructionist” thing, they had an aural tradition and very little wad when, and the most that we have is what was written about them by other cultures, such as the Romans, who inserted their opinions and propaganda into the mix.

The info you want is not known, and we don’t know, but its likely, that the objects were not physical items and the gods not physical people, but it’s all we allegory and symbolism, not meant to be taken literally at face value.


Eh I’ll take what I can get

I am still a beginner after all

You might like to look into enchanting objects and making talismans then.
We have a collection for enchanting work somewhere.


Most of the written knowledge we have comes from Roman and/ or christian sources, indeed. It was costumary for most, if not all, germanic and celtic wisdom-keepers to keep their innermost secrets as oral teachings. If things were written down, it was probably mostly on surfaces that don’t stand the test of time very well.

Plus do take in mind that most pre-christian wisdom and a lot of christian wisdom as well, for that matter, is meant as allegories and symbolism. The average human mind was a lot less capable of abstract thought as it is nowadays. Hence the need for symbolic examples and packing teachings into stories. You’re not supposed to take them literal.