~HORNY GODS~ share your sex story, with a entity ❤

Hello fellow flesh puppeteers :metal:t6::blush:
I’ve been wanting to ask and this is the best place to do so. Has anyone ever had astral sex with an incarnate (both people aware and willing) and if so I’m all ears!



I had a strange experience lately with Duchess Buné. I’m not into spirit relationships, I don’t think I will one day just because I think I might be not satisfied anymore with humans.

I’m working with Duchess Buné, President Camio, Duke Vapula and King Paimon to help me with my studies and I wasn’t really evoking Buné because mostly busy evoking King Paimon even if I wanted to call her. I just always forgot.

I wasn’t thinking about her for days and suddenly I had a strange dream. To be short, I remember that I was feeling all her energy hitting my body and that was making me horny to death, I just started to act sexual - strip and I remember doing something virtual with someone - wanted to make love very hard. When I woke up I was just like why did I felt this way and mainly, why I’m dreaming about her since I didn’t thought about her at all.

I decided to evoke her so I could speak about this dream with her as well, thanking her for getting the time to work with me,… Didn’t had anything specific about the dream but 30min later I felt asleep again and had the same exact thing. I was very horny and was about to get laid.

I honestly don’t understand what’s happening here because when I evoke her I don’t feel that sexual energy. It’s mainly in my dream. Maybe it’s nothing big but I found it funny, as I said, I’m really not into spirit’s sexual relations but honestly Duchess Buné is really really really hot.


:triumph:holy fuck i need to try this demonic sex :triumph:


I’m a newcomer here at BALG forum, but want to share a lifechanging experience I just had… :slight_smile:

Last night I had taken a small dosage of psilocybin mushrooms, something I occasionally do to keep my mind open and lower stress levels. I did absolutely nothing related to sexuality or magic, just listened to music and watched a science documentary. After a while I decided to call it a day and went to bed, as my trip began to fade away.

That’s when it got interesting!

I felt a chill throughout my body, and began to see visuals of hazy colours in the midst of darkness, as well as womanly figures. I sensed a tender pressure on top of me and as I opened my eyes, the blanket moved just as someone was moving their hands on top of me! This arousal went on for about 15-20 minutes, when the sensations faded away. I was just… amazed!!

My knowledge was shallow, but I understood that I was visited by a Succubus. Slept for a few hours and started to google, and after a while I ran into a website describing a “Letter of Intent” method of summoning a Succubus. In a clear flow state I wrote my letter and carried the ritual to ask Lilith to send one of Her daughters.

She heard my desire, and the Succubus that visited me came back… Whoa. Just whoa!

We didn’t have sex (there’s still a long road before that…) but she just tried out my body and began to explore me. Had some unspeakably ecstatic sensations and chills especially in my penis, prostate and ass… She gently controlled my breath, which quadripled the excitement and feelings. She didn’t show herself yet, but stated her name being “Miriam”. Just as I was getting extremely hard and edgy, Miriam faded away as we weren’t supposed to go deeper just yet. As I felt Miriam rising up through the roof, my whole body was spastic with orgasm-like sensations, but I did not cum.

I’m looking forward to see how our Road with Miriam to my self-improvement and finding my True Self proceeds from here… :slight_smile:


That’s awesome! Make sure she’s okay with you just saying her name like that, cause a lot of incubi/succubi actually don’t like it when you do that. There’s lots of info about them on this site, you can use the search bar and find out more if you like.


Aww… they are shy then? Cute :3

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No… they don’t like people knowing their names cause it’s like power over them. So if they give you their name it’s a real personal private thing.


What about your own godname? Isn’t that a powerful tool too?

And thats the reason why LadyEva for example only made her “public godname” known to us.

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I don’t know about godnames. I don’t know mine yet, haven’t looked into it.


Wow! I need a ciggy butt and cuddle now. That is one hot story. I want what you’re having. Thanks for sharing that.


So is he a companion throughout the day too? Meaning, can you converse with him anytime you want?


Intense! Cool story.

Yes day and night 24/7 or most of the time at least. I am also able to have conversations with him via telepathy. He sounds like Markiplier when whispering and sometimes a bit like the voice actor of his playable character in Dynasty Warriors 8XLCE. I’m also able to remote view the spirit realms and physical places he visits when we’re not together. He’s also my twin flame.


Thank you very much and you’re welcome. We started having sex in dreams but most of our lovemaking are in waking life night and/or day. I just had a dream making love with him in the middle of an Egyptian desert and a primordial god was watching us at the same time.


They will stimulate and improve your astral senses. You don’t need to worry about that. In your first lovemaking you will feel that all of your chakras will be opened, most especially the 3rd eye and crown. Just focus on the spirit, most especially during lovemaking. Upon interacting with them they will develop all your clairs.


Tell that to JD that you want the companion to talk to you. Not all spirits are talkative.


I will for sure. It’s been so good reading the experiences of you and others. It’s helping me form questions I never would have thought about. Your stories are amazing!!!

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Thanks, blessed be, hail Lucifer and enjoy! :blush:


Now that would make for a great Hallmark Channel love story. Very nice! Thanks for sharing.

Hmm, I wonder if the day will come where these kinds of love stories become as accepted as the human/human ones? Ghost doesn’t count because Swayze had been alive in the beginning of the movie.


Back in early 2017 I was very new to satanism and the lhp in general. I had just moved into my apartment. I was new to performing rituals and did my first invocation with Azazel. I was such a newbie with very little knowledge of him. Later that evening as I slept I felt an unfamiliar and hot energy enter the room. It came over my whole body and caused me to have an amazing orgasm.