Hi im new here LBRP

Hi im Pinduin i have Some experience in wicca magic. I am interestet in more magick. For Example i just startet the Lesser banishing Ritual of the pentagram.Maybe Somebody can Share his experience with the LBRP? Pinduin,Germany

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Well, I did analysis of the ritual couple of days ago, check it out if you would like

And this is not good enough for an introduction, tell us how long have you been practicing for the start.


It was my first magick I did as an 11 year old baby witch :smile:

Welcome @Pinduin

How long have you practiced?

Hello Pinduin, welcome to the forum :wave:t5:

About 2-3 years

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Go deeper we want to know more. :sunglasses: We’re a knowing sort of community.

Yeah I was just about to recommend your excellent breakdown of the LBRP.

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Welcome :blush:

You’re from Germany? Welcome

Yes South Germany Lake Constance/Bodensee

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