How can I contact King Belial differently?

I’ve been making some serious progress in meditation lately and I’m starting to sort things out in my life. I think it’s because of King Belial. Because since I opened the sigil of King Belial, many changes have occurred in my life.

Even though I’m not advanced enough to talk to a Demon, I would like to ask King Belial how I can move forward faster in my current state, and I would like to ask if he is satisfied with my current situation. I sleep with a sigil to make it come to my dreams, but I couldn’t get any results. How can I reach him in different ways? Or can someone who works with King Belial ask this for me?

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Have you seen the sigil tutorial? That’s a good next step…

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In the past, I made my first sigil practice thanks to this tutorial. Frankly I completely forgot about this tutorial. I will continue with this! thx u

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Isn’t it fun when you come full circle like that? The sees planted then are growing now. I guess it was meant to be. :smiley:


Check out the book Goetia Pathworking by Corwin Hargrove.


Ouija board, tarot

I don’t trust the Ouija Board. I prefer the Pendulum instead but my pendulum is broken lol

I am not skilled at tarot.

You can make one yourself :slightly_smiling_face: