Hidden Names of Gensis Journal

Name One Day Two

The need for the physical presence of fire was strong, so I lit a tobacco amber candle I bought recently for it. I performed the ritual the same as yesterday: rewrote the Hebrew on my palm, visualize fire stemming from my chest through my throat, blew it onto the letters and chanted the name, opening myself to the All. The energy was emense and a bit overwhelm, causing dizziness. At one point of the ritual, i held the palm over the candle and saw the Hebrew being “burned” into my palm, marking my being with it.

Normally, this not something wise to do but I was following my instincts with this. Still feeling a bit dizzy, although it has settled since I ground myself. I will be laying down here soon to get some sleep.


Name One Day Two Observations

No dream today, but i did have an intense visual come to mind upon waking up. I was standing in front of a gate, armed with the same bow, facing an army coming forward. I drew the bow and fired the arrow. That arrow multiplied enough to create a black cloud of projectiles that struck down the army, leaving only one unarmed individual. As he walked over the bodies towards the gate, i drew my bow again, taking aim. Something felt off, so I lowered my bow and stood aside, allowing the individual to pass. I then sat in a chair, waiting for the next army.

As far as how I am feeling today, my mind is clear and my body is pretty well rested. I decided to test my mind by watching things that normally gets my blood boiling. It was not able to sway me into that state. I am too grounded apparently.


Name One Day Three

I slipped into a meditative state upon looking at the Hebrew letters on the screen if my tablet as I was going to write them down on something else. As I chanted the name, I was “sucked” into it and was struck with the imagery of standing before the same gate as before. It opened to me, filling my sight with a white brilliance. There were streaks of different shades of white, forming a midt like quality. I walked into it, finding myself in a chamber. I walked by piles of gold and stacks of books, both meaning nothing to me. I passed by maps and aphrodisiacs, again meaning nothing to me. I walked up to a pedestal that held a bow, made of a beautiful white wood. I took it in my hands. I felt warm upon doing so, with the sensation of touching drift wood in my hands.

Doing this felt more like making a choice, as opposed to having it provided to me. The sense of feeling mutliple heart beats also was felt in my hands during this, as well as a weight on my shoulders. The visual ended with me walking out, and the gate closing.

Bows have been a theme so far, which is a bit odd as weapons popping up in visuals have so far been ones I have actually handled before. I have yet to used a bow as of yet. I will have to explore the symbolism and actually handle on physically eventually.

Feeling a bit lighter than I was prior to the experience.


Observations of Day Three

There is a sense of removal from viewing myself as “one of many”(?). While i am not completely removed from identifying as “human”, there is a shift in mind set towards being something else. I looking at things in terms of the long game and each action, whether mundane or magical, is a part of the game. Every triumph and failure is just a turning of the tide in the game. Neither last forever and ultimately make the game more interesting.

I am rambling at this point. Overall observations, I am viewing things beyond the limitations I previously set for myself while not completely alienating myself from this existence.


Name One Day Four

Simply meditated as I glanced at the Hebrew and chanted the name today. No detailed visuals this time, just a brief image of a bright light. The energy was intense, wrapping over me and radiating. I kept in this state for awhile, and found all my cats crowding around me upon coming out of it and my wife falling asleep. Apparently, despite all the previous imagery of violence, it is still a calming energy i am dealing with.


Name One Day 5

I decided to try using this name in combination with my work with the 42 Letter Name today. The connection to the “All” did intensify that work, feeding each part of that ritual. More on the exact ritual can be found here:


Name One Day Five Observations

Felt pretty good over the course of the night. I was not too worried about the chaos around me, but facing each challenge with a cheerful heart. I contribute that to this name, as the parts of the other working did not really affect my mood to this degree. I was interacting with this plane without getting too hung up about it. A pretty liberating experience in a way.


Name One Day Six

I wrote down the first name and acrivated it using my breath, giving it life. I visualized pulling the name into the air in front of me and chanted it, focusing it growing brighter with each repetition. When i felt the energy was atits climax, i pulled it to my chest, visualizing it fusing with my heart. I focused on my question in regards of the nature of the All and the Adversary current.

The imagery of two suns came to mind, spinning as each pull back and forth from eachother. As they spun, threads connected between the two, far more than I can count. Many pathways from one extreme to another, interweaving into eachother to create a pattern. I took the bow and shot an arrow with another thread, my thread, watching weave and twist between the others. From there, I began to walk down that twisted path. The thought “how interesting it is to play a role in the world of gods and men” before the imagery ended.

A side note, I felt an urge to listen to poetry and noticed a disgust with my smokes and coffee afterwards. Interesting.


Name One Day Seven

For this final ritual, I used this part of the Name as part of the preparation process for a evocation, which I will link below. This time, I did not write the Hebrew but just chanted it instead. It was just as effective and I was able to channel that energy through me into the ritual. The result was that the evocation was clear and did not take as much energy from me as it normally does, as I had an alternative source of energy to provide. Overall, this name seems to be as good as Baal Kadmon claims for establishing a connection to the energy flowing around the individual (“the All”, “the Source”, whatever). This is helpful to exercise one’s will as well as achieve gnosis.

The second name will focus on the physical


Name Two Day One

The second name is credited by the author of the book to focus mainly on the physical body. Originally, I was going to do this before working out. However, work was physically demanding today, so I am altering my intention to recovery. I began by writing the name in Hebrew on my left palm. After, I chanted the name (Ra-Nar) to allow myself to slip into trance. As I did, specific points of my body that were sore became more noticably so. It was not enough to be distracting but enough to be aware of it. I “saw” the letters begin to glow a bluish light and ribbons of it emerge from the letters, wrapping around those affected areas of the body. I stated my intention of my body recovering faster and well as I felt the ribbons sink into me. I felt a lingering buzz as I came out of the trance, but nothing overbearing. I feel like i am wearing various bracers on my body.


