Hey, should i get a wand for the mastering evocation course?

yeah I made a pentacle, my pianting skills are ghetto though, right now the pentacle is used as a component in my shield generator.

Pictures would be awesome bro :grin:

There is a reason why we use a pentagram, wand, goblet and athame.
If I have understand this correctly the wand is fire, power and a fallos (phallic?) symbol.
Athame is air and the destroyer of illusions.
Goblet is water, the quim of the woman and also the portal till the other Side.
The pentagram is earth.
The Four elements symbolises creation.

Sorry for bad English I’m using words here that I have never used before in English, Google translate is helping me out here.

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Right now I’m looking for a perfect goblet and I’m going out in the woods to find my own wand tonight.

In general, about the so called magical weapons: a contemporary author proposes two types of High Magic: orthodox and modern/scientific. He reinterpreted, amongst other “things”, the wand. It may be either wooden (and so far nothing new) or a plastick stick with a copper wire as its core, and 2 small lead plates at the ends.

This is an old thread. The evocation course doesn’t require a wand.

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