Holy Guardian Angel

Can someone’s HGA heals him/her from cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure so he/she no longer needs medical treatments from doctors for the rest of his/her life?

No. there are sometimes certain things you may need to go through in life. Your HGA isn’t going to make your life problem free.

So what is the ultimate purpose of this being, what it can do for the individual who attained K&CHGA?

It functions primarily as a guide and protector, and it juices your magick, making it more effective.

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Healing is however possible. Look into functional medicine and fasting for healing. Ask and allow your higher self to synchronistically guide you to the right resources and information to heal. Your body is trying to heal itself all the time, you have to know how to get out of it’s way.

Here is one example of a healing story and why it worked, sorry about the clickbait titles, it’s only side related. I saw this yesterday and I think this is an example of the synchronicity I just mentioned. BALG itself brings me resources so I can pass them on (I knew all this already I didn’t need it) and your own HGA can do the same. “Ask and you shall receive.” Put the question to the universe.