How can I start communicating with spirits?

So far my in my evocations, communication has really been one sided,
I would summon the spirit of my choise using sigils, and when I felt confident that the spirit is listening I would say my request.
When I felt an inner peace / calmness I knew the spirit has accepted my request and I would book it as a success,
But when anxiousness / uncertainty overtook me I knew something is not right.

I always wanted to communcate with spirits to a deeper level but I never even seen a spirit with my own psychic eyes, let alone hear it speak.

When I evoke I sometimes visualise a figure in front of me (in my psychic vision) representing the spirit but it really just feels like its my imagination playing

Can somebody guide me in the right direction?
What were your experiences when you really started to communicate with spirits?

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Same here - I don’t even have a proper visualisation - I keep asking for signs and also - I am not psychic or an empath. My senses are not open and I hear, see , feel nothing. Am just going by assumption after praying

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Lots of people will say lots of Bs but if you really wanna start get the Luciferian Goetia by Michael Ford. His works were, are and always will be ones of the best ever. Crowley high level


Thanks! I’ll look into that


You can try divination! Pendulum, tarot, runes… etc
It can give you a close answers from the spirit but not their exact wording.


It seems to me like your already achieving communication. Spirit communication is hardly ever anything you hear with your physical ears, remember they don’t have a physical body.

Stuff like feelings (as you already mentioned), images, thoughts that come to your mind, etc are the more common forms of communication. It’s subtle.

I will add that only rarely have I experienced more physical communication, much more common to receive the more subtle forms.

Of course if you use mediums like a black mirror, tarot, etc then the communication over time might become more physical, just not in the sense you movies portray it as.


This is fine, keep doing it, it exercises the right psychic muscles and will develop into Sight as you go.


spirits don’t communicate in words, its more akin to how you feel emotions as a empath but with images attached. often times for me its them gesturing in specific ways that “speak”. pay special attention to how they show themselves to you, often times their postures will convey their purpose. instead of visualizing i would suggest going into a space thats very dark, and simply do your ritual and look into the darkness.

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Hi - is there a way to tell the spirit ( angel/daemon) to communicate through someone else - as in another friend who is actually a psychic or an empath ?