~HORNY GODS~ share your sex story, with a entity ❤

Well is the entity interacting with you through the dream?

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i do think so

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Then go ahead

Can’t tell if it was a succubus experience or not but

Last month I was laying in my schools bathroom(we as the seniors get a private bathroom-no stalls no nothing) and I laid there just simply resting and I felt someone begin to send energy to my dick and I just laid there and eventually someone had mounted me and started to ride me and I was overwhelmed with pleasure but they left as soon as they “came” pun intended


Same here, I’m an empath too. For a very long time I could only feel the spirits’ emotions when working with them. Hate large groups. I have to block so tight that I barely feel my own feelings. Lilith has given me the most beautiful encounters, I have yet to play with a male entity.
I guess since I have dick at home in muggle life, I’m much more drawn to feminine energy. But damn, that Goddess is hot. And rather sweet at times. :smirk:


I do when there’s more than just sex and sleeping involved. Often I just feel wrapped up in Lilith’s wings and fall asleep. In that case no. If she talks, yes always. She always has some message. Takes a while to figure it out sometimes and she likes making fun of me when I don’t understand in the time she thinks I should. :joy:


How do you make your room more accommodating

I’ve been trying to get a hold of Lucifer. These spirits ain’t loyal" - Chris brown



Shit. @Sophia444
I still have low libido for years i bought a pretty good toy few months ago and some fun clothes (on afterpay :wink:) i have vampire bra waspi vesti hehe but uhh… apart from a friend who i shot photos & selfies but thats (hapily) platonic.
When my first child (she is 20 yrs old) was about 1 and I was back to being an 8/10 -Australian clothing standard
I bought lingerie to flaunt for my then partner. He laughed. I nev did it again.
Im 46 now (im not overweight)
Only in the last 7 mths hav i indulged in nice things for myself. I know that I still have blockages. … i guess im still a little nervous about sex have little enjoyment from it
I don’t even know how to ask for help


How do you do that

Can you share the spell and pm me

The member you are replying to hasn’t posted since last year so the chances are high he will not reply to you.

So do you experience this in your head ? Or are you actually seeing this. I’m just curious because I feel like a god/angel/demon or what ever they may be have been trying to get into co tact with me sexually, in my dreams. They’re VERY persistent too, but in my dream I keep meaning to ask them who they are, or I do and just forget. I’m not sure if this is my imagination but it’s been happening for a couple nights in a row now…


It can get physical or you can get pulled out of the body and it can be astrally.

they are able to manifest a physical body.
I heard people mention raped by negative entities where they were left bleeding and needed stitches.

for succubus I heard the story of a wife where she once woke up and she saw her husband penis moving around and the shaft moving up and down like he was having sex with an invisible being.

I myself I had experienced two years ago it started with sex in the dream then I woke up and the session was still going on it felt very physical I freaked out and it just stopped


I feel it, but I’m seeing the specific appearances mentally.

I heard people mention raped by negative entities where they were left bleeding and needed stitches.

Yes, I can agree with it. I had these kind of experiences before. Bleeding, pain, and scratches by Them.

Some older ones (3 different)

I hope I can enjoy some kind of experiences physycally
in the future with my beloved Gods, one day. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::wine_glass:


Those are from negative energy? They must have been strong ones if they are old the marks.

I dont wana know how they look like fresh :fearful:

Never been scratched but I heard it hurts a lot. I been pulled out of bed and suffocated by having something sit on my chest.


Did it feel negative being?

This is a question that I will always ask.

Why can this negative beings manifest so easily? a while the ancient gods may require a evocation. :thinking:


Not quite actually. Even though I was freaked out I didn’t feel any negative vibes when I woke up. Just had got me thinking of not a demon or god, could it be possible that it were another human trying to reach out to me sexually ?