Hi! introduction :)

hi! my name is trinity and i have only been into all of this for about 8 months and have experienced about this much; i can do tarot extremely well along with pendulum work, meditations, including those to astral plane seems to come easily to me, i have a twin flame (confirmed with divination many times but still open to the possibility they may not be!) thats physically present in my life (it is platonic and we are currently in separation), i recently have had lady Artemis reach out to me (super cool), and have done a total of three spells with barely any research (idiot move on my part, i know) - one being a manifestation one that worked surprisingly within a day, another being a protection spell, and lastly, one being a RETURN TO SENDER spell (literally so dumb) that promptly backfired a little bit on me which i totally understand why now. I have chosen to pull away from all that for now until further research since all of this was due to the misinformation i saw all over tiktok haha. You can basically consider me a total beginner now since I now have realized basically everything I thought I knew was all wrong. Any resources or topics to start on or any helpful tips are MUCH appreciated! Thank you!


Congrats on your success and welcome to the forum. :smiley:

I’m sending you a Welcome PM in just a minute that will have a bunch of info to help you get oriented :slight_smile: :+1:

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Thank you! :slight_smile: :grin:

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Hi Trinity, welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here :wave:t5:

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Welcome to the forum!

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Welcome to the forum. The fact that you’ve made mistakes means you’re actively practicing, so good for you.


Welcome to the forum

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Trying my best out here! I always appreciate it when something kicks me in the @ss, means im learning !

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