She most likely went “home”
Nice, that’s my plan after this life. I chose to come here, I rediscovered myself, but I plan to live out my days until natural causes then never come back lol, but I will observe.
Wow that’s trippy to see an ethereal body right before you.
When there are pacts and alliances established in this condition of being in the flesh, those ties remain inviolable after the process of disembodiment not by the will of the operator but by the interaction of the deity with which the agreement was signed, and there is no force whatsoever. I can violate her.
I wanna go back home too. No idea why I chose to come to earth. I don’t connect with much people.
I would probably reincarnate as a jinn. Or just stay in etheric realm forever resting and healing my energies from this horrible incarnation.
Not really we did it by etheric projecting to her, so it was normal.
I chose to purely for curiosity of something, in which case couldnt be experienced by just watching, but needed to be experienced.
Jinn exist within the etheric, most beings in the etheric are humans, everything under nonhuman, live there, families there, so on and so forth. It’s no different from here except it’s less “restricted” in the sense that energy is much free flowing, and one could seclude themselves if they wanted within an area or pocket realm, or join a civilization there.
Reincarnation isn’t limited to here, so technically reincarnating as a Jinn means you’d reincarnate where Jinn exist either the ones in the etheric or the ones within Jinnestan.
well it’s been 5 months so hopefully she’s not in the “dead” stage.
why a jinn? @anon84896414
Well it is like being a human except you have more power. Also, according to many people jinns are incarnated into physical form. They can materialize and dematerialize physical bodies at will.
Few questions, how are you able to etheric project to her?
and how do you know why you came here?
He has seen his akashic records.
etheric projection is a skill to learn. Many people say it is very hard. Many people say it is very easy.
Learned etheric projection some years ago.
Worked on my self, learned to read myself, learned to soul dive myself in which my “akashic records” are so I was able to view my past lives and my life between reincarnations and prior to ever reincarnating.
im gonna do some research on jihns. i just looked them up and it says they can even possess humans. interesting
I think most spirits can possess humans if the want. Jinns are known to possess humans though.
this is my first time hearing of akashic records, i’ll also look into that. thanks for sharing!
The time chronos or chronological or sequential time does not apply in that plane of existence what for us is 5 months for them is an indefinite time based on logistic calculations, time is measured by the evolution that has in that new dimension, as that evolve their energy is quantified that simple
will definitely look into that.