should i start looking right now for one?
i need to look for some wooden one? any requirements?
You’ll probably need a knife with a black handle
Eric said we use the athame on disobedient spirits is this true? can you explain?
and what about the wand?
EA told it represents the element of fire\air
and is it have to be the length of my arm like he told in the video?
or maybe i only get the dagger,censer,incense?
I also said that you can perform the most complex rituals without any tools at all.
ok so i wont bother about it for now!
Like necromaster was saying, though in a different way - the knife is interchangeable with the wand, they both serve the same ritual purpose. As a bonus, you can cut things with your knife.
I got a couple daggers and wands that have interesting things attached to them. Not really nessecery, but it can certainly help.
I like the thought that having ritual tools frees your mind up for other tasks - the tool is a symbol of its purpose, like pre-focusing your will. If you have the tool already, you don’t have to think about what it does, because your body already knows.
Honestly, in the Mastering Evocation Course, I’m going to teach you how to perform evocations using only two or three implements at most.
I don’t see why you would need anything further than an altar, dagger, chalice and candles …, and these are the only ones you’ll always have a use for, even though you don’t need any tools in principle (e.g. at the very least for mundane uses e.g. dagger for cutting, a chalice for pouring libations etc.).
And possibly an incense censer, some coals, and some good resin.
i got my wand from a big old tree at a plantation property in south carolina. i wanted them african slave spirits on my wand. the next day i got home i had a dream with an african man who was so intent on wanting to help me. i was like wow! one of those slaves hitched a ride on my wand and came with me!! so kewl!
Hahaha word?! That’s sick, have you been able to work with him? I can imagine there might be some potential for so crazy shit with a spirit like that
Hahaha word?! That’s sick, have you been able to work with him? I can imagine there might be some potential for so crazy shit with a spirit like that[/quote]
it was in front of the plantation house and everything. right next to the slave quarters. when i walked the property outside i could feel the ancestors around me. i was calling out to them. i was connecting with them and their feelings. i was seeing the past and what they went through. so i was not surprised when i had the dream and realized one of them hitched a ride. the spirit is very helpful and i have used the wand and called out to him and his ancestors and mine.
Hahaha word?! That’s sick, have you been able to work with him? I can imagine there might be some potential for so crazy shit with a spirit like that[/quote]
it was in front of the plantation house and everything. right next to the slave quarters. when i walked the property outside i could feel the ancestors around me. i was calling out to them. i was connecting with them and their feelings. i was seeing the past and what they went through. so i was not surprised when i had the dream and realized one of them hitched a ride. the spirit is very helpful and i have used the wand and called out to him and his ancestors and mine.[/quote]
Man, that’s hot. The closest thing I got to this is a few female spirits helping me open up my chakras, no humans though. Well, actually there is 1 human…
I believe EA also mentioned that (and I’m paraphrasing) hardly any implements were used by the Shamans in a lot of the Afro-derived systems too. IMHO, that is TRUE power!!! Sitting there with just a knuckle bone and your intention.
sometimes one just feels like using a wand or a tool…nothing wrong with having one handy whenever you feel like using one!
Especially when it has an old spirit like your wand does. I still can’t get over how cool that sounds, and the history that comes with a human spirit like that
That’s very nice work there my friend. I recognized the influence of the Golden Dawn straight away as it’s a wonderful system. I love the Fire Wand and there’s nothing wrong with showing your thanks to mother nature in relation to the Wand, it shows you have respect for our natural world ! Even if you are doing works of darkness, respect must be paid.