How can I stop my backfiring spell?

Hello people of BALG,
I did a spell and first it worked as intended, but now it starts to backfire. I am asking if there is a way to negate the spell, or just the backfiring part?
I’ve searched this forum but didn’t find anything that helped, maybe I didn’t phrase it correctly.
Thanks in advance

Can you describe what happened?

Well i am transitioning from male to female and I wanted to aid this process with Magick, so I did a spell with the aim to turn me into a woman. It worked well for some time. But now it turned into a hindrance to my transition bc my best guess is that it ‘thinks’ as long as I am in the process and waiting for my surgeries, i shouldn’t do girly stuff as I would be considered a man who is transitioning and not a woman, if that makes sense.

Try a hex break, like this one:


Well, you don’t need to cast spells for that, there’s enough atrazine in the tap water that was able to give male frogs wombs. And turn them into somewhat females.

And also going vegan, will lower your testosterone too…

So that’s something you can try. In the point in time, most men are becoming more like women because of their unawareness over these environmental hazards


Is there a way to do it without the help of spirits? I am trying to become self-reliant in that sense.

There’s always six ways to do everything, the trick is finding the hook that allows your mind to access the energy flows to affect them. It’s a matter of convincing yourself you can do it. You may have to get creative.

You could run the original ritual backwards, use cleansings, reiki, shamanic journeying. If this was me I’d probably use qigong meditations to look for the energy imbalances and even them out. You could also try the search feature of this forum and see if anyone posted a hex break that doesn’t involve third parties.

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