How can I mend my relationship with Lilith?

I made some stupid decisions regarding almost letting in a past lover (that she really disapproves of), and also dating someone else that might also not be good for me. I hadn’t connected to her in a while and when I tried to envoke her today she didn’t even want to appear to me. I used divinity to ask why and I got some indications that she thinks I’m being immature in relationships and that I’m not letting go of past (lovers) like I should.

Also, I think the Christian iconography that my mother recently brought at home bothers her. I asked her if I set boundaries with people in my life she’s willing to reconnect and I got a strong “no”. I don’t know whether she’ll even ever want to work with me again. I think she knows I know better than this. But I asked what she wants of me and it was indicated she’d like to see me do what I mentioned above (let go, stop making immature decisions and re-evaluate my emotional investments with people).

Aside from doing this, what else would you guys suggest? It’s the first time she refused to appear to me :confused: I’ve been working with her for months.

I’d say give it a few days and try again, in case an impostor ururped the connection intending to cause strife.

It doesn’t sound to me like you’ve done anything wrong to cause this much disruption to the relationship. Maybe Lilith is that pretty I don’t know as I don’t work with her, but it feels off and a bit too basic.


I’m worried it might be related to the icons and also me looking into practicing some kind of Christian magick lately (haven’t done anything as of yet, just researching David psalms and etc.), as well as trying to use Jesus Christ as grounding force regarding some of my health problems lately. I hoped she wouldn’t mind but I’m unsure if I just messed it up lol

I don’t think so. First of all those are nothing to do with you and she knows that. And I haven’t heard of her going “well if you talk to that entity I won’t talk to you”. The entities are usually above that high-school level mentality. It’s human to project on hem, but you can take that too far. They’re not human and they’re old, not high schoolers.

Bear in mind, that you fear of this can manifest it by itself without her being even involved. You could be creating this block yourself.


@Cyberpunk.Kitten It could possibly be your own guilt causing the blockage. Lilith is usually quite patient she knows that behavioural changes can relapse. So i think she maybe seeing if you will forgive yourself and also put your guilt and pride aside admit that she was right and that your willing to try again this time with more stricter boundaries.

Its more like show me rather than tell me. Once this starts happening she will restart guidance.


Thank you. I do sleep with her sigil underneath my pillow last few days and I’ve had interesting dreams that I’m almost fully certain came from her, as she was revealing some people’s intentions or possible outcomes with some people to me. So I was taken aback that she seemingly didn’t want to appear or connect to me today. But I’ve made decisions she warned me to not do. I’ll try to change what I’ve done and see if it improves

I’ve been working with Lilith for a very long time and one thing I can so is that she is very stern but also very fair. She’s not one to really give second chances if you really screw up, but if it was something she didn’t approve of but isn’t a grave mistake she is most likely trying to teach you a lesson. Be apologetic and if she feels your sincerity she will welcome you back. If you were completely abandoned, she would tell you. Ignoring you is most likely her form of discipline.

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