How can I obtain money and fame from my music

Hi guys just joined today, my names chris

Im not necessarily familiar with Magic I know about it, but that’s about it

I’m currently unemplyed was working construction till work slowed down

I make music that I am extremely passionate about, I deal with depression and other mental illnesses as many of us do, which is where many of my songs stem from. I’ve had some success on some songs, but it always seems to die out about a month later.
I’m looking for a way to keep my success going higher and higher.

If you guys can provide me with any advice on how to obtain money and fame, Wether it be through a pact with an entity, or a ritual. I’m open to all suggestions as I am really serious about this. Thank you very much and have a good day <3


I provided you with a link to the proper place for introductions but instead you opened another thread :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m going to move this to the proper section, New Magicians and Introductions.

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Sorry man new to this :sweat_smile:

Don’t worry about it. I moved your post to the proper place so it’s all good. This counts as your intro.

It’s really cool not to be ridiculed by others. Everyone I talk to this about looks at me crazy, I’m glad I found this place :grin:


90% of all humans claim to be religious, but when you suggest that a psychic/spiritual force could aid a person who wants to be a more sucessful artist, they call you crazy. Welcome to the party pal.

If you write songs and poetry, you might have the skills to properly understand spiritual writing. The most twisted thing about magic is that it’s been right here in everyone’s face the entire time. When you catch a glimpse behind the veil you might want to tell people about it, starting with your friends and family. Don’t bother. Use art and poetry to express what you learn. Make a few friends in the occult and leave the muggles to their nonsense.


Use Amducious for music purpose ^~^ that’s your get to. The other for clearing the road is Belial and Paimon. But remember all the strength comes within. Good looking btw ^^


Find a couple different spirits to mentor you. Work with them. Then work your ass off. Maybe find a ritual or pact for something you really want but overall. WORK FOR IT. Magick will just guarantee it happens. But magick can only push what you do. Basically work like hell and find a good mentor. I suggest contacting Belzebub for starting a career in music. That’s what I did. I just need to take my own advice. ^^;


Thank you all for the comments and suggestions, I will be taking every single one into consideration you guys are the best :pray:t3:


I put some suggestions in this reply:


It will takes years of work and dedication. I gross over $15000 a month right now, but 2 years ago I made less than $2000. Do you want to know what happened? Magick, and lots of it! I applied the Hermetic principles, along with the lessons provided in Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I meditated daily; made pacts with dozens of spirits: gods, goddesses, demons, angels, and others; and I spent hours daily (and hundreds of hard earned dollars) learning the various systems of occult magick that are out there. I worked hard to change the way I think, to seize opportunities, to change my habits, and to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to get here. I’m not filthy rich, but goddammit I’m doing well and I have the lifestyle I used to think I never could. So, while we could all tell you to make a deal with Lucifuge (which you should btw) that simply won’t be enough. You’ll need to become the person you want to be, one day at a time.There will be setbacks and roadblocks. You will need to be relentless in your dedication to creating the life you desire. But I’ll leave you with this thought: If I can change my life by 750% in 2 years, what can be accomplished in 5, 10, or 20? Magick works, but in most cases it doesn’t work overnight.


1st thing- get rid if all the negative nasty entities/energies in your body mind. Even up to genetic level it has to cleansed.

2nd thing- bring in good desirable entities energies into your self. Including those associated with music, art.

( all the spirituality, occult practices can be summerized by this two principles)

3rd thing- work your ass off but not like a dumb bull. Use your mind too .


Thank you for your words of wisdom :pray:t3:

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Thank you as well :pray:t3:

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Mind sharing what spirits you are working with ?

make sure Anthony Fantano reviews it and gives it a strong 7 to a light 8


Belial, Lakshmi, all of the planetary Olympic spirits (especially Bethor of Jupiter), The Watchers, Odin, Freya, Tiamat, Thoth, Astarte, and my ancestors. These are the primary entities I work with consistently, but I branch out to pretty much any entity that has something to teach me. I have made financial pacts with Belial and Bethor, and pray to Lakshmi for prosperity. But more importantly I use multiple systems of magick that do not involve spirits, which I highly recommend. The spirits will help but you gotta learn to use your own power. I’m what many refer to as a chaos magician, meaning I draw from dozens of occult sciences, use what works, and scrap the rest.


Many people recommend Lucifuge Rofocale. I have made a pact with him, but it’s worth looking into. And I forgot to mention I work with Lucifer as well.