Name Two Day One Observations

Not feeling too bad after sleeping. A little stiff and sore but no where near what I usually am after days like that. It is not like it magically went away and likely something that would need to be repeated for more serious injuries. However, not a bad first go around.


Name Two Day Two Ritual

This time I spent a moment to still myself. I focused on my breathing and allow my mind to slip as i drew the Hebrew in the air, visualizing fire coming from my right index finger to draw the Hebrew letters. I took a moment to truly “see” them before pronouncing the name, visualizing my breath adding power to them. I focused my intention on my body generally improving in health and pushed it into the name. When it felt maxed, I allowed it to sink into my chest. The brief imagery of my heart being set ablaze and the flames traveling throughout my body through the veins. I ended the ritual and ground the extra energy buzzing throughout my body. Still am a bit dizzy but generally feeling well.


Name Two Day Three Ritual

I repeated the same ritual as yesterday with the intention of improving my body’s well being. The energy built gradually this time and, while the buzz is still present, it is not overbearing. It actually feels wrapped around me and, while I was planning on having a sweet treat before bed, the idea of it actually kind of disgusts me. We will just ride this out and see how it goes


Name One Day Three Observations

Well, waking up did not take as long as it usually does. I did have to dump out my coffee and drink it with just milk as it was too sweet. I also found a distaste to my cigarettes as well. Thinking about doing a bit of exercise before work as well. So, this word seems to inspire urges for healthy choices as well as helping to heal the body. It is subtle, so those choices still require commitment, but there is potential with this.


Name One Day Four Ritual

So I repeated the same ritual as Day Three, only with the intention of making my body stronger. I have gotten lazy with my work outs since the start of the pandemic here in the US and decided it was time to get back into it with some push ups. I took a few breaths before starting and focused on the image of a flame in my chest. I began the push ups (just standard this time, not the hand stand ones i used to do) and focused on my breathing as the flame grew. I recited the name as I went through the exercise, watching it burn in intensity as my arms did. I allow myself to draw strength as I continued, pushing through the pain. When I reached my limit, I pushed one more and released the energy as I finalized my intention to get stronger. Kinda wise I knew about this before hand, as I want to go back at it again after drinking some water, which has been a craving for me lately more than anything else.


Name Two Day Five Ritual

For today, I began by visualizing the First Name of HNG written and chanting it. As I watched it begin to glow in intensity, I filled in my intention of strengthening my spirit and empowering the second name. I formed a sphere with the energy a little taller than my own body to my left, allowing it to rest beside me. I shifted my focus to the second name, repeating the same process with the focus of strengthening my body as well as balancing the first, having that sphere rest to my right. I visualized them coming together, engulfing me as I opened myself to the power of both in unison as it formed one sphere, a strengthening the bond between my body and my spirit. Feeling at peace with myself, I did my set of push ups, pushing myself to go one more than i did yesterday. A small process, but one I will continue to do in order to get back into shape, along with other exercises and lifestyle choices of course.


Name two Day Six Ritual

Same ritual as last time, focusing on combining the first and second name. My intention was to solidify the bond between my body and spirit, strengthening both through the process. There actually is a name for this technique, which is called Yichumid. It involves visuakizing and speaking two hebrew names (usually an angel and godname, but there are examples outside of just those two) to empower both in order to have them combine to take advantage of the energy released when you speak both at once. It is a Kabbalah technique, as it is believed that the combined name has an effect not only on the mind but on the soul as well. It is something I am experimenting with.

As for this ritual, the process seemed to empower my other working with the 42 letter name as I am quite relaxed at the moment. I feel grounded and stable, but also that it is okay for me to relax. I think Yichudim will become a theme as this working progresses.


Name Two Day Seven

Used the Yichumid method to combine the first two names again via visualization with the same intention. Not as intense as the last few times, seems i am starting to get used to it. Feeling very grounded afterwards with a slight “floating” sensation. I am noticing more how exactly my body reacts to sound, whether via music or discussion. I am bit more selective with what I listen to or participate in. My wife also noted how I have been looking healthier with my recent workings than others, so I will have to make notes on how the physical and spiritual effect each other.


Name Two Overview

Okay, so I am finding this working is similiar to the 42 Letter Name of God one. The first name is kind of the powerhouse, much like the first name in the 42 letter name, where the second name is a bit more subtle. However, this part is good for kicking your physical body into drive, whether we are talking healing, breaking habits (as my sugar intake has sharply decreased) and getting it motivated for tasks like working out. It became far less subtle once I combined it with the first nams using the Yichumid method, as my awareness on the things I need to improve on physically to balance both my spirit and body are a little obvious. I will likely have to dive deeper into this in a future working.

The next name will focus more on the mental.


Working update

Okay, so I have decided I am going to change the structure of how exactly I am going to approach this, which will effect how I record this. I think it is a little obvious to note that I have been a little inconsistent with this working so far, as I have found undergoing more than one major working at a time a little difficult to say the least. However, with this change and the other working coming to an end, I am hoping this change will provide a shift in the quality of this journal.

So, for now on, I will be performing the remaining four days for eight days each. Within those eight day periods, the first three days will be devoted just to the one day alone. The following three days will be focused on combining that name with the first, using the Yichumid method. The final two days will focus on combining all the names i have worked with up to that time, either with the Yichumid method or by crafting a symbol (depends on where I am at with the other working at the time as I plan on some extra content after the final ritual, so we shall see). Hopefully, that will make things more organized and with the end of one working, I will shift this into the evening when I am more awake to see any unpredicted effects.